/ Library

Faculty Study Carrels

There are 8 private faculty study carrels located on the lower level and 3rd floor of Van Wylen Library.

Study carrels are not intended to be a second office, but rather a place to find sanctuary to conduct private research, complete a book, write an article or use during sabbatical leave. Faculty carrels can also be used for collaborative faculty-student research.

Faculty carrel assignments are made by the library twice a year: January through June and July through December. To request a carrel, please fill out the .

Guidelines for using study carrels

  • Telephone and computer connections should be arranged with CIT. Because faculty study carrels are on “quiet floors,” phone ringer volume should be set as low as possible and phones should be forwarded to the department when the faculty member is absent.
  • If books are taken into a study, they should first be checked out at the Circulation Desk. Journals, reference books and other non-circulating materials should be returned to a re-shelving truck at the end of each day. The library maintains the right to enter faculty studies and remove reference books, journals and other library material that does not circulate or is not checked out.
  • Snacks and beverages in covered containers are allowed in faculty carrels, but aromatic food should be limited to the Cup & Chaucer area of the library. 鶹ý policy prohibits use of tobacco in any form inside the building, including cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Chewing tobacco is also banned in the library.

Keys to the carrels are obtained from the library office manager in the office of the director of libraries, located on the library’s second floor.