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Present, but Not Counted: Dutch Immigrant and Second Generation Midwives Working in Dutch Colonies in the United States, 1840–1940
This is the story and record of the Dutch-immigrant women who worked as midwives in the early Dutch colonies but were never recognized for their work.

A Call for Dutch Emigration: An Appeal Based on Faith, Family, and Famine. The Pamphlet That Sparked an Exodus
Edited and annotated by Paul Heusinkveld
This pamphlet that sparked an exodus was originally published in Dutch in 1847 and
led many Dutch to emigrate to America. It is here translated into English and annotated.

Vision, Conflict, and Controversy: H. P. Scholte, Founder of Pella, Iowa
The collection of papers from the “H. P. Scholte Sesquicentennial Conference, 1868-2018,” held in Pella, Iowa, August 2018.

E Pluribus Unum: The Weaving and Unraveling of a Singular "Dutch American" Identity in North America
Papers from the Twenty-Fourth Biennial Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies (AADAS), held at Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, Illinois, June 29–July 1, 2023: "Who is Dutch in North America?"

American Eyes on the Netherlands: Film, Public Diplomacy, and Dutch Identity, 1943–74
A comprehensive study of Dutch films used to influence public perception and diplomacy, 1943–74, including an historical survey of Dutch visual media in America.

The Pull: 鶹ý’s Legendary Tug-of-War, 1898-2023
A comprehensive study of the history of the legendary 鶹ý Pull competition from 1898 to 2023.

By Grace Alone: Stories of the Reformed Church in America
The story of the RCA from its origins to the arrival of the Dutch in America.

The Stories of Arthur King and Christine Iverson Bennett: Medical Missionaries in Mesopotamia, 1904–1916
A detailed account of the lives of the Bennetts, whose work as medical missionaries in Iraq in the early 20th century came to a tragic end.

A. C. Van Raalte: Pastor by Vocation, Entrepreneur by Necessity
ACVR was called to preach the Gospel, and for forty years, he did just that, in Europe and North America. He was the first Dutch dominee to found a colony on the Midwest frontier, and Holland, Michigan, would, in time, become the largest Dutch settlement in North America.

The Canons of Dort: God's Freedom, Justice, and Persistence
Heideman here sets Canons of Dort in its historical context, clarifies the positive aspects of its theology, and examines whether all of the facets of its theology can be biblically sustained. Edited by Donald J. Bruggink.

A Place to Call Home: A Missionary Kid's Tale
In this fourth book in the Missionary Memoirs Series of the VRP, Kraft gives a candid, first-hand account of his life as an MK in China in pre-and post-WWII and the work of his parents as missionaries with the China Inland Mission.

Dr. Wells and Beth Scudder Thoms, pioneer medical missionaries, show us just how the United States gained influence in Arabia during the Great Depression (before oil). As the first eye surgeon in the Gulf, Wells treated the forebears of today’s Arab rulers and their subjects — from kings, amirs, imams and shaykhs to townspeople, nomads and slaves.

In Pursuit of Excellence: Be Strong — Be True: A History of Intercollegiate Athletics at 鶹ý
This two-volume title is the third in the Intercollegiate Athletics at 鶹ý Series. Ten chapters, a fifty-year chronology, and hundreds of images all chronicle the Hope athletics program and its athletes from 1970 through 2020.

Intercollegiate Athletics At 鶹ý three-book series
PRE-ORDER the full Intercollegiate Athletics at 鶹ý Series (Brewer, 1994; Brewer, 2002; and Renner, 2022). This is a 4 BOOK SERIES INCLUDING: “In Pursuit of Excellence. Be Strong–Be True: A History of Intercollegiate Athletics at 鶹ý, 1970-2020,” 2 vols., by Thomas L. Renner (Van Raalte Press, 2022), “Journey of Hope. Names and Games Remembered: A History of Intercollegiate Athletics at 鶹ý, 1955-1970,” by Gordon M. Brewer (鶹ý, 2002), and “‘. . . But How You Played the Game!’ A History of Intercollegiate Athletics at 鶹ý, 1862-1955,” by Gordon M. Brewer (鶹ý, 1992). You get ALL 4 books for one GREAT Price! Be sure your PRE-ORDER yours today. They will sell fast.

Margaret's Mission to Arabia, Africa and India 1965–2010
This second book in the Missionary Memoirs Series of the Van Raalte Press is Margaret's frank, from-the-heart narrative of the work of her husband, Dr. Harvey, and herself with the Arabian Mission, he as a surgeon, and she as a teacher, among many other roles.

Seeds of Hope, Hate, and Change: Missionary Witnesses to the Middle East in Transition
Don Luidens has produced an historical narrative based on the letters written by his parents, Ed and Ruth Luidens from 1942 to 1957 as they served as RCA missionaries in the Middle East.

Dutch Reformed Education: Immigrant Legacies in North America
This collection of papers from the Twenty-Second Biennial Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies, held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 2019, covers topics related to Dutch Reformed education and more.

Making Music: 鶹ý's Music Department, A History
Six thematic chapters cover the growth of music and the Music Department at 鶹ý from 1862, when the college opened its doors to a handful of students, through 2015, when the Department of Music comprised thirteen full-time and twenty-eight part-time faculty.

His Faithfulness Continues: A History of Timothy Christian Schools of Chicagoland
This is the remarkable story of the growth of a struggling, unaccredited school with one teacher and thirty-four students in 1911 to a fully accredited school of ninety full-time teachers and a student body of 1,091 in 2018, with buildings valued at $25 million and an annual operating budget of $12 million.

Dutch Muck—and Much More: Dutch Americans in Farming, Religion, Art, and Astronomy
This collection of papers from the Twenty-First Biennial Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies, held in Fulton, Illinois, June 2017, covers topics within Dutch American farming and rural life and highlights four Dutch American leaders.

A Constant State of Emergency: Paul de Kruif, Microbe Hunter and Health Activist
Paul de Kruif (1890–1971), native of Zeeland, Michigan, was a microbiologist and author (Microbe Hunters, 1926) who wrote prolifically on matters of science and medicine, informing, educating and disturbing the public at large.

鶹ý at 150
“鶹ý at 150: Anchored in Faith, Educating for Leadership and Service in a Global Society” is a two-volume, 1,410 page history of 鶹ý and has been published by the college's Van Raalte Press as part of the Historical Series of the Reformed Church in America. The editor and primary author is Jacob E. Nyenhuis, a professor and provost emeritus of Hope and director of the college's A.C. Van Raalte Institute. Winner of the 2019 Historical Society of Michigan State History Award

A Commentary on the Minutes of the Classis of Holland 1848–1876
Available July 2018. A Detailed Record of Persons and Issues, Civil and Religious, in the Dutch Colony of Holland, Michigan. This three-volume set is a comprehensive and authoritative commentary on the Minutes from the formation of the Classis to the termination of the recording the Minutes in Dutch, an archive in print.

Jack, A Compassionate Compendium
A Tribute to Dr. Jacob E. Nyenhuis: Scholar, Servant, Leader. Thirty-six authors tell the story of Jack's personal character and his distinction as a scholar and leader in academia, with two chapters of original research.

In Peril on the Sea: The Forgotton Story of the William & Mary Shipwreck
This is the story of eighty-six Frisians en route to America in 1853, their shipwreck, abadonment by captain and crew, rescue, and eventual settlement after a long journey up the Mississippi River.

Sharing Pasts
Papers from the 2015 AADAS conference.

Shafer Anthem
Sheet music for “I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Psalm 121),” composed for 鶹ý's Sesquicentennial Celebration by highly respected choral conductor Robert Shafer through a commission from Dr. Thelma (Tommye) Leenhouts, a 1966 Hope graduate.

Hope Beyond Borders
An extensive biography of Paul Fried, one of 鶹ý’s most endearing and brilliant professors.

Enduring Legacy
Papers from the 2011 conference celebrating the bicentennial of Van Raalte’s birth, which focus exclusively on the man and his leadership.

Holland, Michigan
The remarkable transformation of Holland, from its humble origins on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, into a prosperous community, is recounted in extensive detail in this three-volume set. Winner of the 2014 Historical Society of Michigan State History Award.

Dutch Americans and War
Papers from the 2013 AADAS conference

Diverse Destinies
Papers from the 2011 AADAS conference

Across Borders
Papers from the 2009 AADAS conference

Dutch American Arts and Letters
Papers from the 2007 AADAS conference

Envisioning 鶹ý
These letters written by Van Raalte to his close friend, Philips Phelps Jr., reveal the mind and the heart and the deep inner struggles of the founder of Holland as not seen before.

Albertus and Christina
This volume is an extended genealogy of Albertus C. Van Raalte and his wife, Christina de Moen, following their descendents from the birth of their first child in 1837 to the year 2001.

Albertus C. Van Raalte: Dutch Leader and American Patriot
Fully illustrated, this volume examines Van Raalte’s vision for the future of the Holland colony and what it looked like 150 years after its founding.

“Pope of the Classis”?
This books examines Van Raalte’s role and influence in classical matters in the Netherlands and the United States and whether the term Pope was a fair criticism. (Out of print.)

A Dream Fulfilled
This is the story of the process of creating and installing the Van Raalte sculpture in Centennial Park and includes extended research surrounding the history of Holland.

Old Wing Mission
The story of the Ottawa Indians is told primarily through the diaries and memoirs of missionaries George and Arvilla Smith.

Aunt Tena
The story of a medical missionary to remote Lupwe, Nigeria, Tena Huizenga is chronicled through personal correspondence, journals and her published articles.

Hendrik P. Scholte
Readers can examine the thoughts of Scholte as a leader of the Secession in the Netherlands from 1834 to 1847 as revealed in his articles and correspondence.

“We live presently under a waning moon”
This volume is a study of Steffens and his impact on the Reformed in Western Michigan, his function in the community and his relationship to Neo-Calvinism.

The American Diary of Jacob Van Hinte
This personal diary of the author of the monumental Netherlanders in America of his trip to America in 1921 is rich in insights and detail.

Family Quarrels
This is an examination of the church struggles of the early Dutch Calvinists; the authors explore the reasons for their emmigration to the United States and the major events in their history.

Faith, Family, and Fortune
There is a close relationship between highly successful Dutch American entrepreneurs and their Calvinist values and upbringing, and their success in business has led to major works of philanthropy.

A Goodly Heritage
Fifteen essays celebrating the career of Elton J. Bruins cover the topics of church history and theology, the life of Van Raalte and local history.

Tools for Understanding
Twelve essays honor the career of Donald J. Bruggink, general editor of the Historical Series of the RCA, including Western Seminary, the study of history, theological education, and the nature of God and the Church.

Historic Dutch Sites
An illustrated guide to almost 50 historic Dutch sites, plus detailed maps of the sites and an eleven-city bike tour.
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