Account Listing
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- 5000Revenue
Account Title 5799 Other Revenue For other revenue accounts, please reach out to Business Services.
- 6000Payroll Expenses
6100 — Faculty
Account Title 6110 Faculty - FT 6111 Faculty - PT (Adjunct) 6115 Stipend - Faculty (Over and Aboves to Faculty) 6120 — Administrative/Salaried Staff
Account Title 6130 Exempt - FT (FTE of 0.75 or greater) 6131 Exempt - PT (FTE of 0.74 or less) 6135 Stipend - Exempt (Over and Aboves to Salaried Staff) 6150 — Hourly Staff
Account Title 6160 Nonexempt - FT (FTE of 0.75 or greater) 6161 Nonexempt - PT (FTE of 0.74 or less) 6165 Stipend - Nonexempt (Over and Aboves to Hourly Staff) 6180 — Student Employees
Account Title 6190 Student Wages 6191 Student Wages - Work Awarded 6195 Student - RA Housing 6200 — Fringe Benefits
Account Title 6210 FICA 6211 MQFE 6212 Worker's Comp 6214 Health Insurance - Employer 6216 Health Insurance - Retiree/Other 6220 Life Insurance 6221 Disability Insurance 6223 Retirement / 403(b) 6225 Tuition Waivers 6226 Unemployment 6228 Actor's Equity - 7000Operating Expenses
7000 — Operating Expenses
Account Title 7100 Travel/Hospitality/Entertainment 7110 Travel College Business 7115 Travel for/and Professional Dev 7120 Travel Students 7125 Travel Athletics 7126 Athletic Game Day Entry Fee 7127 International Travel 7130 Travel Visitors 7131 Travel Counselors 7135 Retreats 7140 Recruiting 7150 Hospitality 7160 Entertainment 7200 — Food Expenses
Account Title 7205 External Food Purchase 7210 Internal Food Purchase - CDS 7215 Game Day Food - Athletics 7300 — General Supplies
Account Title 7301 External Supplies 7302 Internal Supplies 7303 Ticket Office Supplies 7304 Stage Management Supplies 7305 Concessions Supplies 7306 Lighting Supplies 7307 Costume Supplies 7308 Scenery Supplies 7309 Sound and Video Supplies 7310 Props Supplies 7311 Custodial Supplies 7312 Software Purchases Supplies 7313 Clinics Supplies 7314 Safety Supplies 7315 Health Supplies 7316 Water Treatment Chemicals 7317 Athletics Game Day Supplies 7318 Athletics Supply Reimbursement 7319 Campus Care & Ground Materials 7320 Books 7321 Document Delivery 7322 Periodicals 7323 Electronic Resources 7324 Inventory Purchases / COGS 7400 — Utilities
Account Title 7410 Telephone 7420 Cell Phones 7430 Internet 7440 Cable/Streaming Services 7450 Electricity 7460 Water Service 7470 Sewer Service 7480 Gas/Heat 7600 — Buildings and Equipment
Account Title 7605 Building Repairs 7610 Building Renovations/Improvements 7615 Property Taxes 7620 Elevator Repairs 7625 Equipment 7630 Equipment Repairs 7635 Athletics Game Day Equipment 7640 Computer Equipment 7645 Office Equipment Replacement 7650 Equipment Rentals 7655 Space Rentals 7660 Vehicle Maintenance 7665 Maintenance Service - Contracts 7670 Maintenance Fire Equipment 7675 Snow Removal 7700 — Contracted Services
Account Title 7705 Outside Services 7710 Sub-Contracts 7715 Inter-Library Loans 7720 Speakers and Lecturers 7725 Consultants 7730 Stipends (non-payroll) 7735 Student Training 7745 Athletics Game Day Officials 7746 Athletic Game Day Contract Services 7750 Waste Services 7755 Chemical Waste Disposal 7770 Accreditation Expense 7775 Legal Services 7780 Audit and Tax Services 7785 Architect Fees 7790 New Construction 7800 — Print and Publicity
Account Title 7805 Publications 7810 Photocopying and Printing 7815 Photography 7820 Publicity Materials 7825 Appreciation/Recognition 7835 Advertising 7900 — Miscellaneous Expenses
Account Title 7901 Royalties 7902 Testing Materials 7903 Uniforms 7904 Game Day Uniforms 7905 Participant Incentives 7906 Laboratory 7907 Film Rental 7908 Postage 7909 UPS/Fedex Ground 7910 Art Exhibitions 7911 Art Conservation and Repairs 7912 Gas & Oil Vehicles 7913 Transportation Exp Allocation Reimb 7914 Laundry 7915 Academic Assessment 7916 Athletic Game Day Guarantees 7917 Sponsorships 7918 Dues & Memberships 7922 Program Costs 7924 Awards (Non-Financial Aid) 7950 Indirect Costs - NAS 7951 Indirect Costs - SS 7952 Indirect Costs - AAH 7953 Indirect Costs - Other 7977 Miscellaneous Expense 7988 Fraud
workP. 616.395.7810