Publications 1994–2022
With the founding of Van Raalte Press in 2007, our subsequent partnering with Eerdmans
on many projects, and the introduction of the Missionary Memoirs Series in 2021, we
have published many fully researched books, biographies and monographs.
Recent publications range from the biographies of Harvey and Margaret Doorenbos, Edwin and Ruth Luidens, and Paul Fried to a three-volume history of Holland to a fully annotated commentary on the minutes of Classis Holland from 1848 to 1876.
Following is a comprehensive list of books and lectures published by and forthcoming from fellows and associates of the Van Raalte Institute.
- Aay, Henk, Janny Venema, Dennis Voskuil, eds. Sharing Pasts: Dutch Americans through Four Centuries, Van Raalte Press, 2017
- Baer, Marc and Allison Utting, , Van Raalte Press, 2020
- Bruins, Elton J., Karen G. Schakel, Sara Fredrickson Simmons, and Marie N. Zingle, Albertus and Christina: The Van Raalte Family, Home and Roots, Eerdmans, 2004
- Bruins, Elton J., The Americanization of a Congregation, 2nd ed., Eerdmans, 1995
- Bruins, Elton J. and Karen G. Schakel, eds., Envisioning 鶹ý: Letters Written by Albertus C. Van Raalte to Philip Phelps Jr., 1857 to 1875, Van Raalte Press; Eerdmans, 2011
- Cox, John D., The City in Its Heart: The First 100 Years of Maple Avenue Ministries, Holland, Michigan, 1913-2013, Van Raalte Press, 2014
- Dickason, David G., Faith, Hope, and Love: The Hakeem's Journey, Van Raalte Press, forthcoming, 2021
- Ester, Peter, Nella Kennedy, and Earl Wm. Kennedy, eds., The American Diary of Jacob Van Hinte, Author of the Classic Immigrant Study Nederlanders in Amerika, Van Raalte Press; Eerdmans, 2010
- Ester, Peter, Faith, Family, and Fortune: Reformed Upbringing and Calvinist Values of Highly Successful Dutch American Entrepreneurs, Van Raalte Press, 2012
- Fessler, Paul, Hubert R. Krygsman, and Robert P. Swierenga, eds., Dutch Immigrants on the Plains, The Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies, 2005
- Harinck, George and Hans Krabbendam, Sharing the Reformed Tradition: The Dutch-North American Exchange, 1846-1996, VU Uitgererij, 1996
- Harinck, George, ‘We Live Presently Under a Waning Moon,’ Nicolaus Martin Steffens as Leader of the Reformed Church in America in the West in Years of Transition (1878-1895), Van Raalte Press, 2013
- Heideman, Eugene P., The Practice of Piety: The Theology of the Midwestern Reformed Church in America, 1866-1966, Eerdmans, 2009
- Hemenway, Stephen, Hope Beyond Borders: The Life and Letters of Paul Fried, Holland, MI: Van Raalte Press, 2014
- Heusinkveld, Paul, with Margaret Doorenbos, Margaret's Mission to Arabia, Africa, and India 1965-2010, Van Raalte Press, 2021
- Jacobson, Jeanne M., Elton J. Bruins, and Larry J. Wagenaar, Albertus C. Van Raalte: Dutch Leader and American Patriot, 鶹ý, 1996
- Japinga, Lynn, Loyalty and Loss: The Reformed Church in America, 1945-1994, Eerdmans, 2013
- Kennedy, James C. and Caroline J. Simon, Can Hope Endure: An Historical Case Study in Christian Higher Education, Eerdmans, 2005
- Kennedy, Nella, Mary Risseeuw, and Robert P. Swierenga, eds., Diverse Destinies: Dutch Kolonies in Wisconsin and the East, Van Raalte Press, 2012
- Krabbendam, Hans, Freedom on the Horizon: Dutch Immigration to America, 1840-1940, Eerdmans, 2009
- Luidens, Donald, A., , vol. 1, 1942-48; vol. 2, 1949-57, Van Raalte Press, 2020
- Luidens, Donald A., Donald J. Bruggink, Herman J. De Vries Jr., Dutch Reformed Education: Immigrant Legacies in North America, Van Raalte Press, 2020
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E. et alii. Hope at 150: Anchored in Faith, Educating for Leadership and Service in a Global Society, Van Raalte Press, 2019
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E., Suzanne M. Sinke, and Robert P. Swierenga, eds., Across Borders: Dutch Migration to North America and Australia, Van Raalte Press, 2010
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E., Robert P. Swierenga, and Lauren M. Berka, eds., Aunt Tena: Called to Serve, Journals and Letters of Tena A. Huizenga, Missionary Nurse to Nigeria, Eerdmans, 2009
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E., Centennial History of the Fourteenth Street Christian Reformed Church, Holland, Michigan, 1902-2002, Van Raalte Press, 2012
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E. and Jeanne M. Jacobson, A Dream Fulfilled: The Van Raalte Sculpture in Centennial Park, 鶹ý, 1997
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E. and George Harinck, The Enduring Legacy of Albertus C. Van Raalte as Leader and Liaison, Van Raalte Press; Eerdmans, 2014
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E., A Goodly Heritage: Essays in Honor of the Reverend Dr. Elton J. Bruins at Eighty, Eerdmans, 2007
- Nyenhuis, Jacob E., Myth and the Creative Process: Michael Ayrton and the Myth of Daedalus, the Maze Maker, Wayne State University Press, 2003
- Parr, Judy. Hope Church: Holland, Michigan. The First 150 Years, 1862 -2012, Van Raalte Press, 2012
- Renner, Thomas L., , Van Raalte Press, 2022
- Sheeres, Janet Sjaarda, The Not-So-Promised Land: The Dutch in Amelia County, Virginia, 1868-1880, Eerdmans, 2013
- Sheeres, Janet Sjaarda, Son of Secession: Douwe J. Vander Werp, Eerdmans, 2006
- Stellingwerff, Johan, Robert P. Swierenga, and Walter Lagerwey, trans., Iowa Letters: Dutch Immigrants on the American Frontier, Eerdmans, 2003
- Swierenga, Robert P., Nella Kennedy, and Lisa Zylstra, Dutch Americans and War: United States and Abroad, Van Raalte Press, 2014
- Swierenga, Robert P., Jacob E. Nyenhuis, and Nella Kennedy, Dutch American Arts and Letters in Historical Perspective, Van Raalte Press, 2008
- Swierenga, Robert P., Dutch Chicago: A History of the Hollanders in the Windy City, Eerdmans, 2002
- Swierenga, Robert P., Donald Sinnema, and Hans Krabbendam, eds., The Dutch in Urban America, The Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies, 2004
- Swierenga, Robert P., Elim: A Chicago Christian School and Life Training Center for the Disabled, Eerdmans, 2005
- Swierenga, Robert P., Faith and Family: Dutch Immigration and Settlement in the United States, 1820-1920, Homes & Meier, 2000
- Swierenga, Robert P., His Faithfulness Continues: A History of Timothy Christian Schools of Chicagoland, Van Raalte Press, 2020
- Swierenga, Robert P. and Elton J. Bruins, Family Quarrels in the Dutch Reformed Churches in the Nineteenth Century, Eerdmans, 1999
- Swierenga, Robert P. and Joel Lefever, eds., For Food and Faith, Dutch Immigration to Western Michigan, 1846-1960, Van Raalte Institute; Holland Museum, 2000
- Swierenga, Robert P., Holland, Michigan: From Dutch Colony to Dynamic City, 3 vols., Van Raalte Press; Eerdmans, 2014
- Swierenga, Robert P., Adriaan de Wit and Gordon De Young, eds., Netherlanders in America: A Study of Emigration and Settlement in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in the United States of America, by Jacob Van Hinte. The Historical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church, 2003
- Swierenga, Robert P. and William Van Appledorn, eds., Old Wing Mission: Cultural Interchange as Chronicled by George and Arvilla Smith in their Work with Chief Wakazoo’s Ottawa Band on the West Michigan Frontier, Eerdmans, 2008
VRI Visiting Research Fellows Lecture Series
- Dutch American Identity Politics: The Use of History by Dutch Immigrants (2003)
Hans Krabbendam, Roosevelt Study Center, the Netherlands - The Rain of God: Reformed Church in America Growth and Decline in Historical Perspective (2004)
Lynn M. Japinga, 鶹ý - Reassessing 1857: Overlooked Considerations Concerning the Birth of the Christian
Reformed Church (2006)
James A. De Jong, Calvin Theological Seminary - Disease and Death among the Early Settlers in Holland, Michigan (2006)
J. P. Verhave, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands - Growing Up Dutch American: Cultural Identity and the Formative Years of Older Dutch
Americans (2007)
Peter Ester, Tilburg University, the Netherlands - The Dutch Equation in the RCA Freemasonry Controversy, 1865-1885 (2008)
Harry Boonstra, Calvin College and Seminary - “We live presently under a waning moon”: Nicholas Martin Steffens as leader of the Reformed Church in America in the West in
years of transition (1878-1895) (2008/published 2013)
George Harinck, VU University Amsterdam - Preachers, Pews, and Pupils: Commemorating the Past in Twentieth-Century Dutch America (2008)
David Zwart, Dordt College - “Pope of the Classis”? The Leadership of Albertus C. Van Raalte in Dutch and American
Classes (2009)
Leon van den Broeke, VU University Amsterdam - Dutch Americans and the Rise of Heritage Studies (2010)
Michael Douma, Florida State University - Hope: The Legacy of Van Raalte (2011)
Rein Nauta, Tilburg University, the Netherlands - Documentary Films of the Netherlands Shown in the United States, 1942-1973: Viewership,
Representativeness, and Visual Rhetoric (publication forthcoming)
Henk Aay, Calvin College - Hendrik P. Scholte: His Legacy in the Netherlands and in America (2015)
Eugene Heideman, RCA staff member, retired - Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Hate: A Love Story (Begins) (2016)
Don Luidens, 鶹ý - “We made the Wilderness to Blossom”: Nineteenth Century Dutch Immigrants and the Natural
Henk Aay, Calvin College, and Jan Boersema, Leiden University, the Netherlands - A Japanese and a Dutchman in Science: Stories of a Dramatic Disaster (2017)
Jan Peter Verhave, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL - Plugging in the Electric Church: Robert Schuller, the Crystal Cathedral and Entrepreneurial
Evangelicalism (2018)
Mark Mulder, Calvin College - Eleanor Calverley, First Doctor to Kuwait: Celebrating 100 Years of Kuwait-American
Friendship (2018)
Paul Heusinkveld, Honorary Research Fellow - Paterson, New Jersey: Dutch Immigration’s Largest Afterthought (1846–1950) (2019)
Robert Schoone-Jongen, Calvin University - The Pull at 鶹ý: Then and Now, 1898–2018 (2019)
Bruce Geelhoed, Ball State University - Patriots and Internationalists: Dutch American Religion and Global Consciousness in
the Late 19th Century (2019)
Andrew Klumpp, Southern Methodist University - (2022)
Lynn M. Japinga, 鶹ý - (2022)
Mark T. Mulder, Calvin University - (2022)
Judy Tanis Parr, Honorary Research Fellow -
(2023)Chad Carlson, 鶹ý
Theil-Nyenhuis Research Center9 East 10th StreetHolland, MI 49423
workP. 616.395.7678