/ Van Raalte Institute

Publications 1994–2022

With the founding of Van Raalte Press in 2007, our subsequent partnering with Eerdmans on many projects, and the introduction of the Missionary Memoirs Series in 2021, we have published many fully researched books, biographies and monographs.

Recent publications range from the biographies of Harvey and Margaret Doorenbos, Edwin and Ruth Luidens, and Paul Fried to a three-volume history of Holland to a fully annotated commentary on the minutes of Classis Holland from 1848 to 1876.

Following is a comprehensive list of books and lectures published by and forthcoming from fellows and associates of the Van Raalte Institute.

VRI Visiting Research Fellows Lecture Series

  • Dutch American Identity Politics: The Use of History by Dutch Immigrants (2003) 
    Hans Krabbendam, Roosevelt Study Center, the Netherlands
  • The Rain of God: Reformed Church in America Growth and Decline in Historical Perspective (2004)
    Lynn M. Japinga, 鶹ý
  • Reassessing 1857: Overlooked Considerations Concerning the Birth of the Christian Reformed Church (2006)
    James A. De Jong, Calvin Theological Seminary
  • Disease and Death among the Early Settlers in Holland, Michigan (2006)
    J. P. Verhave, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
  • Growing Up Dutch American: Cultural Identity and the Formative Years of Older Dutch Americans (2007)
    Peter Ester, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
  • The Dutch Equation in the RCA Freemasonry Controversy, 1865-1885 (2008)
    Harry Boonstra, Calvin College and Seminary
  • We live presently under a waning moon”: Nicholas Martin Steffens as leader of the Reformed Church in America in the West in years of transition (1878-1895) (2008/published 2013)
    George Harinck, VU University Amsterdam
  • Preachers, Pews, and Pupils: Commemorating the Past in Twentieth-Century Dutch America (2008)
    David Zwart, Dordt College
  • “Pope of the Classis”? The Leadership of Albertus C. Van Raalte in Dutch and American Classes (2009)
    Leon van den Broeke, VU University Amsterdam
  • Dutch Americans and the Rise of Heritage Studies (2010)
    Michael Douma, Florida State University
  • Hope: The Legacy of Van Raalte (2011)
    Rein Nauta, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
  • Documentary Films of the Netherlands Shown in the United States, 1942-1973: Viewership, Representativeness, and Visual Rhetoric (publication forthcoming)
    Henk Aay, Calvin College
  • Hendrik P. Scholte: His Legacy in the Netherlands and in America (2015)
    Eugene Heideman, RCA staff member, retired
  • Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Hate: A Love Story (Begins) (2016)
    Don Luidens, 鶹ý
  • “We made the Wilderness to Blossom”: Nineteenth Century Dutch Immigrants and the Natural World
    Henk Aay, Calvin College, and Jan Boersema, Leiden University, the Netherlands
  • A Japanese and a Dutchman in Science: Stories of a Dramatic Disaster (2017)
    Jan Peter Verhave, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
  • Plugging in the Electric Church: Robert Schuller, the Crystal Cathedral and Entrepreneurial Evangelicalism (2018)
    Mark Mulder, Calvin College
  • Eleanor Calverley, First Doctor to Kuwait: Celebrating 100 Years of Kuwait-American Friendship (2018)
    Paul Heusinkveld, Honorary Research Fellow
  • Paterson, New Jersey: Dutch Immigration’s Largest Afterthought (1846–1950) (2019)
    Robert Schoone-Jongen, Calvin University
  • The Pull at 鶹ý: Then and Now, 1898–2018 (2019)
    Bruce Geelhoed, Ball State University
  • Patriots and Internationalists: Dutch American Religion and Global Consciousness in the Late 19th Century (2019)
    Andrew Klumpp, Southern Methodist University
  • (2022)
    Lynn M. Japinga, 鶹ý
  • (2022)
    Mark T. Mulder, Calvin University
  • (2022)
    Judy Tanis Parr, Honorary Research Fellow
  • (2023)
    Chad Carlson, 鶹ý

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