Hope Summer Repertory Theatre is holding auditions on Saturday, March 21, for young people to be in this summer’s productions of “Les Miserables” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
HSRT is looking for all ages, but is specifically interested in Little Cosette and Gavroche for “Les Miserables,” and Dill, Jem and Scout for “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Young people auditioning can be older than the character descriptions, but must realistically be able to play younger.
The auditions will run from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 21, in the DeWitt Center main theatre at 鶹ý. Audition appointments should be made by contacting Richard Perez at perez@hope.edu.
Those who plan to audition are asked to prepare the following:
For Little Cosette: The “Little Cosette” song from the score, pages 107-mid-109;
For Gavroche: Gavroche’s part of “The Beggars” beginning on page 150 and up to mid-151;
For Scout (be able to play a nine-year-old girl), Jem (be able to play 12-year-old boy), Dill (be able to play a 10-year-old boy): all three should be very familiar with “Mockingbird” scene, pages seven-nine, from Dill’s entrance at the bottom of page seven to Calpurnia’s entrance at the bottom of page nine.
“Les Miserables” will run Thursday, June 11, through Tuesday, June 30.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” will begin performances on Friday, June 26, with the end date to be announced.
Those who are auditioning should bring a photograph with their name on it and a resume if they have one.
The DeWitt Center is located at 141 E. 12th St., facing Columbia Avenue at 12th Street.