Faculty Handbook
The Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Faculty Handbook describes policies, procedural principles, and practices of the college which directly concern members of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty and administrative staff.
The Handbook is the authoritative document on the role of the faculty in college governance (Section A). It also sets forth certain conditions of the contractual relationship between the college and the faculty. These include both faculty personnel policies (Section B) and faculty responsibilities (Section C). Hope faculty and staff are expected to follow the agreed-upon procedures and principles described in the Handbook.
Appendices to the Handbook contain current administrative job descriptions and practices of use and interest to the faculty.
The Handbook describes procedures by which policies are changed. The minutes of board meetings are published promptly on in.hope.edu. Once policy changes are approved, the electronic Handbook is updated to note the approval and faculty are notified of the change. Informational changes are incorporated from time to time as they are cleared through the Administrative Affairs Board.
This copy of the Faculty Handbook was updated July 17, 2024.
Table of Contents
- Board of Trustees
- Administrative Structure
- The Faculty
- Appointment and Evaluation of Departmental Chairpersons
- Campus Structure for Policy Making and Review
- Description of the Boards and Standing Committees
- Faculty Recruitment Procedures
- Faculty Designations
- Terms of Appointment: Contracts, Evaluations, Salaries and Promotions
- Tenure
- Resignations and Non-reappointments
- Termination of Appointment by the College
- Remediation, Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal for Cause
- Reconsideration of Tenure and/or Promotion Decision and Grievances
- Retirement Policy
- Policy on Academic Freedom
- Policy on Public Affairs
- Sabbatical Leaves
C. Professional Obligations of Faculty
- General Responsibilities
- Classroom Responsibilities
- Advising Responsibilities
- Ethical Responsibilities
- Professional Growth
- Faculty Meetings
- Formal Convocations
- Faculty Roles in the Life of the College Community
- Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Open Access Policy
D. College Employment Policies and Benefits
- College Employment Policies
- Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Drug and Alcohol Policy
- No Smoking Policy
- Safety
- Harassment and Non-Discrimination
- Immigration Rules for Employment
- Campus Technology
- Whistleblower Policy
- Animal/Pet Policy
- Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)/Drone Policy
- Distracted Driver Policy
- Key Policy
- Policy on Outside Employment
- Policy on Conflict of Interest
- Orientation
- Employee Identification Card Policy
- Faculty/Staff Card
- Retired Employee Card
- Exit Interview
- Breaks in Service
- College Benefits
- General Policies
- Payroll Information
- INVEST Retirement Program
- Early Retirement for Tenured Faculty
- Flexible Benefit Plan (includes FSA and HSA)
- Health and Rx Insurance
- Term Life Insurance
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
- Long Term Disability Insurance
- Travel Accident Insurance
- Worker's Compensation
- Short Term Disability
- Military Leave
- Jury Duty
- Family Medical Leave Act of 1993
- Parental Leave of Absence
- Other Leaves of Absence
- Employment Assistance Program
- Faculty Travel Fund
- Faculty Development Grants
- Dow Center/DeWitt Tennis Center/DeVos Fieldhouse Use
- Adoption Benefit
- Tuition Waiver Benefit
- Travel/Corporate Credit Card Policy
- Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø "Walk to Work" Program
Appendix I. Institutional Services
- The Library
- The Bookstore
- Technology Services
- Campus Print and Mail Services
- Internal Information Services
- Calendars
- Mail Services
- Instructional Materials and Student Help
- College Vehicles
- Parking and Traffic Control
- Maintenance and Repairs
- Reservation of Campus Facilities
- Payment Requests
- Key Policy
- Student Records
- Health Services
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Career Development Center
- Academic Success Center
- Community Outreach
- The Frost Research Center
- The Archives and Special Collections
- Dow Center
- Walk to Work Program
SECTION A: College Governance
a1: Board of Trustees
a. Composition of the Board
The Board of Trustees shall be composed of not fewer than twenty-two (22) nor more than thirty-four (34) persons. At least twenty percent (2o%) of the total number of Trustees are elected by the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America. At large members are elected by the Board of Trustees and two are elected by the Board of Trustees from among the faculty members. The president of the college is a member by virtue of his or her office.
b. Meetings of the Board
The board meets three times annually (January, May and October) and at other times upon call by the chairperson or the president.
c. Selection of the Faculty Trustees
Each of the two faculty members serves a four-year term, with the terms staggered.
Thus, each year in which there is a vacancy, two faculty members are nominated by
the faculty through nomination balloting conducted by the Professional Interest Committee.
These nominees are provided to Protecting the Mission Committee, which may require
the nominees to provide additional information to the Committee. At the board’s May
meeting, the Protecting the Mission Committee submits its recommended slate(s) of
nominee(s) to the board, resulting in the election of all new trustees, including
one faculty nominee.
*No member of the faculty may serve more than one four-year term.
d. Responsibilities of Faculty Trustees
Duly elected faculty participate as voting members with all the responsibilities and privileges of board members. They periodically report to the faculty only information which is not restricted regarding the actions of the board.
e. Non-Trustee Faculty Representatives on Board standing Committees
Each of the three Standing Committees of the Board will have up to eight (8) additional non-voting participants composed of Administrative Council members, faculty, staff and/or students as recommended by the Committee and selected by the President. The faculty participants are to present faculty opinions and perspectives to the Board of Trustees, to respond to questions from board members, and to serve as a resource person for the board committee. Faculty representation on the Standing Committees will generally include, but will not be restricted to, the campus governance bodies as follows:
- Living the Mission: Academic Affairs Board and Campus Life Board
- Sustaining the Mission: PIC and Faculty Moderator
- Protecting the Mission: Administrative Affairs Board and Campus Life Board
F. Functions of the Board of Trustees
By charter, the Board of Trustees is the legal custodian of the college and assumes ultimate responsibility for the total program of the college. It has direct responsibility for selecting and supporting a president, for long range planning, for obtaining the necessary financial resources and facilities needed for the educational program of the college, for establishing faculty personnel policies, for deciding the broad aims of the college program, and for reviewing and establishing policies needed to maintain and develop such a program. The Board of Trustees, in its bylaws, has delegated major responsibility to the administration, faculty and student body to determine and administer the specific policies of all phases of the intellectual, cultural, social, and religious programs of the college.
The remainder of Section A of the handbook is devoted primarily to describing the organization at this second level of college governance, with special emphasis upon the role of the faculty.
At its meeting on May 28, 1970, the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Board of Trustees received as a guideline for College governance the 1966 "Joint Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities" of the American Association of University Professors, the American Council on Education, and the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. (Copies of this published statement are available in the Provost's Office.)
a2: The Administrative Structure
a. Designation
The chief administrative officers of the college are the President, the Provost (chief academic officer), the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, the Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement, the Vice President for Student Development, the Vice President for Admissions, the Vice President for Public Affairs and Marketing and the Dean of the Chapel.
b. Election or Appointment
The president is elected by the Board of Trustees at such time and upon such terms
and conditions as it shall determine. An important part of the process of electing
a president is providing the opportunity for the faculty, staff, and student body
to participate in the nomination and evaluation of candidates. The Board of Trustees
is responsible for procedures whereby this can be effectively accomplished.
The other seven officers are appointed by the president in consultation with the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees at such time and upon such terms and conditions
as they shall determine. Other administrative staff are appointed by the appropriate
administrative officer to whom they will be responsible, in consultation with the
president. For the appointment of academic administrators, faculty participate in
the nomination and evaluation of candidates (for the appointment of chairpersons,
see A4.b).
c. Faculty Status
The president and the provost have faculty status by action of the Board of Trustees. The only other administrative personnel with faculty status are those who concurrently hold academic rank.
d. Administrative Responsibilities
In the area of college governance, the administrative officers are to provide leadership in developing policy recommendations for consideration by boards, especially for the areas to which they are assigned as executive officers, and to make administrative decisions essential for carrying out established policies.
e. Administrative and Other Advisory Councils
The officers may establish regular meetings of personnel who report to them, to serve
as an advisory group. The President presides over the Administrative Council, which
consists of the President, Provost, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Vice
President for Public Affairs and Marketing, Vice President for Admissions, Vice President
for Student Development, Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement, Associate
Vice President and Chief of Staff, Dean of the Chapel, and Special Assistants the
President may appoint from time to time.
The President may also call together various groups from time to time to serve in
advisory capacities as advisory councils.
The Provost presides over the Deans' Council, which consists of the Provost, the Deans
for the four academic divisions (Arts, Humanities, Natural and Applied Sciences, and
Social Sciences), the Dean of Libraries, the Dean for Academic Services/Registrar,
the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, the Associate Dean for Global Education,
and the Associate Dean for the Career Development Center.
A3: The Faculty
a. Designation
"The faculty of the college shall be composed of the President, the chief academic officer, all full, associate, and assistant professors with regular full-time appointment, and any other instructional and administrative positions as may from time to time be authorized by the Board of Trustees." (Bylaws of the College) Currently faculty designation includes those holding the rank of instructor or librarian. (For further details see B2.)
b. Responsibilities in Governance
In general, the faculty has major responsibility for determining the academic criteria for admission of students, the curriculum, requirements for earned degrees, nature of the degree to be conferred, and policies for conduct of the educational work of the college. Further, it participates in budgeting, long range planning, the selection process for academic officers, and the formulation and administration of policies on such matters of faculty status as appointments, promotion, tenure, non-renewal, salaries, and working conditions. Finally, it plays a major role in determining the policies to be followed for campus student life, including all co-curricular activities and discipline.
c. Organization and Operation
Except for the academic administrative officers, all faculty members are members of a particular department and a particular division. Each full-time professional librarian holding faculty status is assigned by the provost to an academic division. Faculty members are required to participate in departmental and divisional meetings, as well as meetings of the full faculty. In all three of these types of meetings, there is opportunity for the individual faculty person to present ideas for new policy and evaluative criticism of current policy. However, the actual shaping of policy and formal evaluation of it is done through the committee and board structure described below. The individual faculty member's role in the structure is first to participate in the selection of the membership on these boards and committees by direct election in the case of boards, and more indirectly by election of the Status Committee, which makes the committee appointments, subject to faculty approval. Second, since significant policy is aired at open hearings, the faculty members who are interested and concerned can best bring their influence to bear on the shaping of policy at this point. They also have opportunity to present their views on committee policy recommendations as they come to the boards. It is therefore important that faculty members read the agendas and minutes of these bodies and participate at the proper stage. Finally, faculty members participate when there is a request for full-scale faculty review of policy legislation (see A3.f). Attendance at faculty meetings is open to all full-time and adjunct faculty.
d. Voting Privileges
All tenure-track, instructional and library faculty at the 0.75 FTE level and above, as well as administrative officers with faculty status, hold voting privileges in faculty meetings and college-wide electronic ballots. Academic departments will determine voting privileges for departmental affairs. Thus, when voting occurs at a faculty meeting, visiting faculty members, adjunct faculty, and administrative personnel other than officers with faculty status, may not vote. In case of faculty review, voting privileges are extended to the administrators and students serving on the three boards.
e. Faculty Meetings
- Quorum. A quorum, defined as 25 percent of the eligible voters, shall be necessary for the transaction of any business. At the discretion of the chairperson of the meeting, a larger number of eligible voters may be required for any voting on a binding matter.
- Officers
- Chairperson: The President is designated chairperson of the faculty for meetings of that body. In the President's absence or at the President's request, the Provost acts as chairperson. The chairperson does not vote except in case of a tie.
- Secretary: The secretary of the faculty is appointed by the President to serve for an indeterminate period. S/he is responsible for keeping minutes, for distributing them to all faculty members, and for any correspondence that the faculty request be written in their behalf.
- Faculty Moderator: The faculty moderator works with the Provost to plan faculty meetings.
S/he also serves as the member-at-large of the President's Advisory Committee, and
is a nonvoting member of the Professional Interests Committee. At the request of the
chairperson, s/he assumes the chair of the faculty session. The faculty moderator
also serves to enhance communication between faculty and administrators.
The faculty moderator is elected by the faculty for a two-year term, from a slate of two candidates nominated by the Professional Interests Committee and from any candidates presented by a petition from the faculty that has the signatures of 25 or more voting faculty members. A faculty member may sign only one such petition. If no candidate receives a majority of the ballots cast, a run¬off election takes place between the two receiving the greatest number of votes.
The Faculty Moderator will:- Not simultaneously serve as an elected member of the Professional Interests Committee, Status Committee, or Board of Trustees.
- Be an Associate or Full Professor.
- Be tenured
- Time and Frequency. Faculty meetings are held monthly (except December) during the academic year beginning in September, normally on the fourth Tuesday of the month. During the Pre-College Conference in August there is also a special business meeting, primarily for the purpose of acting on standing committee nominations and for the delivery of the Provost’s annual address to the faculty.
- Agenda. Items for the agenda of a faculty meeting may be submitted by administrators, boards or committees, groups or individual faculty members. They should be presented to either the Provost or the faculty moderator, if possible, at least two weeks in advance. The first order of business at the meeting is to consider and act on the proposed agenda.
- Purpose of Faculty Meetings. Faculty meetings serve several purposes. They are a means of communication between the administration and faculty. (The President and the Provost frequently report on their activities and on other aspects of the college program.) They are a means of communicating current issues before standing committees and boards. (A regular item of the agenda is a brief status report by the chairperson of each of the boards and, when appropriate, of various standing committees.) They are a means to enable faculty members to ask questions about any aspect of the college. (In Question Time questions may be asked directly from the floor or indirectly through the Faculty Moderator). They are a means of addressing as a collegial body issues relating to the college and its mission that are of concern to the faculty. In that regard, faculty meetings provide opportunities for faculty members to propose resolutions, that if seconded, will be discussed and voted upon (or tabled for later action such as electronic voting overseen by the Professional Interests Committee) by the faculty. Any such resolution is non-binding and serves to express the sentiment of a majority of faculty members in attendance at the meeting. Examples of faculty resolutions include expressing the appreciation of the faculty for some person or group, indicating the view of the faculty on an outside speaker or some other activity at Hope and responding to issues of importance to the college and/or the welfare of the faculty in a timely manner. Faculty meetings also serve as a means for professional growth. (On occasion outside speakers or faculty papers constitute a part of the meeting.) Finally, on occasion, they serve as the means for faculty review of policy legislation that has been enacted by any of the three campus boards. (See next item.)
f. Faculty Review of Policy
Major responsibility for formulating and shaping policy is vested in the three boards
and the committees under them. The faculty as a whole, however, reserves the right
of review of policy as formulated and passed by the three boards. This, in essence,
is a right to veto.
Formal faculty review of policy that has gone through the proper procedures at the
committee and then the board levels should be relatively rare. The initial shaping
of policy legislation will be done, normally, at the level of the standing committees.
Through the open hearings that may be called by any Board or Committee, the individual
faculty member who is interested and concerned can best bring his/her influence to
bear on the shaping of policy. Opportunities also exist to present reactions on the
committee policy recommendations as they come to the board that then considers these
recommendations. It is imperative, therefore, not only that the committees and the
boards follow the procedures outlined below (see A5), but that each faculty member read the agenda and minutes of these groups and participate
at the proper stage.
Formal faculty review of policy legislation can be initiated by a petition of at least
20 percent of the voting faculty membership or by the introduction, seconding and
a majority vote on a resolution introduced by a faculty member or group of faculty
members at a regular faculty meeting. Initiating a review means that the review will
be placed on the agenda of faculty meeting. One of the primary orders of business,
then, at a regular faculty meeting, shall be consideration of the agenda.
Review by the faculty is limited to discussion of the policy as presented by the appropriate
board, and a vote on that policy. The following actions are possible: acceptance of
the recommended policy, rejection, referral back to the board with or without instruction,
or postponing of action (to allow further discussion) until the next faculty meeting.
When a policy recommendation is to be reviewed and has been placed on the agenda of
the faculty meeting prior to the meeting itself, the full membership (including students)
of the three policy boards shall be invited to participate in the review discussion
and vote. The provost will have the responsibility of inviting the members of the
three policy boards to the faculty meeting.
Minutes of the meetings of all boards are distributed to every faculty member. Unless
the faculty requests review of previous actions of a board at one of the next two
faculty meetings following release of such minutes, the policy action taken by the
board is considered to be approved by the faculty, provided that prior notification
of the action taken by the board has been given in writing to the faculty at least
30 days before a faculty meeting. The actions of a board will be considered to be
in temporary effect between the time of enactment and any faculty review with understanding
that the policy may be later vetoed by the faculty.
The faculty may, in case of presidential veto of a policy (see A5.1) approved by the faculty, present its recommendation directly to the Chairperson
of the Board of Trustees by two– thirds vote of the total faculty membership with
voting privilege.
g. Representatives to the GLCA Academic Council
The GLCA Academic Council serves principally as a means of sampling representative
faculty opinion and of informing faculty about projects contemplated, in progress,
or completed by the GLCA. The Academic Council serves, further, as an advisory body
to the three GLCA elected faculty representatives on the GLCA Board.
The Hope faculty elects two representatives to the GLCA Academic Council to staggered
three-year terms. Faculty members are initially asked to nominate four people to serve
as a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø representative, later choosing between the two people who received
the most votes on the nominating ballot.
a4: Appointment and Evaluation of Departmental Chairpersons
a. Term of appointment
Chairpersons are the chief executives of the departments, with responsibility for faculty recruitment, faculty evaluation, curricular planning, the department's program for advising students, and budget. A chairperson is normally appointed to a term of three years by the divisional dean, with reappointment possible for additional terms.
b. Selection Procedures
- The divisional dean consults with each member of the department in which an appointment is to be made in order to seek frank and confidential advice on a number of matters related to the selection of a chairperson. These include an evaluation of the current departmental program, suggestions for ways in which the department could better serve students in the context of a liberal arts education, and an opinion on whether the chairperson should come from within the existing departmental faculty or be sought from outside the college.
- When a chairperson is to be designated from within the existing departmental faculty, the dean solicits nominations from each member of the department and, after consultation with the provost, makes the appointment.
- If a chairperson is to be selected from outside the college, the dean seeks permission to recruit according to the guidelines in B1. Departmental participation is important, but the dean's office will compile the dossier on each of the candidates.
c. Performance Evaluation Procedures
The dean will conduct a performance evaluation of each chairperson in the division
during the first year of the chair's term, and again in the third year. The general
criteria include a chairperson's performance as a faculty member as well as administrator.
In addition to asking each chairperson to provide a self-assessment and goals for
the next year, the divisional dean will request that each member of a department evaluate
the chairperson. Information will be requested concerning a chairperson's teaching,
scholarship, advising, and community service, but the chief purpose of the colleagues'
evaluations is to solicit responses that promote the development of the chairperson
as an administrator. The criteria for faculty evaluation of a chairperson's leadership
- Ability to create esprit de corps
- Skill as liaison between department, administration, and students
- Effectiveness in carrying out administrative duties
- Record in encouraging professional development of departmental colleagues
- Sensitivity and responsiveness to departmental concerns
- Capacity to deal fairly with conflict
The confidentiality of the faculty member's evaluation is assured.
a5: Campus Structure for Policy Making and Review
Responsibility for taking ideas from any campus source and shaping them into college policy in the areas where responsibility has been delegated by the Board of Trustees is placed upon the standing committees and the three boards of the college. The right of review, and therefore of vetoing any of the policies as shaped, rests with the faculty (see A3.f), the president, and the Board of Trustees. The boards and committees also have responsibility for regular evaluation and, thus, review of existing policy (see A6.C.1.h below).
a. The Framework of the Structure:
The three boards are central for policy formulation. The policy areas of the Academic
Affairs Board are the curricular and instructional program and cultural offerings
of the College, including the Library. The policy areas of the Campus Life Board are
the extracurricular, religious, social, and recreational programs, and regulations
for student conduct. The policy areas of the Administrative Affairs Board are the
pattern of organization and administration of the programs of the college, matters
of general faculty and student welfare, and matters of public relations.
The standing committees work under and are responsible to their respective boards
in policy matters. They may also have other functions, such as:
- To initiate policy recommendations to their board, preparing carefully written statements with rationale for the proposals they make.
- To examine ideas, recommendations or concerns referred to them by the chairperson of the board to which they report.
- To advise administrators on procedural principles and practices.
- To assist in implementing policies and procedures.
- To make specific administrative decisions when requested by the parent board.
- To initiate or carry out evaluative studies of programs in their area.
A chart gives a visual picture of the structure of the governance boards and standing committees at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. The specific functions and membership principles of each board and standing committee are given in section A6.
B. Principles of Representation
The principles used in determining representation are:
- There shall be representation from each segment of the immediate community (student body, faculty, administration) on all boards and standing committees. Regardless of the segment they represent, members are responsible to make judgments in the best interests of the entire community.
- On each board or committee, the number of members from a given segment of the college community is approximately proportionate to that segment's knowledge of or experience in the area of the group's jurisdiction, its responsibility for leadership in implementing policies in that area, and the impact of those policies on it.
- Individuals from each of the segments should be chosen on the basis of their knowledge, experience, or interest in the area of policy of that particular committee or board.
- Diverse representation (gender, rank, discipline, ethnicity, race, age, etc.) shall be a goal in selecting or appointing members of all boards and committees. Efforts will be made for faculty to have completed diversity training.
c. Principles of Eligibility
- Board and committee assignments shall change periodically following a replacement system that assures both continuity and fresh viewpoints, and leads to education of the committee member in the structure and functioning of the whole college program and the philosophy of education underlying it. Membership on a board or elected committee is normally for a three-year term. In order to ensure equitable representation of all segments of the community or when special administrative responsibility necessitates continuing membership on a board or committee, the three-year convention may be superseded.
- No faculty member shall be overloaded with board or committee responsibility. Normally, he or she shall be a member of no more than two boards or committees. When possible, members of a policy board shall have some adjustment made in their other responsibilities to the college. It is the shared responsibility of the Divisional Deans and the Provost to ensure that no faculty member is overloaded with committee work and has appropriate adjustments made in his or her work responsibility when having a high level of committee responsibility.
- To be eligible for election to one of the boards, a member of the teaching faculty
with voting privileges must be completing at least four years of service at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø
at the time of the spring election. Faculty membership on a standing committee does
not have this restriction; however, appointment of persons in their first year at
the college shall be an exception rather than the rule.
A student, to be eligible for board or standing committee membership, must be in at least his/her second semester of attendance at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and must at least have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and a 2.0 grade point average for the semester immediately preceding his/her term of service. - Faculty members who are absent from campus during a semester or year while serving on a board or committee will be temporarily be replaced by individuals appointed by the Status Committee, which in the case of board members will take into account previous election results.
- A faculty member may not serve concurrently on more than one of the following: Administrative Affairs Board, Professional Interests Committee, Status Committee, Advisory Committee on Financial Resources, and the President's Advisory Committee, nor concurrently on two boards. Exception: the Faculty Moderator (see A3.e2). For limitations on Appeals and Grievances Panel membership, see A6.i.
- At the beginning of each academic year, the Provost's Office will issue the membership lists for boards, standing committees, and other campus-wide committees in section A6.
d. Selection Procedure
- Boards
- Faculty: Faculty members of the boards are elected so as to ensure representation
from each of the divisions. Each spring the divisional dean prepares a list of all
faculty eligible for the respective board vacancies and seeks nominations to fill these vacancies. Before placing the name of a colleague in nomination, it is a professional courtesy
to ask that person’s permission. No faculty member shall be nominated without advance
consent. At a March meeting of each division or by electronic communication with the divisional
dean’s office, elections are held to determine the divisional representative. A majority
of votes cast by those in attendance or voting is necessary for a divisional representative.
The at-large faculty member on the Administrative Affairs Board represents the entire faculty body and thus each division submits two nominations for this representative, determined through a divisional vote, if necessary. The Provost will combine the nominations from the four divisions into a single election ballot and distribute it electronically to all faculty members eligible to vote. The representative is then elected by the full faculty.
Board members are elected for three-year terms staggered so that one-third of the members are elected each year. If a faculty board member finds it necessary to resign, the replacement for the remainder of the academic year is the nominee who received the next highest number of votes in the preceding election. If the list of divisional nominees is exhausted, the Status Committee appoints the replacement. Both current and newly elected Board Members are required to attend the last meeting of the Board during the academic year so that the new Chairperson of the Board can be elected at that meeting. - Students: Each of the three members of the Student Congress cabinet (the president, the vice-president, and the comptroller), who have been elected to these offices by an all-student election in April, serves on one of the three boards. In April, after the election, Student Congress will elect from its own membership one student to serve on the Academic Affairs Board, one on the Administrative Affairs Board, and three on the Campus Life Board. The Congress president will appoint the remaining student members to board positions. Thus students entering Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø in the fall of the same year are not eligible for board positions.
- Administrators: The President appoints the administrative personnel who serve on various boards with the exception of those who serve ex officio.
- Faculty: Faculty members of the boards are elected so as to ensure representation
from each of the divisions. Each spring the divisional dean prepares a list of all
faculty eligible for the respective board vacancies and seeks nominations to fill these vacancies. Before placing the name of a colleague in nomination, it is a professional courtesy
to ask that person’s permission. No faculty member shall be nominated without advance
consent. At a March meeting of each division or by electronic communication with the divisional
dean’s office, elections are held to determine the divisional representative. A majority
of votes cast by those in attendance or voting is necessary for a divisional representative.
- Standing Committees
- Liaison from Parent Board: To provide liaison with the parent board, the board members select one of their members to serve on each of the standing committees that report to the Board. This selection is made in the spring for the coming academic year by the members of the Board who will serve in that year.
- The remaining members of the standing committees are appointed in the following manner:
- Faculty: The faculty members are appointed by the Status Committee. The appointees are notified during the summer, and their names are submitted to the faculty for its review at the Pre-College Conference. In making its appointments to the standing committees, the Status Committee will bear in mind that faculty representation from each of the divisions is generally desirable, especially on those standing committees dealing with academic matters.
- Students: The student members are appointed by the executive board of the Student Congress with approval by at least two-thirds of the membership of the Student Congress.
- Administrators: Administrative members are appointed by the President with the exception of those who serve ex officio.
e. Committee Officers
- Boards
- Chairperson: The chairperson of each of the three boards should be tenured and is
elected in the spring by those new and continuing members who are to constitute the
board for the following academic year.
The chairperson of each board is responsible for calling meetings, for establishing the proposed agenda, and for determining whether a particular item is within the province of that board. If there is a question of jurisdiction, the three board chairpersons, along with the president, provost, and the dean of students shall meet as an executive committee to determine procedures to be used. These might even include bringing together two or all three of the boards in joint session.
The chairperson of each board is responsible for informing the president of any policy decisions made by the board. S/he shall notify the president promptly electronically, attaching a marked copy of the official Minutes of the meeting at which the policy decision was made.
The chairperson of each board must file with the provost and with the newly elected board chairperson before the end of each academic year, a statement specifying all unfinished business of that board, along with copies of any documents relating to that unfinished business.
The board chairperson is responsible for submitting to the provost any revisions in the Faculty Handbook which have been approved by that board. In the case of a proposed change in the campus governance structure, as relating for example to existing or proposed standing committees, the proposal is to be submitted first to the Administrative Affairs Board. Upon positive action by the board, the AdAB chairperson will forward the approved revision to the Provost. - Recording Secretary: The chairperson of the board appoints a recording secretary to serve for the entire year. The recording secretary's role is to prepare minutes and to distribute them in accordance with the policy set forth in Appendix I, 22.b. Minutes must contain enough detail to allow readers to gain a good understanding of the actions of committees and boards and the rationales for those actions.
- Chairperson: The chairperson of each of the three boards should be tenured and is
elected in the spring by those new and continuing members who are to constitute the
board for the following academic year.
- The Standing Committees
- Chairperson: The chairperson is appointed by the Status Committee. The chairperson's functions are basically the same as those of the chairperson of a board. The chairperson of each standing committee must file with the Provost and with the newly elected chairperson of the parent board, before the end of each academic year, a statement specifying all unfinished business of that committee, along with copies of any documents relating to that unfinished business.
- Recording Secretary: The recording secretary is appointed by the chairperson. The recording secretary's role is to prepare minutes and to distribute them in accordance with the policy set forth in Appendix I, 22.b.
f. Meetings:
- Regular meetings of a board are held at least monthly. Special meetings may be called
by the chairperson. The three major Boards meet as follows:
- Academic Affairs Board – first and third Tuesday of each month
- Administrative Affairs Board – third Thursday of each month
- Campus Life Board – first Tuesday of each month.
- If a fifth Tuesday occurs in any month, it will be allotted to the Academic Affairs
Board. If additional meetings become necessary, they should be scheduled at times
other than Community Hours.
The standing committees hold a minimum of two meetings per semester. Thursday during the Community Hour (11:00 a.m. – noon) has been established as the regular meeting time for standing committees of the three major boards according to the following schedule:- Second Thursday of the month, Academic Affairs Board
- Third Thursday of the month, Campus Life Board
- Fourth Thursday of the month, Administrative Affairs Board.
- With the exception of the Status Committee, the Student Standing and Appeals Committee,
and the Judicial Board, meetings of boards and committees are open to the college
community. It must be kept in mind, however, occasionally a board or committee may
decide to act in executive session, at which time members of the community not elected
or appointed to the board or committee may be asked to leave the meeting.
The dates of meetings shall be publicized in September of each academic year so that faculty and student groups or individuals that wish to present ideas or proposals are aware of deadlines for presentations. - A proposed agenda shall be prepared for all regular meetings and consideration of agenda shall be the first item of business at each meeting. Agendas of Boards and Committee Meetings shall be distributed to the campus electronically at least one week in advance of the next meeting.
- The normal rules of order shall be followed in transaction of business. A quorum is defined as 25 percent of the eligible voters. In the absence of a quorum, business may be transacted subject to later ratification. The chairpersons of boards and committees do not normally vote, except in case of a tie vote. Ex officio members of committees have full voting rights and privileges, except that the Faculty Moderator is a non-voting member of PIC (see A3.e.2).
- In the formulation of significant policy, the committees shall hold open hearings so that the views of interested faculty members, administrators, and students can be heard, and their ideas and responses taken into consideration prior to the crystallizing of policy recommendations.
g. Ad Hoc Committees Reporting to Boards or Standing Committees
A board or standing committee may wish to appoint an ad hoc committee to make a particular
study or to present special policy recommendations. When it does so, it shall prepare
a clear statement of the duties of this committee and establish a due date for its
reports. Creation of, appointments to, and reports from an ad hoc committee shall
be included in the minutes of the convening board or standing committee.
The membership of an ad hoc committee need not be limited to members of the parent
board or standing committee.
Membership on ad hoc committees should be taken into account when considering and
rewarding a faculty member’s service contributions to the college.
h. Initial Policy Formulation Outside Boards and Standing Committees
Although, as stated above (A3.f), "major responsibility for formulating and shaping policy is vested in the three boards and the committees under them," other groups may take an initiative in the development of policy proposals, beyond merely asking a board or committee to deal with an issue. In addition to the special committees described in section A6 below, such groups include:
- Academic Departments
The departmental meeting is a normal and effective means by which each member of the faculty may present ideas on any aspect of the college program and get initial reaction. Departments may prepare recommendations on any matter and send them to the chairperson of the appropriate board or standing committee.
Within the framework of policies established by the Academic Affairs Board, departments have some freedom to establish particular departmental policies. To enact such policies, as well as to take up other items of professional stimulation and concern, each department shall hold regular meetings. Minutes shall be kept and copies distributed to members of the department and divisional dean. Copies should also be sent annually to the Archives, as per the Records Retention Policy. - Divisions
Divisional meetings may serve as a forum for discussion of matters that have ramifications beyond the individual departments. Therefore, such meetings become a means of preparing divisional recommendations to the appropriate board or standing committee.
Other functions of divisional meetings are to provide programs for intellectual stimulation and to become the means of presenting nominations to membership on the boards and on the Status, Professional Interests, President's Advisory, and Financial Resources Advisory Committees. - Department Chairpersons' Councils
The departmental chairpersons within each division meet on occasion at the call of the divisional dean, who acts as the chairperson. The chief function of these councils is that of an advisory body. They may make recommendations to the administration, the faculty, or the various policy-making boards and standing committees for changes in policy, new policies, procedures or programs, studies, and research in any area related to the various programs of the college. - Ad Hoc Committees Reporting to an Administrator or Administrative Department
In the interest of the creative academic environment which Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø seeks to foster, it may on occasion be desirable to appoint an ad hoc committee to address a specific issue, opportunity, or situation. While such ad hoc committees do not have policy-making power, they may forward policy recommendations to the appropriate decision-making body. Ad hoc committees are to observe the following procedures:- The responsibilities of an ad hoc committee should not duplicate the functions of a board or standing committee.
- When an ad hoc committee is formed, its task, membership, method and time of termination, and to whom it is to report should be delineated and publicized via inHope or by email by the administrator or Chairperson of the Board or Committee setting up the ad hoc committee. Any perceived conflicts with board and standing committee areas of responsibility will be resolved by the Administrative Affairs Board.
- An outline of the ad hoc committee plan (task, membership, duration, to whom it reports), its minutes, and a summary of its conclusions or final report will be reported via inHope or by email.
- In the appointment of faculty members to ad hoc committees, equitable distribution of extracurricular responsibilities should be kept in mind.
- If a policy recommendation results from the work of an ad hoc committee, it is to be presented to the appropriate board or standing committee and that group will take action on the policy recommendation within the next three meetings.
- Administrative Departments
Initial drafting of policy recommendations is sometimes done by an administrator, possibly with the aid of existing groups such as the Deans' Council (see A2.e). It is the administrator's responsibility, at an early stage of the development of such recommendations, to notify the chairpersons of the relevant board and standing committee that the work is under way, so that the board and committee may decide at what point it wants to become directly involved in the formulating process.
i. Faculty and Presidential Review of Policies Enacted by the Boards
All policy actions taken by the committees are recommendations to their parent board.
All policy actions by a board are subject to review by the faculty (see A3.f) and by the President of the College, who is the responsible agent of the Board of
If board decisions are of such significance as to require Board of Trustees approval,
or if they have such financial ramifications as to require review by the President's
Administrative Staff, the president shall upon being notified of such decisions, inform
the board promptly of the additional steps needed. Other board decisions shall become
official upon approval by the president. The action of the president should be indicated
formally within 30 days of notification (see A5.e1a), subject to the proviso that the president is entitled to delay a response until
after the time allotted for faculty review (see A3.f) has elapsed.
j. "Checklist" and Workshop for Board and Committee Officers
- A "Checklist for Chairpersons and Secretaries of Boards and Committees" is available from the Provost's Office. It contains practical recommendations on the conduct of business--from an initial idea to enacted and approved policy--and a digest of pertinent Handbook regulations, topically arranged for convenient reference.
- Board and committee chairpersons have an opportunity to discuss problems they have encountered in the governance system and ways of making the system work more effectively, in an annual Governance Workshop sponsored by the Provost's Office.
A6: Description of the Boards and Standing Committees
a. Academic Affairs Board
- Functions:
- To initiate academic policy and to review and take action on all academic policy recommendations.
- To review the educational objectives of the college and to propose or engage in studies aimed at making the academic program constantly more effective.
- To examine proposals for major academic change, including the addition or deletion of departments and programs. In cases where the proposed change may affect the basic character of the college or have unusual implications for the college budget, the Academic Affairs Board recommendations shall be forwarded to the Administrative Affairs Board for approval. At the discretion of the President, some proposals may even require Board of Trustees action.
- To request its committees to consider matters and present recommendations to it.
- To act on matters of library policy and cultural offerings.
- To advise the Provost and deans on matters they bring to it.
- To establish policies on academic advising and to examine the existing advising program.
- Membership:
Provost, Associate Provost, eight faculty (two from each division, and at least one from each division must be tenured), and four students (one an officer of Student Congress). - Standing Committees
The following standing committees come under the jurisdiction of the Academic Affairs Board, each having a faculty member as board liaison:- Curriculum Committee
- Cultural Affairs Committee
- International Education Committee
- Library Committee
- Teacher Education Council
- Assessment Committee
- Academic Computing Committee
- General Education Committee
A board liaison attends the committee meeting as a non-voting participant as needed or as requested. When not attending meetings, the liaison maintains contact with the standing committee chair to pass on information to the parent board.
Each standing committee is required to submit minutes of its meetings to the parent Board and the Archives within two weeks of approval of the minutes and at least one week prior to the next meeting.
A1. Curriculum Committee
- Functions:
- To review and initiate changes in the patterns of curricular requirements for the degree (both the college's general education requirements and the framework of major requirements).
- To study and make decisions regarding proposed new and revised academic major and minor programs, including all curricular, co-curricular, experiential, internship, and other requirements for such majors and minors.
- To study and make decisions on requests for adding courses, deleting courses, and changes to courses that would require substantive revision to the catalog description.
- To initiate studies designed to evaluate aspects of the curricular program.
- To study and make recommendations on requests for changes in academic regulations,
such as:
- Systems of grading
- Student load
- Class attendance
- To study and make recommendations on the application of the college’s nondiscrimination policy within the college curriculum.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any item referred to it by the Academic Affairs Board.
- Membership:
A member of the Deans' Council, the Dean of Libraries, four faculty members (one from each division), General Education Director, Ex. officio and two student members. (Note: The respective department chairpersons and divisional dean, if possible, shall be present when action is taken on curricular changes in their departments.) - Procedures:
To expedite the evaluation of the many curricular proposals, the committee has established guidelines to be followed by all who prepare and submit proposals. Copies are available on the Registrar’s Office Website under “Forms.†All course proposals must be submitted by November 1, for approval for the next academic year.
A2. Cultural Affairs Committee
- Functions:
- To plan and to assist in administering a program of all college cultural events chiefly concerts, exhibitions, performances, and lectures of interdisciplinary interest.
- To provide limited financial support for a balanced series of lectures and events of a specific disciplinary interest. These programs are planned and administered by academic departments.
- To prepare an annual budget request for such a program of cultural activities and to determine policies for administration of this budget.
- To assess periodically the programs presented and, with the Student Congress, provide a means whereby student and faculty comments and suggestions may be provided to the Committee for its guidance.
- To take up any matters brought to it by the administrative officer in charge of the budget or of the scheduling of events.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any item referred to it by the Academic Affairs Board.
- Membership: Four faculty members (one from each division), four students, the dean for the Arts Division, the coordinator of the Great Performance Series, and the Student Activities Coordinator.
- Procedures: Applications for support of all-college cultural events should be made
in writing to the Chair, or the Secretary, of the Cultural Affairs Committee and will
be acted upon by the Committee in the order in which requests are received. The Committee
sets and announces deadlines by which applications are due (ordinarily, mid-October
for first-semester events and mid-January for second-semester events). The following
guidelines apply:
- The Committee's maximum grant is $700.
- Financial support must also be obtained from sources other than the Committee.
- All proposed activities must demonstrate campus-wide appeal and be open to audiences from beyond a single department.
- The support of the Committee must be acknowledged in advertisements, programs, and announcements associated with the event.
- A brief report on the event and attendance at it must be submitted within two weeks after the event takes place.
Application and report forms are available on-line from the office of the Dean for Arts and Humanities.
A3. International Education Committee
- This committee deals most directly with academic questions; however, in the case of establishing off campus, overseas programs, much of its planning and decision making touches policy areas that are normally under another board. Therefore, any complex new international program may need to have certain aspects reviewed by such boards. The committee is placed under the Academic Affairs Board but becomes advisory to the other committees and boards in promoting the objectives of the international education program of the college.
- Functions:
- To initiate evaluative studies of Hope's international off-campus programs.
- To analyze suggestions for new off campus international programs and to recommend programs to the Academic Affairs Board.
- To review Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø's participation in international education programs sponsored by other agencies and associations.
- To recommend policies for approving non Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø international programs in which students wish to enroll for a portion of their degree work and approve submitted student petitions case by case.
- To advise the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee and directors of the corresponding programs regarding policies in these areas as they affect international students.
- To advise the Campus Life Board and the directors of counseling and guidance on policies in these areas as they affect international students.
- To recommend to academic departments, to the Curriculum Committee, to the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, and to the Campus Life Board means of strengthening the goal of international understanding through curricular and extracurricular approaches.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any item referred to it by the Academic Affairs Board.
- To advise and support the collective work of the Fried International Center as it pertains to international students, global partners, and off-campus study.
- Membership:
Four faculty members (one from each division), and an additional faculty member from the Department of World Languages and Cultures, two student members (with previous experiences in an international program), the Senior Director of Global Engagement, and a representative from the Registrar’s Office. (Administrative officers should be invited to attend when the agenda includes any items in their special province e.g., Vice President for Admissions, Director of Financial Aid, Vice President for Public Affairs and Marketing, Provost.)
A4. Library Committee
- Functions:
- To advise the Dean of Libraries on the collection, services, staffing, liaison with departments, budget, facilities, security, and other matters which the Director may bring to the Committee, and to assist in evaluating library practices and procedures.
- To serve as liaison in communicating faculty and student concerns on operation of the libraries to the Dean of Libraries.
- To serve as sounding board for library staff members' ideas by having staff members interact with committee members.
- To study and make recommendations to the Academic Affairs Board concerning planning and policies which directly affect the academic program.
- To support and encourage the Dean of Libraries in achieving the best possible library collection, support services, and facilities for students and faculty.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any item referred to it by the Academic Affairs Board.
- Membership:
Four faculty members (one from each division), the Dean of Libraries, two students, one administrative staff member appointed by the provost.
A5. Teacher Education Council
- Purposes:
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation calls upon all of its accredited teacher preparation programs to establish and maintain ongoing communication with its Pre-K–12 partners to insure that an institution’s professional education programs are organized, unified, and coordinated in a manner that enables it to fulfill its mission. The Teacher Education Council is that officially designated unit at Hope College. Its primary responsibility is the advancement of the professional education programs by means of discussion of current and anticipated issues and trends in education and offering recommendations for program improvement to the department chairperson. - Functions:
- Review, evaluate, and recommend policy to the Education Department Chairperson, as stated in the purposes of the Council.
- Review and monitor policies and procedures for admission and retention of students to the teacher education program.
- Periodically receive from the Education Department a description of the knowledge base for the professional education sequence.
- Engage in dialogue with the Education Department about current and anticipated issues and trends in teacher preparation programs and how to most effectively address them.
- Provide a broader context for discussion of issues specific to the Education Department but also important to the campus community.
- Provide opportunities to inform and elicit support from the campus community for the Education Department’s mission and programs and foster interaction of the Education Department with other departments.
- Foster the interaction of the Education Department with area Pre-K -12 school personnel and secure their advice and support of efforts to prepare teachers for service in Pre-K–12 schools
- Examine issues referred to it by departments or individuals regarding the program and policies of the Education Department.
- Establish "standing" and "ad hoc" sub-committees to study specific issues relevant to full committee responsibilities (e.g., Secondary Programs) at the discretion of the Committees and Chairperson of the Education Department.
- Review and send to the Curriculum Committee recommendations for changes in courses/programs in the professional education program (e.g., in cases where change would result in the addition or deletion of courses or an increase or decrease in the number of semester hours in the approved teacher education program).
- Membership:
- Standing Members:
- Chairperson: Chairperson of the Education Department
- Representatives from the elementary, secondary, and special education programs (one from each).
- Rotating Members: (all are appointed by the Education Department Chairperson in consultation
with the Department and Pre-K-12 teacher and administrator committees and members
of the Education Department)
- One faculty representative from each of the college's four academic divisions.
- Four area Pre-K–12 in-service teachers.
- Four area Pre-K–12 administrators (principal or curriculum director).
- Two Hope pre-service teachers (junior and senior).
- Standing Members:
A6. Assessment Committee
- The Assessment Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Affairs Board, although its responsibilities extend to all areas of the college. Whenever appropriate, therefore, the Assessment Committee will also make recommendations to either the Campus Life Board or the Administrative Affairs Board, or to any of their standing committees.
- Functions:
- To educate the campus community about assessment and its importance.
- To assist academic departments and administrative units in the construction of assessment plans and in the use and review of assessment instruments.
- To assist academic departments and administrative units with the interpretation of the findings of their assessment efforts and the implementation of plans to improve teaching and learning based on those findings.
- To develop and periodically review instruments to assess the outcomes of the general education program.
- To monitor the various assessment plans and when needed recommend changes to the Academic Affairs Board.
- Membership:
- Eight faculty members (two from each division);
- Two students (appointed by Student Congress);
- The Director of Institutional Research, ex officio;
- The Senior Director of Assessment and Accreditation (chair);
- One staff member from Alumni and Family Engagement;
- One staff member from the Student Development Office;
- The Director of General Education.
A7. Academic Computing Committee
- Functions:
- To assist the college community to develop and sustain an institutional vision for the goals of instructional technology in light of the mission of the college.
- To promote the exploration and use of digitally mediated instruction in ways that are pedagogically appropriate to Hope's academic curriculum
- To collaborate with the Assessment Committee to ensure the effective assessment of digitally mediated instruction across the curriculum.
- To appraise the need for additional equipment, training and faculty support, and to advise the college how to address these needs.
- To promote training and support for faculty in implementing technologies in teaching and learning, and to promote innovations that utilize instructional technology in ways that are pedagogically effective.
- To administer the faculty technology innovation fund and the annual innovation award.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any item referred to it by the Academic Affairs Board.
- Membership:
The Director of Academic Computing as appointed by the Status Committee (committee chair), Director of Computing and Information Technology (CIT), a representative from the Deans’ Council, a representative from the Library, four faculty members (one from each division), a representative from the Center for Teaching and Learning, and two students.
b. Campus Life Board
- Functions:
- To formulate policy and to act on policy recommendations in all areas of non-academic campus life. A policy change before the Campus Life Board or the committees under its jurisdiction shall be forwarded to the president of Student Congress at least two weeks prior to its consideration. Student Congress shall have the option to submit recommendations to that Board or Committee regarding the proposed change.
- To establish and review regulations for campus life and student conduct and policies for dealing with violations of these regulations.
- On a periodic basis have a conversation with Departmental Directors to learn about their mission and services, provide an opportunity for questions, and make recommendations for program modifications or enhancements. The Chair of Campus Life Board will review this expectation and schedule departmental conversations at the first meeting of the board where there is full membership.
- To review and enact policies as developed by: Co-Curricular Affairs, Residential Life, Religious Life, and Student Media Committee as relates to their programs and operation.
- Twice an academic year (beginning and by February) the Chair of the Residential Life Committee and the Director of Residential Life and Housing will present an overview of campus and off-campus housing.
- To request its committees or the Student Congress to consider and make recommendations on matters which affect these areas of the college’s operation.
- That at the last meeting of fall semester have the Comptroller of Student Congress provide an overview of the budgeting process and criteria for budgeting. The criteria should be approved by the Campus Life Board.
- Annually, the committee facilitating Women’s Programming on campus will provide an update to the Campus Life Board. The Campus Life Board may make comments, recommendations, or suggestions as to ways to effectively address the needs of women on campus during these occasions. The update will occur at the last meeting of the Campus Life Board.
- Membership:
Three members from the Student Development Division, including the Dean of the Chapel or a Chaplain designated by the Dean; four faculty members (one from each division); and four students (one an officer of Student Congress). - Standing Committees:
The following standing committees come under the jurisdiction of the Campus Life Board, each having a faculty member as board liaison:- Co-Curricular Activities Committee
- Religious Life Committee
- Student Media Committee
- Residential Life Committee
A board liaison attends the committee meeting as a non-voting participant as needed or as requested. When not attending meetings, the liaison maintains contact with the standing committee chair to pass on information to the parent board.
b1. Co-Curricular Activities Committee
- Functions:
- To consider and make recommendations to the Campus Life Board on all policies concerning
student organizations (except in the areas of religious affairs and student communications).
These include policies on:
- Criteria for student groups to remain in good standing to be monitored by Student Life.
- Advising of student organizations
- Organization of new groups
- Policies which articulate standards and processes of operation.
- Within the policies established under a., to act on requests for the establishment of new campus organizations, except groups affiliated with academic departments.
- Within the policies established under a., to establish guidelines and procedures for the advising of student organizations.
- To recommend to the Campus Life Board policies governing sororities and fraternities in consultation with the Dean of Students, the Interfraternity Council, the Pan-Hellenic Council and Greek Council.
- To consider questions or complaints concerning student activities which have not been resolved through administrative channels.
- To assess periodically the social and co-curricular program of the college and to recommend to the Student Congress, the Campus Life Board and the Administration ways of improving it.
- To review any matters referred to it by the Student Congress, the Dean of Students or the Campus Life Board.
- To consider and make recommendations to the Campus Life Board on all policies concerning
student organizations (except in the areas of religious affairs and student communications).
These include policies on:
- Membership:
Two representatives from the Office of Student Development, two faculty members, three students. - Subcommittees:
- The Greek Judicial Board
- Greek Council
B1a: Greek Judicial Board
- Functions:
- To review facts pertaining to alleged violations of Greek rules.
- To impose sanctions on individuals or organizations which it finds to be in violation of those rules.
- To coordinate with the Judicial Board to determine jurisdiction in matters involving violations of both Greek and College rules.
- Membership:
Four faculty members appointed by the Status Committee (Campus Life Board liaison not necessary), the Associate Dean for Student Life or his/her appointee to serve as Advisor to the Board, and one student representative and one alternate from each Greek organization. The student representatives and alternates from each Greek organization are selected for membership by the Advisor and the Interfraternity Council President and the Panhellenic Council President. - Procedures:
The Greek Judicial Board is advised by a staff member from the Student Development Office. Detailed procedures for the board are given in the Student Handbook and the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Greek Judicial Board Procedures Manual, which are available in the Student Development Office.
B1b: Greek Council
- Functions:
- To serve as the governing body to fraternities and sororities.
- To review policies pertaining to Greek Life.
- To recommend new Greek Life policy or revisions to existing policy.
- Membership:
The council is comprised of the executive board members of the Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council, who are selected by their respective membership. The council is advised by the Director of Student Life or his/her appointee. - Procedures:
The Greek Council is advised by a staff member from the Student Development Office and gains approval for policy change through Campus Life Board.
B2. Religious Life Committee
- Functions:
- In relation to Campus Life Board:
- To promote the broad religious objectives of the college by considering and making recommendations to the Campus Life Board on all policies concerning the religious program of the College and the campus religious organizations.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any matter referred to it by the Campus Life Board.
- In relation to the Office of Campus Ministries:
- To assess the religious climate of the College and advise the Office of Campus Ministries in preparing programs to meet needs. The Campus Ministries Office generally administers such programs.
- To advise on matters brought to it by the Office of Campus Ministries.
- To provide coordination and prevent unnecessary duplication of effort among various groups ministering to the spiritual welfare of the campus community.
- To act on requests for establishing new religious organizations.
- In relation to Campus Life Board:
- Membership:
The Dean of the Chapel or a Chaplain designated by the Dean, three faculty members, and five students - two appointed by the Student Congress and three appointed by the Religious Life Committee. Attention should be given to representation by sex, religious affiliation, ethnic background, and living area (off-campus housing, cottages, residence halls, and apartments). In addition, faculty and student liaison persons to the Student Life Committee of the Board of Trustees who are not included in the above list shall be ex officio members of the Religious Life Committee.
B3. Student Media Committee
- Functions:
- To study and consider all matters concerning the student communications media, including any matters referred to it by the Campus Life Board, and to make policy recommendations about these issues to the Campus Life Board. The term “student communications media†refers to recognized student media organizations funded by Student Congress.
- To recommend to the Student Congress Appropriations Committee the distribution of monies allocated for use by recognized student media organizations, including The Anchor, Milestone, Opus, and WTHS.
- To appoint the editors or managers of all recognized student media organizations, including The Anchor, Milestone, Opus, and WTHS, acting upon recommendations from the executive members of the retiring staffs and upon letters of application from the candidates. The appointments of the other editorial and major staff positions in these organizations are normally made by the editor/manager, with approval by the Committee; when necessary, these appointments may be made by the Committee.
- To terminate, for just cause, and in consultation with the faculty advisor, the appointment of an editor, manager, or staff member of one of the student media organizations, and to appoint a successor.
- Membership:
Membership will include four students (preferably with a background in communication issues, and including the Comptroller of Student Congress) appointed annually by Student Congress; three faculty members (preferably with a background in communication issues) appointed for staggered two-year terms; two administrative staff members (one from public relations staff, one from student development staff). The Committee Chair will be a faculty member. Efforts should be made to reflect the diversity of the campus community when making appointments to this committee. - Procedures:
- In appointing the media personnel (function b), the Committee has generally followed these procedures. The media are encouraged to prepare, through in-service training in a variety of staff responsibilities, candidates for the top positions who have ability and experience. Positions are advertised, however, and applications are accepted from any student. The Committee interviews all applicants, not only to aid in selection but also to establish a dialogue with the new leaders concerning objectives and policies for their respective organizations. It has been the practice to invite the editors and general manager of student media organizations to sit on the committee, with voice (including the right to make motions) but not vote, and make regular reports at committee meetings.
- The Student Media Committee (SMC) and its subsidiary boards should, in all its procedures, recognize that the processes and objectives of artistic expression, editorial content and news differ. As a result, these organizations have different responsibilities to their audiences and the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø community. While most student media organizations serve a strictly news function, the functions of a few organizations are more artistic in nature. Because student media messages are published or broadcast and disseminated to the public, it is important that they be sensitive to the Student Media Guidelines. However, due to the very nature of artistic expression, these organizations should be given broader boundaries than news-oriented organizations. Attention to the nature of the work in question must be considered when providing feedback.
B4. Residential life committee
- Functions:
- To review the quality of residential life, including living units (on campus and off), dining hall and food service, and public safety, and make policy recommendations to the Campus Life Board.
- To advise on the planning and design of residence facilities.
- To review rules and regulations concerning residential life (as defined above) and student conduct, and make policy recommendations to the Campus Life Board. Amendments to the housing terms and conditions for the next academic year shall be forwarded to the president of Student Congress at least two months prior to the conclusion of the spring semester. Exceptions to this time constraint include amendments necessary to maintain student safety or to comply with the laws of the City of Holland, State of Michigan, or United States. In all instances, the president of Student Congress shall be informed of such amendments prior to their taking effect.
- To delineate procedures for handling violations of such rules and regulations and set guidelines for the imposition of penalties, subject to approval by the Campus Life Board.
- To recommend to the Campus Life Board the procedures to be used by the Judicial Board and to review periodically the areas of its jurisdiction.
- To study and make policy recommendations on any item referred to it by the Campus Life Board.
- Membership:
The Dean of Students or his/her representative, the Assistant Dean of Housing and Residence Life, a student representative from the Judicial Board, a representative of Student Congress, two students appointed by Student Congress, and two faculty members. Student membership shall include both men and women.
B4a. Judicial board
- Functions:
- To review the facts pertaining to certain alleged violations by students of the rules
of the college:
- Cases referred by the Director of Housing and Judicial Affairs, who is the first-level disciplinary officer in the Office of Student Development. Customarily, such cases are those without precedent, or those involving students who have a prior record of violating institutional regulations, or those in which the Director deems a board hearing to be preferable to an administrative hearing.
- Cases in which the student requests a board hearing rather than an administrative hearing.
- Cases in which the student denies the charge.
- To make decisions on cases reviewed and, in the event of a guilty verdict, to determine the penalty.
- To review the facts pertaining to certain alleged violations by students of the rules
of the college:
- Membership:
Six faculty members appointed by the Status Committee (Campus Life Board liaison not necessary), the Assistant Director of Housing or his/her appointee as Advisor to the Board, and a representative of Student Congress. The student membership of ten for the Board is selected by the Assistant Director and/or the Advisor, in consultation with a designated student Chair of the Board and/or a representative of Student Congress. Hearings must have no fewer than two faculty members and four students in order to proceed. The minutes are confidential; periodic summary reports are made to the parent committee. - Procedures:
Procedural "due process" includes the rights of the accused student to be notified in writing of the nature of the charges, to be given time to prepare a defense, to be assisted in defense by an advisor of his/her choice from within the college, and to be held innocent until proven guilty.
- Alleged violations by students of the rules of Greek organizations and alleged violations by Greek organizations of the policies and regulations governing them are dealt with by the Greek Judicial Board (see A6.b1a).
- Appeals by students from Judicial Board decisions may be made to the Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students or, in certain cases, to the Student Standing and Appeals Committee. Details are provided in the Student Handbook.
C. Administrative Affairs Board
- Functions:
- To formulate policies and to act upon policy recommendations in all areas not specifically assigned to another board.
- To design or revise the campus committee structure and areas of responsibility.
- To resolve any perceived conflicts with board and standing committee areas of responsibility.
- To approve the annual college calendar.
- To review periodically the pattern of decisions of the Committee on Student Standing and Appeals, and to provide guidelines for its decision-making.
- To review and act on proposals for research and other educational activities that are not part of the degree program, when referred by the administration.
- To advise the president or other administrative officers on any matters which they present to it, including unusual budgetary items and major changes in the administrative structure, and to act upon recommendations forwarded to it by the Academic Affairs Board having implications either for change in the character of the college or for the college budget.
- To approve proposed changes in the Faculty Handbook.
- Membership:
The President, Provost, Vice President for Admissions, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Vice President for Student Development, five faculty members (one from each division and one at large), and two students (one an officer of the Student Congress). - Standing Committees
The following standing committees come under the jurisdiction of the Campus Life Board, each having a faculty member as board liaison:
- Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid
- Athletic Committee
- Student Standing and Appeals Committee
- Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
A board liaison attends the committee meeting as a non-voting participant as needed or as requested. When not attending meetings, the liaison maintains contact with the standing committee chair to pass on information to the parent board.
C1. Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid
- Functions:
- Advise, review, and recommend broad guidelines for admission policies and procedures which include responding to the national college admission environment.
- Advise, review, and recommend broad guidelines for college financial aid, which includes scholarships, grants, student loans and student employment policies.
- Advise, review, and recommend broad guidelines for student retention initiatives, consulting with the Academic Success Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Development, and others as appropriate.
- When appropriate, committee recommendations shall be submitted the Administrative Affairs Board.
- Membership:
The Director of Admissions, the Director of Financial Aid, the Retention Coordinator, the Director of Center for Diversity and Inclusion or her/his designate, four faculty members (one from each division), and two students.
C2. Athletic Committee
- Functions:
- To develop current statements of policy, procedure, and philosophy for the college's athletic programs as required in the statements of the NCAA and the MIAA.
- To advise the directors of athletics on any matter of procedure and administration which they bring before them and to conduct, with the directors, periodic evaluations of the program in relation to the committee's own statements and the requirements of the MIAA and NCAA.
- To formulate and make recommendations to the Administrative Affairs Board on policies for all intercollegiate sports activities of the College.
- To approve all schedules for intercollegiate sports.
- To decide on recipients of all athletic awards, acting on the recommendations of the directors or coaches.
- To engage in a continuing study of the opportunities and possibilities for the development of the College's athletic program and to make recommendations to the proper boards, committees or administrative officers in such areas as recruitment, public relations, publicity, etc.
- To consider ideas from members of the college community on the athletic program.
- To study and make recommendations on any policy items referred to it by the Administrative Affairs Board.
- Membership:
The athletic director(s), a member of the administrative staff (appointed by the President), faculty athletics representatives (one man, one woman) and student representatives (one man, one woman, one alternate) to the MIAA, one other faculty member, and two students appointed by Student Congress.
Two Faculty Athletics Representatives to the MIAA (FARs) are selected by the Provost
and the Chairperson of the Department of Kinesiology to serve three-year renewable
terms. The current MIAA Operations Manual is in the possession of the college's FARs
and Directors of Athletics. A detailed list of FAR responsibilities is on file in
the Department of Kinesiology.
C3. Student Standing and Appeals Committee
- Functions:
- To act on appeals from adverse decisions by the provost, registrar or their representatives on students' requests for exceptions to academic requirements.
- To determine students' academic standing and make decisions on dismissal from the college for academic reasons, when students appeal administrative decisions on these matters. (The Committee does not have authority to change the grade given for any particular course.)
- To act on appeals by students to suspension or dismissal decisions imposed by the Judicial Board, the Greek Judicial Board, or any administrative officer for disciplinary reasons.
- To act on requests for permission to complete more than 15 hours of senior-year course work at another educational institution. (The registrar may grant permission to complete as much as 15 hours of senior-year course work at another institution.)
- Membership:
The Vice President for Admissions or his/her representative, four faculty members (one from each division), three students (appointed by the Student Congress and selected to ensure adequate minority and sex representation). - Procedures:
All appeals and requests for exemptions must be in writing in accordance with procedures and details established by the committee. A statement of these procedures and of those used in the hearings is available from the chairperson of the committee.
Appeals that cannot be heard during the regular academic year will be handled by an interim committee having the same functions as the standing committee and following the same procedures. The interim committee will be constituted by the Provost or his/her designee, selecting one faculty member from each academic division to serve from the conclusion of the academic year until the following year's committee membership is in place. The Dean of Students will work with the Student Congress president to select three students to serve during the same period of time. These selections will also be made before the academic year concludes, with preference given to those who have served on the standing committee most recently. Appeals will be adjudicated on the fourth Wednesday and Thursday in June, or on a mutually agreed upon date, but not later than July 15.
C4. Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
- Purpose: The mission of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion is, with the charge from the Administrative Affairs Board, to support, advise, and work with campus offices and departments throughout the college to support the college’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
- Functions:
- The committee shall highlight an annual topic in consultation with the Center for
Diversity and Inclusion, its GROW initiative committee, and the Administrative Affairs
Board. The topics shall be related to at least one of the following:
- Increasing diversity and inclusion among suppliers and vendors
- Increasing recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of students of color
- Increasing recruitment, promotion, and retention of faculty and staff of color
- Assessing the impact of campus diversity on students
- Reflecting on the commitment to diversity and inclusion in policies and position descriptions
- The committee shall provide a forum for the discussion of the academic, social, and cultural needs of minority students, faculty, and personnel, and local community related to the annual topic
- the committee shall invite relevant campus and external parties to discuss and present information to the committee related to the annual topic
- the committee shall provide recommendations for action or policy to the Administrative Affairs Board and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- the committee will review any college policy related to diversity and inclusion as requested by the Administrative Affairs Board
- The committee shall highlight an annual topic in consultation with the Center for
Diversity and Inclusion, its GROW initiative committee, and the Administrative Affairs
Board. The topics shall be related to at least one of the following:
- Membership: The Committee for Diversity and Inclusion shall consist of: at least 1 faculty member from each division, 3 representatives from student congress (at least 1 from the Culture and Inclusion Committee), 1 representative from Disability and Accessibility Resources, and at least 1 representative from Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Among the members, at least two shall be representatives from GROW.
D. Status Committee
- Functions:
- To review annually the professional status of the faculty and, after considering the recommendations of the chairperson and divisional dean, to recommend to the College administration those members of the teaching staff who merit promotion in rank, merit raises, sabbatical leaves, and/or admission to tenure status.
- To act on selection of individual faculty members for special recognition or assignment when requested by faculty or administration.
- To act as the nominating committee for faculty membership in the standing committees, following the guidelines as stated in A4.b-c.
- To assist in administering the policies on internal faculty development grants (See Db21).
- To serve as a hearing committee in cases when probationary faculty appeal non-reappointment (See B5.b1).
- Membership and Method of Election:
The Provost, who serves as chairperson and spokesperson, and four faculty members–one from each division.
The faculty members are elected by and are responsible directly to the faculty. In March of each year, faculty members are elected for three-year terms. The terms are staggered so that one-third of the membership is elected each year. A faculty member is eligible for reelection for one additional term, but is then ineligible for a term before s/he can be considered again for election.
For each vacancy, each divisional dean seeks nominations for tenured persons of associate or full professorial rank who are completing a minimum of three years of full-time instructional faculty duties at Hope. From these nominations each division shall elect the members to the Status Committee. A faculty member elected to one of the following may not serve concurrently on any of the others: Administrative Affairs Board, Professional Interests Committee, Status Committee, President's Advisory Committee, Advisory Committee on Financial Resources, Appeals & Grievances Panel. If the election results in a committee whose elected members are all of one sex, a special full-faculty election will be held to elect, for a one-year term, a fifth member, of the other sex, from the list of those eligible and willing to serve. - Procedures:
In its deliberations the Status Committee shall take steps to ensure that no member of the Status Committee is unduly involved in any discussions or decisions in which s/he has a vested interest. Specifically, a departmental chairperson who is a member of the Status Committee will not vote on a matter in which s/he has prepared a recommendation which is being considered by the committee. Similarly in the case of a review by the Status Committee under the provisions of B5.b1, the Provost will neither preside nor vote.
In carrying out several of the committee's functions, the advice and judgment of the departmental chairpersons and divisional deans will be carefully considered. The committee shall determine whether and when divisional deans and departmental chairpersons are to be invited to a meeting. The President may attend on the committee's invitation or his/her own initiative.
E. President's Advisory Committee
- Function:
To advise the President regarding long-range goals, formulation of policy, overall financial matters, campus development, and other matters on which the President seeks counsel. - Membership:
The Faculty Moderator, four faculty members (one from each division) and two staff members (one hourly and one salaried).
The Faculty Moderator is elected by the faculty (see A3.e2). The faculty divisional representatives are appointed by the President from a panel elected by each division. The faculty members in each division select two nominees by vote. The President appoints one of these two for a three-year term. Faculty representatives are eligible for reelection one time.
The Staff Advisory Committee will recommend four staff members by name (two hourly and two salaried). The President appoints two of these four (one hourly, one salaried) for a three-year term. Staff representatives are eligible for reappointment one time.
F. Advisory Committee on Financial Resources
- Functions:
- To serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer on all aspects of the financial operation of the College.
- To periodically review all aspects of the financial operation of the College and advise the President and the Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer on efficiencies and economies that might be achieved, on priorities and allocation of resources, and on possibilities for generating new resources.
- To be available for counsel at any time the College faces major financial problems or is contemplating major structural changes in the budget.
- To receive recommendations and expressions of concern from departments, Boards, Committees, and any member of the College community.
- To report its conclusions to those who express concern and to publish its minutes in the standard manner.
- Membership and Method of Election:
Four faculty members, one from each division, elected by the faculty according to the procedure described in A5.d. Election is for three-year staggered terms. A member may be reelected for a second term but is then ineligible for a term before s/he can be considered again for election. Members ex-officio are the President, the Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, and the Provost. A faculty member elected to one of the following may not serve concurrently on any of the others: Administrative Affairs Board, Advisory Committee on Financial Resources, President's Advisory Committee, Professional Interests Committee, and Status Committee. - Procedures:
The Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer will chair the committee, exercising this responsibility to ensure full involvement of the members of the committee in preparation of agenda and conduct of the committee's business. The committee will meet monthly during the academic year, with additional meetings scheduled when it is necessary to address specific issues. At its meetings, in addition to current agenda items, the committee will seriatim consider the financial aspects of various facets of the operation of the College, the appropriate staff member (e.g., Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students, Dean of Libraries) being invited to the meeting when his or her operation is to be discussed.
G. Professional Interests Committee
- Functions:
- To promote, by working with administrative officers, the professional interests of the faculty in such matters as professional ethics, institutional facilities, salaries, fringe benefits, criteria for promotion and tenure, equitable representation, and other items of faculty welfare.
- To compare periodically the Hope salary schedule with faculty salary schedules of other institutions of higher education and make recommendations to the administration.
- To review problems or suggestions of faculty members on matters touching their professional status and to endeavor to resolve such matters (see also B8c, Grievances).
- To conduct elections for Faculty Trustee nominees and for Faculty Moderator.
- To assist in the evaluation of academic administrators.
- To take leadership in promoting professional growth within the faculty.
- The PIC chairperson may call the committee into special session when a faculty member or administrator requests it to review problems which arise from decisions that affect the status of the faculty as a whole or an individual faculty member. The purpose of the PIC in this context is to review and recommend, but not to serve as a court or a legislative body.
- The PIC may also call a Faculty Forum, open to all members of the faculty, to discuss issues that affect the faculty as a whole. Faculty Forums can also be held following submission of a petition to PIC when signed by at least 20 percent of voting faculty membership (A3.d) or a vote in favor at a regularly scheduled and quorate Faculty Meeting. The PIC should make every effort to schedule Faculty Forums in such a manner as to encourage participation while addressing timeliness and urgency.
- While the Committee has no administrative, legislative or judicial powers, it may propose Faculty Resolutions to the faculty with voting privileges (A3.d) for electronic voting in order to express the opinion of the faculty.
- Membership and Method of Election:
Eight faculty members — two from each division — to be elected by the faculty in the spring of the academic year for three-year staggered terms. A member may be reelected for a second term but is then ineligible for a term before s/he can be considered for further election. Each divisional dean seeks nominations for persons who are completing a minimum of two years of full-time faculty duties at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. From these nominations, the division elects by ballot one person to serve as their representative. In addition, the Faculty Moderator, elected by the full faculty, serves as a nonvoting member of the Professional Interests Committee. Except for the Faculty Moderator, a faculty member elected to one of the following may not serve concurrently on any of the others: Administrative Affairs Board, Advisory Committee on Financial Resources, President's Advisory Committee, Professional Interests Committee, and Status Committee.
H. Appointed Committees
These committees do not report to any governing board, but operate within the framework of policies established by the boards and usually in close liaison with boards, standing committees, administrators, and/or departmental or divisional faculty. The way in which membership is established varies from one committee to another.
h1. Off-campus Programs Admissions Committee
- Functions:
- To screen all applications for admission to off-campus programs (except May, June and summer term courses) for which the student wishes academic credit at Hope.
- To advise on the application process and to assist in developing application and recommendation forms for off-campus programs.
- Membership:
The Registrar, Director of International Education, Dean of Students or his/her designated representative, and two additional faculty members appointed by the Status Committee.
H2. A. J. Muste Committee
- Functions:
- To develop and administer programs which will enhance the College's contribution to the ideals of peace and justice exemplified in the life and career of Hope alumnus A. J. Muste.
- To plan and coordinate the annual A. J. Muste Peace Lectureship, established in 1985 to mark the centenary of Muste's birth.
- Membership:
The committee consists of such faculty members as may volunteer to work on these programs, together with any members of the administration or students whom they may wish to include.
h3. Campus Art Committee and Museum Advisory Council
- Director:
The Director of the Kruizenga Art Museum is responsible for managing the art holdings of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø (which is separate from the art produced by students or acquired for the DePree Art Center), on behalf of the Dean for Arts and Humanities, the Provost, the President and the Board of Trustees. - Holdings:
The art holdings of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø are divided into two collections:- Kruizenga Art Museum Collection: Art in the Kruizenga Art Museum (KAM) Collection is intended primarily to serve the educational mission of the College. Objects belonging to the KAM collection are subject to the highest standards of care and are managed in accordance with guidelines and best practices established by the American Alliance of Museums. The KAM collection is intended to be a permanent collection, and objects are added to or removed from the collection only after undergoing a rigorous examination and review process.
- Campus Art Collection: Art in the campus collection is intended primarily for display in or around campus buildings and for use in hands-on teaching activities. Objects belonging to the Campus Collection are given a reasonable standard of care to preserve their decorative and/or teaching functions. However, the College accepts that artwork in the Campus Collection may occasionally be damaged through use or exposure to everyday working environments, and that objects may be added or removed from the collection with a less rigorous review process.
- Campus Art Committee Functions:
The Campus Art Committee advises and assists the KAM Director in the management (i.e., the acquisitioning and deaccessioning) of items in both the KAM Art Collection and the Campus Art Collection. Specific responsibilities of the Campus Art Committee include:- Reviewing and approving proposed additions to and disposals from the KAM collection.
- Reviewing and approving strategic plans for developing the KAM collection.
- Reviewing and approving proposed additions to and disposals from the Campus Art Collection.
- Reviewing the placement of works from the Campus Art Collection in and around buildings on campus, particularly in public spaces, other than the DePree Art Center.
- Campus Art Committee Membership:
- The KAM Director, who is also the committee chair
- The Dean of Arts and Humanities
- One faculty representative from the Art Department
- One faculty representative from a department other than Art
- One representative from Development and Alumni Engagement
- A representative from or appointed by the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Library
- Campus Art Committee Procedures:
- Representatives from Physical Plant and other College departments or divisions will be invited to advise the Campus Art Committee on an as-needed basis.
- In addition to the Campus Art Committee, the KAM Director is assisted by The Kruizenga Art Museum Advisory Council.
- Kruizenga Art Museum Advisory Council
- The primary function of the KAM Advisory Council is to raise funds and attract donations in support of exhibitions, educational programming and operations at the Kruizenga Art Museum. Council members are expected to donate or obtain money, art or in-kind support for the museum every fiscal year, according to their means and abilities. To ensure that museum resources are used efficiently and productively, council members annually review the museum director’s plans for exhibitions and programs and advise on possible campus and community partnerships. Council members also serve as ambassadors for the museum, helping to cultivate donations, loans, media coverage and relationships with people and institutions that are beneficial to the museum. The KAM Advisory Council does not have governing authority over the operations of the museum, but its advice and recommendations inform the directions taken by the KAM Director and approved by the Dean of Arts and Humanities.
- The KAM Advisory Council meets once a year at a regularly designated time (usually coordinated with the spring alumni weekend in April or May.) Prior to each annual meeting, the KAM Director submits a report to the Council reviewing exhibitions and programs at the museum in the previous year and proposing exhibitions and programs for future years. The KAM Director may also consult the council by mail and/or email between annual meetings if extraordinary opportunities or challenges arise.
- The KAM Advisory Council consists of eight ex-officio members and up to seven appointed
members. Ex-officio members of the KAM Advisory Council include:
- KAM Director
- Provost
- Dean of Arts and Humanities
- Chair of the Art Department or designee
- Vice President of Development and Alumni Engagement or designee
- Dick Kruizenga
- Derek Kruizenga
- Meg Froelich (née Kruizenga)
- Appointed members of the KAM Advisory Council may include alumni, current or former faculty, parents, community members, friends and others who are interested in supporting the museum’s mission and operations. Council members serve terms of either two or three years, and may serve up to three consecutive terms. Terms of service will be staggered to ensure continuity as the council’s membership changes.
H4. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Animal Care and Use Committee (HCACUC)
- Functions:
To review projects for humane treatment and judicious and safe use of vertebrate animals (as required by federal law). See C4.a for description of the ethical responsibilities of faculty using animals in research or teaching. The specific functions are to:- Review, at least once every six months, the institution's program for humane care and use of animals.
- Inspect, at least once every six months, all the institution's animal facilities.
- Prepare reports of its evaluations as set forth in the Public Health Services (PHS) Policy at IV.B.3. and submit the reports to the Associate Provost, who serves as the Institutional Official according to the Assurance document approved by the Public Health Service Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.
- Review complaints involving the care and use of animals at the institution.
- Make written recommendations to the Associate Provost regarding any aspect of the institution's animal program, facilities, or personnel training.
- Review activities related to the care and use of animals (in relation to PHS Policy, IV.V) and grant approval (with or without conditions) or withhold approval. Review proposed significant changes regarding the use of animals in ongoing activities and require modifications in (to secure approval) or grant approval (with or without conditions) or withhold approval of such changes (cf. PHS Policy, IV.C).
- Notify investigators and the institution in writing of its decision to approve or withhold approval, or of modifications required to secure approval as set forth in vi (PHS Policy, IV.C.4).
- Be authorized to suspend an activity involving animals (PHS Policy, IV.C.6).
- Membership:
The Associate Provost shall appoint the committee of at least 5 members to include a doctor of veterinary medicine, a practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals, and a person whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area (e.g., ethicist, theologian), and one individual who is neither affiliated with Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø nor a member of the immediate family of a person affiliated with Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø.
h5. Human Subjects Review Board (HSRB)
- Functions:
- The HSRB reviews all research done under the auspices of the College involving human subjects to ensure that human participants are treated in a just and ethical manner (as defined in federal regulations). See C4.b for the ethical responsibilities of faculty using human subjects.
- The chair of the HSRB shall submit an annual report to the Provost detailing activities.
- Membership:
At least five members, appointed for three-year terms by the Associate Provost with the following characteristics: two members from the social science faculty, representing different departments; one from the natural and applied science faculty, one from the arts or the humanities faculty; one with an advanced degree in a health-related profession; one non-scientist and one from the Holland Community who is neither employed by Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø nor immediately related to someone closely affiliated with Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. Membership must include both men and women. The HSRB Chair reports to the Director of the Frost Center for Social Science Research.
HSRB website
H6. Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC)
- Functions:
- To develop a strong institutional program for advising students interested in pursuing post-graduate programs in health professions that is consistent with the mission of the college. This would include students preparing to enter graduate programs in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, pharmacy, physician assistant, occupational therapy, optometry, chiropractic medicine, genetic counseling, athletic training, orthotics and prosthetics, audiology and other health-related careers.
- To coordinate and encourage efforts of departments to offer courses commonly required by graduate programs in the health professions that are part of the regular college curriculum.
- To annually review reports from the Health Professions Advisor regarding the acceptance of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø students into graduate programs in the health professions and other yearly activities. The committee will advocate for programming opportunities to enhance student learning.
- Members of the HPAC will assist with advising majors in their respective departments who are pursuing a career in one of the health professions. Members of the HPAC will serve as liaisons between their department and the HPAC regarding pre-professional course requirements and experiential opportunities that impact department course offerings and programs.
- Membership:
The committee will consist of the Dean for the Natural and Applied Sciences, the Health Professions Advisor, a representative from Admissions, and eight to twelve faculty members appointed by the chair in consultation with the dean from departments that teach courses commonly required or recommended by graduate programs in the health professions, including general education requirements. Appointments are for a period of three years with reappointment possible. The chairperson of HPAC will provide an annual report of the committee’s activities to the Provost.
I. Appeals and Grievances Panel
- Functions:
- To serve on committees established in accord with the procedures set forth in sections B7 (Disciplinary Measures and Dismissal for Cause) and B22 (Appeals and Grievances).
- To handle appeals, mediation in grievance cases, grievances, or dismissals.
- To participate, on request, in evaluations of the appeal and grievance process.
- Membership and Method of Election:
The Panel shall consist of twelve to sixteen members, elected according to the procedures described below. At least four of the members shall be former members of the Status Committee.
In March or April of each year, each division shall nominate two tenured persons, of whom at least one shall be a former member of the Status Committee. From these nominations the faculty as a whole shall elect one member from each division to serve as members of the Panel. If this election results in there being fewer than four Status Committee alumni/ae on the Panel, including members continuing from the preceding year, an additional faculty-wide election shall be held, using the roster of eligible Status Committee alumni/ae as the nominee list, to ensure that four members of the Panel are Status Committee alumni/ae.
All members, except as noted below, shall be elected for three-year terms, so arranged that approximately one-third of the membership is elected each year. A Panel member may be reelected for one additional term, but is then ineligible for three years before s/he can be considered again for election. A Panel member who goes on sabbatical or other leave for one semester or less remains on the Panel but will not be asked to serve on committees during that period. If a divisional representative leaves the Panel before his/her term expires, the vacancy shall be filled at the next spring election for the remainder of the three-year term, following the procedure set forth in the preceding paragraph. A Panel member whose term ends while s/he is serving on a Hearing, Appeal, Mediation, or Grievance committee will continue as a member of that committee until its work is completed.
A faculty member serving on the Appeals and Grievances Panel may not serve concurrently on the Professional Interests Committee, the President's Advisory Committee, the Status Committee, or the Board of Trustees.
The Panel elects its own chairperson.
J. General Education Council
The General Education curriculum comprises a large portion of every Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø student’s academic experience. Its contents, delivery, and assessment are critical in shaping a common curricular experience for Hope students. Thus, maintaining vitality and providing development opportunities for components of the General Education curriculum is essential for the academic life of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. Moreover, a dedicated set of faculty members needs to champion the intent and guiding spirit of the General Education curriculum design as well as steer adjustments to address ever-evolving student, curricular, and accreditation needs.
In essence, the General Education Council will champion the General Education program and will provide quality control for its curriculum.
This proposal describes a General Education Council that will:
- represent all elements of the General Education curriculum
- be devoted to the maintenance of the General Education curriculum
- ensure the integrity of the General Education curriculum
- oversee regular General Education program evaluation
- advise and assist the Academic Affairs Board in matters pertaining to general education
- stimulate ongoing discussion about the vision and goals of general education
- provide coordination between the various elements of the General Education program and with other programs and initiatives
- communicate the purpose, scope, and functional aspects of the General Education program to students, faculty, advisors, and staff
The General Education curriculum includes:
- General Education courses
- First Year Seminar (IDS 100),
- Senior Seminar (IDS 452 and 492)
- General Education Math and Science (all GEMS courses)
- Cultural Heritage (IDS 171-78)
- Expository Writing (ENGL 113)
- Health Dynamics (KIN 140)
- Religion (REL 100)
- those courses created only for the fulfillment of general education purposes in which every section of that course is offered for fulfillment of general education requirements—courses in:
- courses with General Education flags
- Global Learning (approved courses across campus)
- Natural Science with a Lab, Natural Science 2, Math 1-2 (approved courses across NAS division)
- Social Science (approved courses across SS division)
- Fine Arts (approved courses across Arts division)
- Cultural Heritage (approved courses in English, History, and Philosophy Departments)
- World Language (Level II courses in World Languages and Cultures Department)
- Religion (approved 200-level courses in Religion department)
- those courses that are designed to fulfill disciplinary/major functions that may also have a flag designating that it fulfills a general education requirement (NB: General Education courses as listed above may also carry General Education flags to fulfill General Education requirements beyond those for which they were originally designed):
- all off-campus courses that fulfill general education requirements are considered courses with General Education flags.
The council will include one faculty member representing each element of the General Education curriculum. Thus, the present General Education curriculum requires the following council members:
Campus-wide General Education Element Directors:
- (chair) General Education Director (designated by Associate Provost)
- (FYS) First Year Seminar Director (Associate Dean for Academic Advising and Applied Learning)
- (SRS) Senior Seminar Director (designated by Associate Provost)
- (GL) Global Learning Director (designated by Associate Provost)
Division-wide/Inter-departmental General Education Element Directors:
- (GEMS) Natural and Applied Science Director (designated by NAS Dean)
- (SS) Social Science Director (designated by Social Sciences Dean)
- (CH) Cultural Heritage Director (designated by Arts and Humanities Dean)
- (FA) Fine Arts Director (designated by Arts and Humanities Dean)
Departmentally-based General Education Element Directors:
- (EW) Expository Writing Director (Director of College Writing)
- (WL) World Language Director (designated by DWLC faculty)
- (HD) Health Dynamics Director (designated by Kinesiology faculty)
- (RL) Religious Studies Director (designated by Religion faculty)
- The council will be the governing body to approve courses and experiences that fulfill
General Education requirements. This shared process will encourage transparency and
better inform members of the General Education Council and faculty across campus about
the essence of each General Education element.
- New course proposals seeking General Education flags will be shared with the General Education Council by the General Education Director for approval before these proposals reach the Curriculum Committee. The instructor(s) of the proposed courses must consult with the relevant element director before the proposal reaches the General Education Council for approval.
- For new courses created through alternate means (independent study or X95 courses), especially those created over pre-semester breaks, the General Education Director and relevant element directors will engage in an abbreviated initial review to grant a General Education flag as requested. This may include an onboarding process. The General Education Director will bring this list of courses to the next General Education Council meeting for official course approval for the following term, if the course will occur in the future.
- The instructor of an existing course seeking a new General Education flag must work with the relevant element director before bringing the proposal to the General Education Council for approval. In order to receive the flag for the following semester, requests must be approved by the General Education Council at the January or September meetings. Existing courses seeking General Education flags will not need to obtain approval for the new flag from the Curriculum Committee.
- Flags for Global Learning (GLI and GLD) will not be given at the catalog level for courses with multiple sections. Each instructor or section must work with the Global Learning Director before bringing the flag proposal to the General Education Council for approval.
- Each relevant element director will ensure that each section (and proposed section) of General Education courses meets the requirements for that general education element by checking course syllabi. New sections will be brought to the General Education Council for approval, with the understanding that this may not be possible before the semester begins.
- New course section and new instructor training may be necessary for certain General Education courses and flags.
- All off-campus courses newly seeking General Education flags will follow the off-campus course proposal timeline. The General Education Council will make decisions on flag requests, normally in April of the calendar year before the off-campus course takes place.
- For new course proposals:
- For existing courses newly seeking General Education flags:
- For new General Education course sections:
- For off-campus courses:
- Each director will work with the respective academic dean(s) and department chair(s) to schedule the proper number of courses and instructors, and to discuss section sizes and capacities. For elements with General Education courses (FYS, SRS, CH, GEMS, EW, HD, and RL), the director will be the primary point of contact for scheduling course sections.
- Each director will review course objectives for the General Education element annually.
- Each director will serve a term of three years, and normally no more than two consecutive terms, excluding those directors who serve in this capacity as part of their ongoing workload (FYS, EW, and HD). Every attempt will be made to appropriately stagger terms.
- Directors will coordinate with the General Education Director at the beginning of each fall term to determine budget needs and prepare for funding requests from within each element. Element directors can authorize expense requests within the parameters of the proposed annual budget, and will notify the General Education Director when they do so.
- Element Directors will provide professional development opportunities within their respective component areas.
- Element Directors will work with the General Education Director on assessment in their respective component areas.
- The General Education Council will meet on the first Thursday of each month at 11am.
Specific functions of the General Education Director
- The General Education Director will be the primary General Education budget manager (Associate Provost is secondary manager and oversees General Education Director). The General Education Director will coordinate with each element director at the beginning of each fall term to prepare for potential expenses and requests. The General Education Director will report on the budget to the General Education Council at the first meeting each fall.
- The General Education Director will serve on the Assessment Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Since these committees meet at the same time, the General Education Director’s primary service will be to the Assessment Committee. If the Curriculum Committee has a course proposal for a General Education course or a course with a General Education flag, then the General Education Director will share the proposal with the General Education Council as stated above. The relevant element director(s) and/or the General Education director will attend the Curriculum Committee meeting on which the proposal will be voted. The General Education Director will vote on the proposal. Or, in the General Education Director’s absence, the relevant director(s) will attend and vote on behalf of the General Education Director.
- The General Education Director will work alongside element directors to coordinate professional development opportunities and course scheduling, and will work in conjunction with element directors and the Senior Director of Assessment on assessment and accreditation.
- The General Education Director will consult with the Library, Registrar’s Office, and Boerigter Center at the beginning of each academic year to determine collaborations and agenda needs. The General Education Director will also meet with officers of Student Congress each semester to discuss updates and gain student input in matters relating to General Education on campus.
- The General Education Director will serve as the de facto department chair for any IDS courses not under the FYS, CH, or SRS elements.
- The General Education Director will set the agenda for and lead monthly General Education Council meetings (September through May).
Section B. Faculty Personnel Policies
B1: Faculty Recruitment Procedures
A. Principles
As stated in the Articles of Incorporation, the purpose of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is "to provide comprehensive literary and scientific courses of study, including related research and scholarly pursuits, and to do so in relation to the Christian faith with an overall goal of enabling students to grow and mature intellectually, spiritually, culturally and socially and to prepare for positions of leadership in the nation and in the world."
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø seeks to fulfill this purpose by maintaining a scholarly learning environment which is characterized by freedom of inquiry and active participation in the higher education community and the academic disciplines, and in which the Christian faith provides an incentive for excellence, a context for values, and motivation for service. For the campus community such faith embraces the search for truth and diversity in worship and practice. The faculty is the key to developing and maintaining this environment. Therefore, the College strives to have a faculty that shares this vision of academic excellence and faith and whose members are eager to be teachers and scholars in such a community. FURTHER, the Board of Trustees (May 3, 2019) directs the President, administration, and faculty to, whenever persons are recruited to the faculty for full-time positions, identify and recruit persons of outstanding ability and character who are dedicated to excellence in teaching and scholarship, and who have a mature understanding of and commitment to the Christian faith. Although it is not required that the faculty should consist only of professing Christians, it is expected that the faculty as a whole will be predominantly Christian and that every member of the faculty will fully support the College's purpose.
Recruiting faculty involves a deliberate effort to identify such persons and to bring to their attention the nature and strengths of the College and the opportunities it offers for excellence in teaching and scholarship. The College will provide equitable incentives and judicious encouragement for the selected candidates to join us at Hope.
More specifically, the qualities the College seeks in the persons it recruits for the faculty are:
- Demonstrated ability or potential as an outstanding teacher;
- Significant academic and professional achievement;
- The desire and ability to continue to advance as a teacher and as a professional through the pursuit of high quality scholarly and/or artistic work, and, if possible, to involve students in such work;
- A commitment to:
- the ideals of liberal education;
- encouraging students to develop a coherent value system for learning and for all of life;
- The historic Christian faith and to fulfilling with excellence the purpose of the College as outlined above.
Ideally, these qualities are fully evident in every person recruited for the faculty. In reality, these qualities exist in a unique combination in each individual with respect to both nature and degree. Therefore, there is a need to look with sensitivity at each candidate as a whole person, recognizing that someone who does not possess all of these qualities may have such strengths overall as to remain a viable candidate.
Thus, the goal of the search process is to identify truly outstanding candidates who can contribute positively to the College's mission, to select the best-qualified candidates, and to recruit them for our faculty. The primary responsibility for evaluating the academic and professional qualifications rests with the department; all persons involved share the responsibility for evaluating the personal qualities of the candidates.
B. Procedures
See the Provost’s Office website for full details on search, interview, and hiring procedures. Once permission to search is granted, the process should be coordinated with the relevant dean(s) and the Office of the Provost. This work will be done in consultation with Human Resources to ensure that all ethical and legal requirements are followed at all stages. While the Provost and President have final authority in matters of appointment, every effort will be made to reach a decision by mutual agreement and thus ensure that each person hired has the full support of the department, the dean, and the Provost.
B2: Faculty Designations
A. Types of Appointments
Appointments to the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty are as follows:
- A tenure-track begins as a single-year appointment and, given satisfactory performance, may be renewed annually and eventually lead to tenure status (see B4). It is possible by special arrangement for a tenure-track appointment to be made on a fractional-time basis: for example, for a single position to be shared by a couple, or to provide partial leave or released time for personal or professional purposes. Tenure-track faculty are expected to contribute to teaching, scholarship/creative performance and service to the college.
- A ²Ô´Ç²Ô-³Ù±ð²Ô³Ü°ù±ð–t°ù²¹³¦°ì instructional appointment begins with a single-year contract and, given satisfactory performance, may be renewed annually but does not lead to tenure status. Following the first year, instructional positions may be offered for one, three or five year terms. Renewals are dependent upon enrollment demand and performance. An instructional faculty’s primary responsibility is teaching but each department will have specific workload guidelines in keeping with divisional and departmental needs and expectations commensurate with collegewide policies for workload.
- A Library appointment begins with a one-year contract and, given satisfactory performance, may be renewed but does not lead to tenure status. The library and archives faculty contract covers library and archives service, teaching and other faculty responsibilities. Following the first year, librarian positions may be offered for one, three or five year terms. Renewals are dependent upon enrollment demand and performance.
- An adjunct (part-time) appointment is granted for teaching one or more courses in a given semester. The appointment may be renewed on a semester-by-semester basis. It normally involves teaching responsibilities only. Such an appointment (or series of appointments) does not lead to tenure status.
- Other Designations including postdoctoral fellow, visiting and emeritus are described in section B2.C.
B. Sequential Ranks
1. Tenure Track Appointments
The following description includes the general criteria used in determining the rank for initial appointments and subsequent promotions (see B3.d1) of all tenure track members of the faculty:
A. Assistant Professor
- Shall preferably hold the doctoral degree or a terminal degree as defined by the department; however must meet the qualifications detailed in the Policy for Determining Qualified Faculty.
- Shall have evident ability as a teacher and scholar with promise for successful career development.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
B. Associate Professor
- Shall preferably hold the doctoral degree or a terminal degree as defined by the department; however must meet the qualifications detailed in the Policy for Determining Qualified Faculty.
- Shall give evidence of effectiveness as a teacher.
- Shall have demonstrated ability to do scholarly work as indicated by significant research, scholarly publication, public performance, or creative accomplishment in their discipline.
- Shall give evidence of professional and broad service to the College, with promise of increasing contribution.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
C. Professor
- Shall preferably hold the doctoral degree or a terminal degree as defined by the department. (see B3.d1)
- Shall give evidence of excellence as a teacher.
- Shall have a record of scholarly publications and other scholarly or creative activities which have earned him/her an established reputation within his/her profession.
- Shall engage regularly in activities which promote professional growth and have held position(s) of significant responsibility and leadership in his/her profession and/or on the campus.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
2. Non-tenure track Instructional Appointments
The following description includes the general criteria used in determining the rank for initial appointments and subsequent promotions for teaching positions.
A. Assistant Professor of [department or program] Instruction
- Shall have the qualifications detailed in the Policy for Determining Qualified Faculty.
- Shall have evident ability as a teacher with promise for successful career development.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
B. Associate Professor of [department or program] Instruction
- Shall have the qualifications detailed in the Policy for Determining Qualified Faculty.
- Shall give evidence of effectiveness as a teacher.
- Shall give evidence of professional service to the program, department, division, college and/or professional association with promise of increasing contribution.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
C. Professor of [department or program] Instruction
- Shall have the qualifications detailed in the Policy for Determining Qualified Faculty.
- Shall give evidence of excellence as a teacher.
- Shall engage in activities which promote professional growth and have held positions of leadership in the program, department, division, college and/or professional association.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
3. Librarians and Archivists
Faculty appointments to the library or the Archives staff and subsequent promotions are to one of the following ranks:
A. Assistant Librarian (Archivist)
- Shall hold at least a master’s degree in librarianship or informational science from a program accredited by the American Library Association.
- Shall have demonstrated ability as a librarian.
- Shall provide evidence of professional contributions to the library or to the institution.
- Shall engage regularly in activities which promote professional growth.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
B. Associate Librarian (Archivist)
- Shall hold at least a master’s degree in librarianship or informational science from a program accredited by the American Library Association.
- Shall have demonstrated superior ability as a librarian through teaching, metadata management, collection development, systems administration, research, management or other professional activities.
- Shall have demonstrated professional contributions to the library and service to the college.
- Shall have demonstrated significant professional contributions to the professions as indicated by appointment or election to committees; service as an officer or other official of a group; publications; presentations and demonstrations.
- Shall engage regularly in activities which promote professional growth.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
C. Librarian (Archivist)
- Shall hold at least a master's degree in librarianship or information science from a program accredited by the American Library Association.
- Shall have substantial experience as a librarian or information professional.
- Shall have demonstrated superior ability as a librarian through teaching, metadata management, collection development, systems administration, research, management, or other professional activities.
- Demonstrated professional contributions to the library and service to the college.
- Shall have demonstrated a significant record of professional contributions to the profession as indicated by appointment or election to committees; service as an officer or other official of a group; and publications, presentations, or demonstrations.
- Shall engage regularly in activities which promote professional growth.
- Shall demonstrate a commitment to the College’s mission.
C. Other Designations
- Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher
A temporary non-tenure track research position held by a person who has completed his or her doctoral studies. Postdoctoral appointments commonly last for periods ranging between six months and five years, and have traditionally been dedicated purely to research. However, so-called "teaching postdocs" will be offered for those who seek to focus on teaching in their careers. - Research Professor
A non-tenure track research position held by a person who has completed his or her doctoral studies. The initial appointment will be at the rank of Research Assistant Professor and requires qualifications corresponding to those of an Assistant Professor but with primary emphasis on research. The initial appointment will be for a three-year term. In the second year, a decision will be made concerning renewal of the appointment for a second three-year term. In the sixth year of appointment, the review for promotion to Research Associate Professor may take place. If promotion is denied, the appointment is extended for a seventh, terminal year. Faculty may be appointed to research professorial ranks on less than full-time basis. The percentage of appointment must be clearly documented at the time of hire. - Professors Holding Endowed Professorships
Restricted gifts have been given to Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø for the purpose of endowing professorships. A full description of the currently endowed professorships can be found on the College’s Web site. Faculty members are named to these endowed chairs for specific periods of time with reappointment possible. Selection of faculty members for these chairs is made by the Provost, upon the recommendation of the Status Committee and Deans' Council. Benefits vary. - Visiting Faculty
The term "visiting" is prefixed to any of the above ranks listed above in B2.B1 when the appointee is teaching full-time at Hope temporarily or while on leave from another institution or position. This position is typically for a single year with possible renewal for one additional year. - Affiliated Faculty
The term "Affiliated" is prefixed to any of the above ranks as an unpaid designation for former faculty or collaborators completing projects in the best interest of the college. This designation allows the college to bestow certain access and benefits on the individual, such as email and/or facilities access. - Administrative Officers with Faculty Rank
Those administrative officers concurrently holding faculty status are subject to the same conditions for promotion and tenure as pertain to other faculty members. However, when they are granted tenure, that tenure applies to their teaching position alone. - Emeritus Status
This designation, bestowed by the Deans’ Council upon certain members of the College faculty and administrative staff holding faculty rank, honors those who have made significant contributions to the College over an extended period, and provides a continuing identification with the College for those persons during their period of retirement. The rank is an honorary designation and carries with it certain limited responsibilities and rights, including but not necessarily limited to: use of College stationery for professional correspondence; a continued faculty ID card for access to the College libraries, admission to the Dow Center and athletic and other events, and discounts for events and Bookstore purchases granted to all faculty; computer and email access privileges; invitations to banquets, receptions and coffees to which retirees are normally invited; tuition waiver (see Db24). A faculty member who has completed seven years of full-time employment at Hope College, has submitted official retirement documentation, and has been placed on the retirement rolls of the College is eligible for consideration for Emeritus status. The Deans’ Council recommends to the President the conferring of this status on a faculty person; the President then makes final approval.
All members of the faculty, as described above, are entitled to academic freedom as described in B10.
B3: Terms of Appointment: Contracts, evaluations, Salaries and Promotions
A: Contracts
The contract year for faculty begins on August 15 and extends for nine months. The employment year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Salaries for faculty are paid on the 15th and last day of each month throughout the academic year. Faculty may opt to be paid over a 10 month period rather than a 12 month period with the first payment on July 1 and the last payment on April 30.
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø retains the right to seek reimbursement of payments made to or on behalf of a faculty member who accepts employment but does not then begin in a meaningful way (e.g. does not start teaching fall classes) his or her work at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø.
The faculty contract covers teaching and other faculty responsibilities for the academic year (fall and spring semesters) and the normal scholarly activity that is required in the summer as preparation for the academic year.
Faculty members who teach in one or more of the summer sessions receive additional stipends. Certain faculty members with year-round administrative responsibilities may receive a contract based on greater than a nine month work period.
Reappointment of a faculty member is by contract letter from the Provost by the end of the third week in May, for the period of the following academic year. The copy is to be signed and returned to the Provost no later than the date specified in the contract communications (typically early June) unless the Provost grants an extension in time in writing.
B: Performance Evaluation Procedure
The status of all continuing faculty members is reviewed every year by the Provost and the relevant dean(s). Annual performance evaluations of both tenured and non-tenured faculty (or the pre-promotion review in lieu of the annual performance evaluation) are conducted each spring and cover teaching, scholarship, advising, service, and contributions to diversity and inclusion during the preceding calendar year. Each faculty member submits an annual self-assessment and obtains student evaluations for classes. Evaluations by the department chairperson and divisional dean are provided in writing, and the faculty member may review these statements and provide correction and/or context. Full details of the evaluation procedure can be found on the Provost’s Office website.
C: Salary
- Salary Increases
Beyond any across-the-board and equity adjustments, increments in salary are given in recognition of significant accomplishment or contribution based on known criteria and arrived at in accordance with the procedures in B3b. These are merit increases, and are determined by the sum of the impact a faculty member has on, and beyond, the Hope community with respect to teaching, advising, scholarship, and service during a given year. - Salary Information
A summary statement of the faculty salaries offered for a particular year, broken down by division and rank, is prepared annually and distributed to the faculty members. Additional salary information is provided to the Professional Interests Committee for analysis (see A6.g). - Pay Information
Faculty members should arrange to have his/her salary check deposited directly to a local bank account by making arrangements with the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Human Resources. For financial and insurance coverage purposes, faculty members are considered to be twelve-month employees. The annual salary is normally paid in 24 equal installments, although a 20 installment plan is available on request.
D: Promotion
- Promotion in rank is determined in light of the criteria established (see Section B2.b.). and in accordance with the procedures described above for faculty evaluation (B3.b). Consideration is given to length of time in present rank and to the integrated record of performance, i.e., the sum of the impact a faculty member has had on, and beyond, the Hope community with respect to teaching, advising, scholarship, and service over a period of years. In light of this, candidates for promotion should include all activities, including those that reach across the bounds of teaching, scholarship, and service, that enhance the cultural and intellectual diversity/equity/sense of belonging on campus. Any candidate hired after July 1, 2009, must possess the terminal degree for the discipline to be promoted to associate or full professor. If the person does not have the terminal degree but does possess equivalent education and/or professional experience, it must be documented in writing at the time of hiring. A faculty member hired before July 1, 2009, may be considered for promotion; however, he/she must fulfill all the criteria, especially scholarship, at the same level as the tenured faculty in that department, and receive the positive professional evaluation by tenured faculty in their department and the divisional dean.
For appointments above the rank of Instructor, the doctorate or its equivalent is required. The equivalency (e.g., a degree with a different designation from an international institution, an alternative terminal degree, or significant experience in the academic and/or professional field) shall be specified in the original contract, along with an indication of whether the candidate shall be eligible for future promotions in rank. The equivalency should be designated in consultation with the department chair, the appropriate dean, and the provost. If the candidate will be required to pursue further education (e.g., a doctorate or other terminal degree) or professional certification to be considered for promotion, that requirement will be clearly stated in the initial contract. For all promotions, regardless of the degree held by the candidate, the other criteria for promotion must be fully met.
2. Overtures for promotion normally are made to the Status Committee by the departmental chairperson and divisional dean, but may originate from another administrator or from the individual faculty member seeking consideration. Details of procedures and deadlines are available from the Office of the Provost.
- Ordinarily, an individual is recommended for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor at the time that he or she is recommended for tenure.
- The process of promotion from associate professor to professor ordinarily begins no earlier than an individual’s sixth year in rank. At the request of the faculty member, his/her department chair and dean will confer about his/her integrated record of performance (including student course evaluations administered during the previous year) and determine whether to recommend the individual for promotion the following year.
- If an individual is not recommended for promotion, he or she will be notified in writing of the reasons; the dean and the chair will reconsider the decision when the candidate furnishes evidence that he or she now meets the criteria established in section B2b of the Faculty Handbook.
- Early promotion is possible when the dean and the chair judge an individual’s performance as clearly exceptional in terms of all the criteria established in section B2b of the Faculty Handbook. Faculty can make a request to the Dean or Department Chair for consideration of early promotion.
3. Proposals for promotion of a departmental chairperson normally shall be initiated by the divisional dean.
4. Promotion for Instructional Track Faculty
- General Principles
Promotion in rank is determined in light of the criteria established in B2.b2 and following the procedures described above for faculty evaluation (B3.b). Consideration is given to time in present rank and to the integrated record of performance (i.e., the sum of the impact a faculty member has had on, and beyond, the Hope community over a period of years). Ordinarily, an individual is recommended for promotion in the sixth year in rank. Leaves of absence are not counted toward years of service and, therefore, are not included in the years toward promotion. A pre-promotion review should be conducted before applying for a first promotion to outline specific expectations for each faculty member. - Pre-promotion Review
Generally in the third year, the dean will conduct a thorough evaluation to assess the candidate’s progress towards promotion. After this evaluation, the divisional dean and the provost will each provide the candidate with a written statement that contains both an assessment of current progress toward promotion and expectations for future activity before the candidate will be considered for promotion. The procedures for the pre-promotion review of instructional track faculty are available on the Provost's Office website.
Only one pre-promotion review is necessary. After the first promotion, annual performance reviews will assess a faculty member’s progress toward the next promotion. - Applying for promotion
Early in the spring semester, after at least 4.5 years in rank, the instructional track faculty member may initiate the promotion process in consultation with their Department Chair. The following year, the faculty member will prepare a dossier of materials that will help the Status Committee evaluate the candidate and reach a decision about promotion. The Provost’s Website contains a list of all materials which the faculty member must supply to the Status Committee to be considered for promotion.
After the faculty member submits their materials, the Status Committee meets to make a recommendation about promotion. The Status Committee shares their recommendation with the faculty member, dean and department chair before sending it to the President and the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees then votes to approve the recommendation for each faculty member. - Evaluation Criteria
For promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction, the candidate will provide evidence of the following:
- Effectiveness as a teacher, which will be determined by the following indicators:
- the faculty member communicates learning outcomes, major assignments, and expectations
- the faculty member provides students with clear, consistent, and timely feedback on assignments and general inquiries regarding the course
- the faculty member designs and implements pedagogical tools and techniques that invite students to participate actively in their learning, both individually and collaboratively
- the faculty member will remain current and engaged in their field by seeking any number of professional development opportunities, such as: researching new teaching methods, service to professional organizations, presenting papers, attending conferences, publishing, exhibitions, performance. This list is not meant to be exhaustive and can include other indicators appropriate to the faculty member’s field
- Professional service to the program, department, division, college, and/or professional association with promise of increasing contribution
- Commitment to the College’s mission
- Effectiveness as a teacher, which will be determined by the following indicators:
For promotion to Professor of Instruction, the candidate will provide evidence of the following:
- Excellence as a teacher: the faculty member will meet the above indicators (i.e. for
promotion to associate professor of instruction) along with two more:
- the faculty member organizes, designs, or provides learning experiences (readings, assignments, labs, lectures, service learning projects, activities, exams, and assessments) whose learning goals explicitly connect to one another and directly link to overall course expectations
- the faculty member designs and implements learning experiences that promote active, self-directed student scholars
- Participation in activities that promote professional growth and have held positions of leadership in the program, department, division, college, or professional association
- Commitment to the College’s mission
- Excellence as a teacher: the faculty member will meet the above indicators (i.e. for
promotion to associate professor of instruction) along with two more:
5. Persons promoted receive a standard salary adjustment when promoted from assistant professor to associate professor or from associate professor to professor.
e. Personnel File
The Human Resources Office maintains the official personnel file for each faculty member in accordance with state and federal guidelines. The file contains all pertinent employment information including, but not limited to, annual evaluations, tenure and status records, and disciplinary information. The faculty member is allowed to submit a rebuttal to anything that is in a personnel file, which gets attached to the original document. Faculty members may review their official personnel file by contacting the Human Resources Office to make an appointment. Unofficial files for faculty members may also be maintained by the Provost, Dean, or Department Chair. These files, which may contain copies of notes of concern or notes from meetings with the faculty member are also available for review by the faculty member upon request.
For promotion and tenure files the Dean’s letter, the Department Chairperson’s rebuttal letter (if any), solicited letters from external references, faculty and students, the candidates curriculum vita, the candidates statements regarding contributions to the goals and mission of the college are submitted to the Archives and Special Collections where they are sealed for 75 years except for access by the Provost and the President. In addition, all of the preceding documents except for the solicited letters become part of the Human Resources official personnel file. (The pre-promotion review file is also sent to the Archives.) Personal notes, unsolicited letters, course evaluations, course syllabi, and publications from tenure and promotion files are returned to the candidate.
F. Policies Regarding Adjunct (part-time) Faculty and Coaches
This section applies to adjunct faculty, except those employed solely to give private lessons on a commission basis. It does not apply to fractional-time regular appointments. Implementation of these policies is primarily the responsibility of the divisional deans, in consultation with departmental chairpersons, but exceptions require the approval of the Provost.
- Salaries
Salary determination is based on a formula which includes earned degrees, experience, hours assigned, and number of different courses taught in a given semester. The dollar amounts for salary base ranges and increments are reviewed and updated annually. Copies of the current salary schedule and of special computations for non-classroom teaching (e.g., laboratory or studio courses, athletic teams) are available from divisional deans and chairpersons. - Professional Relations
- Adjunct faculty are included in the distribution list for all general faculty mailings, in the College's printed directory and, after six semesters of service to Hope, in the College Catalog.
- Departments are encouraged to include adjunct faculty in social and professional functions.
- All adjunct faculty receive notices and agenda of departmental and general faculty meetings. They are not required to attend any of these meetings, although they are invited to attend, normally without vote.
- Professional Development
- Evaluation
Adjunct faculty should be evaluated for teaching effectiveness after they have taught two semesters at Hope. Instructor evaluations should be administered in at least one course initially. Department chairs can use either a departmental evaluation form or the currently approved instrument for student evaluation of teaching (see B3b2), available from the Provost. Following this initial evaluation, department chairs can evaluate adjunct faculty as deemed necessary by the chair and divisional dean. Departments have the freedom to establish earlier or more frequent evaluation procedures in consultation with their divisional dean. - Conferences, Professional Travel and Grants
- Adjunct faculty are encouraged to consult with their chairperson to inquire about opportunities and eligibility for travel to conferences, etc. Because of limited resources, priority will be given to requests for funding from full-time faculty members.
- To the extent possible, chairpersons or other colleagues should provide advice, encouragement and assistance to adjunct faculty who wish to apply for Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø or external grants.
- Evaluation
- Fringe Benefits
- Adjunct faculty are issued a faculty ID card for the semester or year for which they
are given a contract. This card entitles them to the following benefits:
- Free use of the library
- Free admission to athletic events
- Free admission to the Dow Center
- Discounts at the Hope-Geneva Bookstore
- Free parking sticker
- Adjunct faculty are issued a faculty ID card for the semester or year for which they
are given a contract. This card entitles them to the following benefits:
- Other Considerations
- Maximum Teaching Assignment for Adjunct Faculty
- Only in exceptional circumstances should an adjunct faculty member teach more than two courses or a maximum of eight credit hours per semester.
- Assignments beyond these limits will require the prior approval of both the dean and the Provost, whereas the dean has the authority to approve assignments up to these limits.
- Dates for Issuance of Contracts:
- Fall Semester: Normally by August 1
- Spring Semester: Normally by December 15
- Dates for Issuance of Paychecks: each contract letter will contain a paragraph specifying the frequency and beginning and ending dates on which paychecks will be issued for that semester.
- Maximum Teaching Assignment for Adjunct Faculty
- Special policies for Coaches are provided in the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Coaches Manual, which is available upon request from the Assistant Athletic Director of Student-Athlete Wellness and Compliance.
B4: Tenure
A. General Principles
- Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø accepts the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure
as established by the Association of American Colleges and the American Association
of University Professors. This statement includes the following provision:
After the expiration of a probationary period, teachers should have permanent or continuous tenure, and their service should be terminated only for adequate cause, or under extraordinary circumstances because of financial exigencies.
Adequate cause is defined by Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø to be moral turpitude (see B7a for definition), incompetence, or academic irresponsibility. - The precise terms and conditions of every appointment should be stated in writing and be in the possession of the College and faculty member before appointment is consummated.
- The probationary period, which will not exceed seven years, includes all full-time
service at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø at the rank of Instructor or above. Leaves of absence, including
any year in which a faculty member is absent for a full semester or more, and service
under part-time employment, are not included in "years of service" in determining
eligibility for tenure, unless a specific agreement is made before this part-time
service or period of leave begins.
In the case of a faculty member who has had prior teaching or professional experience, an agreement regarding the length of the probationary period will be incorporated into the initial contract. As a general policy, the College will grant credit for all full-time teaching service up to three years, if such service is at a four-year institution and at the rank of Assistant Professor or above, and follows completion of the terminal degree. Credit for all other teaching or professional experience will be negotiated. During the probationary period a faculty member has the academic freedom that all other members of the faculty have. - Under no condition will any person be considered to have attained tenure automatically. The faculty committee designated for the consideration of all matters relating to tenure and for recommendations to the administration for the granting, withholding, or revoking of tenure, shall be the Status Committee. Once a candidate has been approved by the Board of Trustees for tenure upon recommendation of the College President, s/he is notified of this action in writing.
- Tenure is granted only to persons holding the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor, and expires when the faculty member retires.
- A person not granted tenure during the probationary period will be given a terminal one-year appointment following that decision, in conformity with the standards for non-reappointment. (See B5.b.)
B. Overall Tenure Guidelines Set by the Board of Trustees
In order to maintain flexibility and the opportunity of adding new faculty from time to time, the Board of Trustees has established the guideline that normally no more than two-thirds of the faculty should be tenured, although they may from time to time permit exceeding that limit. The Provost presents a report annually on the tenure status of the faculty to assist the Board in its decisions on tenure recommendations and to enable it to take any other actions that it may deem necessary to maintain the viability and flexibility of the College's programs.
Recommendations for the granting of tenure for individual faculty members are made by the Status Committee to the President, who may accept or reject any or all recommendations. If the President accepts the recommendations he or she normally presents them to the Board of Trustees at its January meeting. These recommendations for tenure normally are accompanied by written statements from the Provost and the Divisional Dean.
C. Evaluation Criteria
The principal criteria to be applied in the evaluation of a candidate for tenure are as follows:
- Teaching competence, as witnessed by student evaluations (see B3.b2), colleague evaluations, and letters of support from students, colleagues, and other persons who are sufficiently knowledgeable to make a professional judgment;
- The predicted ability of the candidate to remain successful as a teacher and scholar or artist in the years ahead based on previous performance;
- Effectiveness in serving students outside of the classroom;
- Demonstrated leadership abilities in the department and on the campus;
- Contribution to the overall goals and objectives of the College.
In addition, the evaluators must consider the impact of the tenure decisions on the viability and flexibility of the department's program in the years ahead.
d. Evaluation Process
During the first semester of the academic year, new faculty will be briefed by the chairperson of the Status Committee on the process outlined below. A guiding concept for the evaluation process is the integrated record of performance, i.e. the sum of the impact a faculty member has on, and beyond, the Hope community with respect to teaching, advising, scholarship, and service.
Departmental chairpersons and the divisional deans have primary responsibility for helping faculty under regular appointment meet the criteria for tenure. One of the first steps is to help faculty members to establish concrete goals for professional growth and development in the next year(s).
Every effort will be made during the probationary period to keep the faculty member informed of the prospects for appointment with tenure.
Evaluations of the performance of faculty members during the probationary period are made annually in accordance with procedures described above (see Section B3.b) and in light of the concrete goals established and the general criteria for faculty members (see Section B2.b). A thorough evaluation takes place at the conclusion of a three-year appointment period so that probationary faculty are informed of prospects for receiving tenure. At the conclusion of this evaluation, the divisional dean provides the candidate with a written statement containing an assessment of progress towards tenure and outlining minimal objectives to be realized if the candidate is to be considered for tenure. A statement of procedures for the handling of Third-year Evaluations of probationary faculty is available on the Provost's Office website.
Normally, in the sixth year (with exception for individuals granted time toward tenure upon employment or given additional time (stopping the clock) due to personal circumstances), an in-depth evaluation is made so that decision on tenure can be reached and acted upon at the January meeting of the Board of Trustees. A statement of the procedures to be followed is available from the Office of the Provost; it contains a listing of all materials which must be supplied to the Status Committee in order for the faculty member to be considered for tenure.
The decision regarding tenure will involve the results of the evaluation as well as an assessment of the overall staffing situation in the department and the College. Should the decision be reached not to grant tenure, the faculty member will then have a terminal one-year appointment.
A decision regarding non-reappointment can be made at any time during the probationary period, subject to fulfilling the requirements for advance notice of non-reappointment (see B5b).
e. Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
Tenured faculty are expected to demonstrate continuing development in teaching effectiveness and in scholarly contributions. The sabbatical leave program and the summer grant program are instruments toward this end. The same rigor that is used in evaluating non-tenured faculty members is applied to tenured faculty members as they are being considered for merit raises and promotions.
B5: Resignations and Non-reappointments
A. Resignations
According to generally accepted ethical principles for faculty recruitment, faculty members may terminate their appointments effective at the end of an academic year, provided that they give notice in writing at the earliest possible opportunity, but not later than the end of the third week in May or thirty days after receiving notification of terms of employment for the following year, whichever date occurs later. A faculty member may ask the administration to waive this requirement in case of hardship, but should comply with their decision.
B. Non-reappointment of Probationary (Tenure-Track) Faculty
- Decision-making process
All contracts offered to regular faculty who have not yet completed the probationary period and have not yet obtained tenure at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø are for one year only (see B2.a1). Each year during the probationary period the departmental chairperson completes a written evaluation of the faculty member's performance and at the end of three years the dean completes a comprehensive written evaluation. At any point during the probationary period, if the faculty member's performance is deemed unsatisfactory, the tenured faculty of the department may be convened to consider whether to recommend non-reappointment. If the departmental chairperson and the tenured faculty recommend non-reappointment, the faculty member will be informed of this recommendation and the reasons for it (in writing, if s/he requests), and be given opportunity to present his/her case to the Dean. If the dean subsequently recommends non-reappointment and the Provost concurs, the Provost will issue the notice of non-reappointment in accord with the guidelines in subsection b2 below.
Thereafter, as a last resort, the faculty member may request to have his/her case heard by the Status Committee, which will make a recommendation to the President. The decision of the President shall be final. - Timing of Notification
In accordance with the AAUP "Standards for Notice of Non-Reappointment," notice of non-reappointment shall be given in writing under the following time constraints:- Not later than March 1 of the first academic year of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that year; or, if a one-year appointment terminates during an academic year, at least three months in advance of its termination.
- Not later than December 15 of the second academic year of service, if the appointment expires at the end of that year; of, if an appointment terminates during an academic year, at least six months in advance of its termination.
- At least twelve months before the expiration of an appointment after two or more years in the institution.
C. Non-reappointment of Benefit-Eligible Non-tenure-track (term) Faculty
- Decision making process
Decisions regarding the non-reappointment of term faculty are made by the Provost Office in conjunction with the Divisional Dean and Department Chair. Recommendations for non-reappointment can include, but are not limited to: negative changes in enrollment patterns, changing programmatic needs, conversion of a non-tenure track position to a tenure track position, performance deemed unsatisfactory, and/or conduct that violates any of the personnel policies of the college. Non-reappointment for issues of moral turpitude during the academic contract would be addressed through the disciplinary process (see B6 and B7). If non-reappointment is due to unsatisfactory performance, it is the College’s duty to have had prior conversations with the faculty member regarding their performance and an opportunity provided for the faculty member to improve performance. - Timing of Notification
- If due to performance deemed unsatisfactory:
Not later than March 1 of the current contract year. - If due to violation of personnel policies or moral turpitude (see B7a for definition):
Advance notice is not necessary. If this occurs during the academic year, B6 and B7 are applicable. - If due to decline in enrollment or change in programmatic needs:
Not later than May 5 of the current contract year. The faculty member will be given notice by December 15 that a provisional contract will be issued in March indicating that renewal will occur only if enrollment targets are met by the College.
- If due to performance deemed unsatisfactory:
- Salary continuation
Upon notification of non-reappointment the following salary continuation will be afforded the faculty member based on the faculty member’s final teaching year base salary:- 0-4 years of service – 1 month salary continuation following the conclusion of the current academic year contract.
- 5-9 years of service – 3 months’ salary continuation following the conclusion of the current academic year contract.
- 10 plus years of service – 1 week of salary continuation for each year the faculty member was a benefit eligible member of the faculty with no less than 12 weeks and no more than 26 weeks.
B6: Termination of Appointment by the College
a. Termination of a continuous appointment, or the dismissal of a teacher prior to
the expiration of a term appointment, is possible on four grounds: adequate cause
(see B7), financial exigency, the discontinuance of a program not mandated by financial exigency,
and reasons related to physical or mental health.
*Note: The full policy includes explanatory footnotes which are not here reprinted
(see the ).
- Termination of Appointments for Reasons of Financial Exigency
- Definitions
- Financial exigency is understood as an imminent financial crisis which threatens the solvency of the institution and which cannot be alleviated by less drastic means.
- Less drastic means include but are not limited to extensive cost-cutting, a freeze on or reduction in compensation, early retirement, elimination of non-tenured and non-academic positions, reassignment of tenured faculty, reduction of faculty appointments to part-time status, and change in investment policy. In the weighing of alternatives, the retention of a viable academic program is the foremost consideration.
- Process
- The termination process is a sequence of several distinct decisions: the decision that a state of financial exigency exists or is imminent, the decision of where to cut one or more tenured positions, the criteria for selecting individuals, and the actual selection.
- The President initiates the process, after considerable discussion of the situation already in such bodies as the Advisory Committee on Financial Resources, the executive leadership, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, and Faculty Meetings and/or open hearings.
- A special committee is formed: all members of the Advisory Committee on Financial
Resources except the President; the chairs of the Professional Interests Committee,
Administrative Affairs Board, and Academic Affairs Board; the Director of Finance
and Business Services; and the Controller of Student Congress. In the event that all
the elected faculty in this group are of the same sex, a member of the teaching faculty
of the other sex will be appointed by the President, from the membership of the Professional
Interests Committee or Academic Affairs Board, if possible.
One role of this committee is to study whether or not a condition of financial exigency exists or is imminent, and whether or not all feasible alternatives to termination of appointments have been pursued. A second role is to determine where within the overall academic program termination of appointments may occur. This process should include consultation with those departments and programs being considered for reduction. - This committee shall report its conclusions to the President and the Board of Trustees.
- Criteria for identifying the individuals whose appointments are to be terminated are then jointly developed by the full PIC and the expanded Status Committee (the four elected faculty members of the Status Committee, divisional deans, and Provost) as a recommendation to the Administrative Affairs Board.
- The Administrative Affairs Board acts on this recommendation. (This and the preceding step may proceed while the decision of the Board of Trustees is pending.)
- Using these criteria, identification of individuals whose appointments are to be terminated is then made by the expanded Status Committee.
- The recommendations of the expanded Status Committee are submitted by the Provost to the President.
- If the President accepts these recommendations, he transmits them to the Board for a decision.
- The President notifies persons whose contracts are to be terminated.
- Continuation of compensation and duties
- Tenured and tenure-track faculty members so released shall continue to receive salary and benefits for twelve months following notification of termination of appointment.
- Continuation in duties is at the discretion of the College. During this twelve-month period the College shall not be liable for payment of unemployment compensation.
- Request for review of decision
A faculty member so released will have the right to a full hearing before a faculty committee, constituted and functioning as described in B7.d. The hearing need not conform in all respects with the proceedings described in B7.d4, but the essentials of an on-the-record adjudicative hearing will be observed. The issues in this hearing may include:- The existence of the condition of financial exigency. The findings of the ad hoc committee under B6.a1.b3) may be introduced.
- The validity of the educational judgments and the criteria for identification for termination; but the recommendations on these matters reached under B6.a1.b5) will be considered presumptively valid.
- Whether the criteria are being properly applied in the individual case.
The Board of Trustees is available for ultimate review.
- Eligibility for transfer within the College and for rehiring
- Faculty members so released shall have primary claim on other open positions in the College for which they have minimal qualifications in terms of reasonable standards. If retraining is required in order to qualify suitably, the person may be considered on probation for a maximum of three years, after which, in the case of a faculty position, tenure is restored upon successful evaluation by the receiving department on the particular question of qualifications. If such evaluation results in a negative judgment as to qualifications, and there is no successful appeal of the judgment, the person has no special claim on other open positions but is nonetheless free to proceed as an ordinary applicant.
- In the event of the reopening of a terminated position within three years, the released faculty member will be offered reinstatement, with tenure status, rank, and salary at least equal to those prevailing at the time of termination, and a reasonable time in which to accept or decline it.
- Definitions
- Termination because of the discontinuance of program or department not mandated by
financial exigency
- Decision-making process
The decision to formally discontinue a program or department of instruction will be made by the Administrative Affairs Board, based essentially upon educational considerations, as determined by the Academic Affairs Board. Each board action will be subject to the usual review process. "Educational considerations" do not include cyclical or temporary variations in enrollment. They must reflect long-range judgments that the educational mission of the College as a whole will be enhanced by the discontinuance. - Reassignment, retraining or severance with compensation
Before a faculty member is notified of the intention to terminate his or her appointment because of formal discontinuance of a program or department of instruction, the College will make every effort to place him or her in another suitable position. If placement in a suitable position would be facilitated by a reasonable period of training, financial and other support for such training will be proffered. If no position is available within the College, with or without retraining, the faculty member's appointment may then be terminated, but only with provision for severance salary.
Faculty members so released shall continue to receive salary and benefits for no less than twelve months following notification of termination of appointment. During the period covered by the severance salary, computed at the faculty member's most recent rate of pay, the College shall not be liable for payment of unemployment compensation. - Appeals
A faculty member may appeal a proposed relocation or termination resulting from the discontinuance of a program or department and has the right to a full hearing before a faculty committee, constituted and functioning as described in B7.d. The hearing need not conform in all respects with the proceedings described in B7.d4, but the essentials of an on-the-record adjudicative hearing will be observed. The issues in such a hearing may include the institution's failure to satisfy one or more of the conditions specified in B6.a2b. In such a hearing a board's determination that a program or department is to be discontinued will be considered presumptively valid, but the burden of reasonable proof on other issues will rest on the administration. - Review
The Board of Trustees is available for ultimate review.
- Decision-making process
- Termination for Reasons Related to Physical or Mental Health
Ordinarily, a faculty member who, because of reasons related to physical or mental health, is unable to fulfill the terms of her/his appointment is counseled to apply for disability. If such counseling is ineffective or impossible, the College may terminate for reasons related to physical or mental health an appointment with tenure or a probationary or special appointment before the end of the period of appointment. Such termination will be based upon clear and convincing medical or psychological evidence that the faculty member cannot continue to fulfill the terms and conditions of the appointment. The decision to terminate will be reached only after there has been appropriate consultation and after the faculty member concerned, or someone representing the faculty member, has been informed of the basis of the proposed action and has been afforded an opportunity to present the faculty member's position and to respond to the evidence. If the faculty member so requests, the evidence will be reviewed by the Professional Interests Committee and the Status Committee before a final decision is made by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the administration. The faculty member so terminated shall continue to receive salary and benefits for no less than twelve months. This policy is not intended to contravene the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty members are expected to meet the performance and conduct expectations set forth in the Faculty Handbook and other College Policies. Faculty members are also expected to honor the professional and ethical responsibilities of their academic disciplines and to act in the best interests of the students and of the entire Hope College community. Most Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty members perform at a high level and Hope College is known for the excellence of its faculty.
Where faculty members exhibit performance or conduct concerns, Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is committed to addressing those concerns in the best interests of the faculty, the College, and the students we serve. The College is committed to addressing concerns through remediation or progressive discipline in most circumstances, but serious concerns may on occasion necessitate initiation of dismissal proceedings without prior corrective actions pursuant to Section B7.D & E below.
Remediation of job performance short of dismissal may include, without limitation, one or more of the following: counseling; statements of expectations; performance improvement plans setting forth in writing, and after consultation with the faculty member, the concerns identified and a plan and timeline for performance improvement; use of peer review; mentoring; additional or enhanced performance evaluations; classroom observations; professional development; modified teaching, committee, or program assignments; removal from administrative assignments; or other formative and evaluative measures. Remediation strategies may be sequenced or used in tandem to best address issues with the faculty member’s job performance as promptly and effectively as possible.
Progressive discipline to address a faculty member’s conduct concerns will usually involve strategies short of dismissal and may include, without limitation, one or more of the following: statements of expectations; warnings; reprimands; modified teaching, committee, or program assignments; denial of salary increase; delay or denial of promotion opportunities; removal from administrative positions; or non-reappointment of a term appointment. As with remediation, strategies to address conduct concerns may be sequenced or used in tandem; and, where performance and conduct concerns are identified, such concerns may be addressed using a combination of the strategies described in this paragraph and the preceding paragraph.
When considering remediation or discipline to be imposed, a range of factors shall be taken into account. Examples include:
- nature, context, and severity of the job performance or conduct issues,
- level of accountability and responsibility taken by the faculty member,
- need to stop any performance or conduct issues and prevent recurrence,
- need to remedy and address the impact or effects of the issues upon others,
- disciplinary and job performance history of the faculty member,
- best interests of the college community, and
- any other aggravating, mitigating, or relevant factors.
The College will strive to use the least disruptive or drastic means of remediation or discipline that it believes will be effective in addressing a faculty member’s job performance or conduct concerns.
Depending upon the circumstances leading to identification of a particular performance or conduct concern, different College personnel may be involved in addressing concerns of performance or conduct. Moreover, depending upon the circumstances, concerns may be addressed in different ways. For instance, job performance concerns identified as part of an annual evaluation or other review process may be remediated as part of that process or, if further information is necessary, using the fact-gathering processes described in Section B7.B below. Concerns brought to the attention of the College outside established evaluation or review processes may be addressed using the fact-gathering procedures set forth in Section B7.B or other applicable College processes, such as the process outlined in the College’s Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination policy.
Regardless of the circumstances in which performance or conduct concerns come to light, all remediation or discipline will first be discussed with the affected faculty member. The faculty member will be afforded detailed information about the underlying concern (including all charges or allegations against the employee, as they become known), the opportunity to be heard, and the opportunity to provide information before action is taken. The College will act based upon a reasonable assessment of the facts and circumstances. This process is further detailed in Section B7.B below. Any resulting remediation or discipline will be set forth and explained in writing, and the faculty member will have the ability to grieve any such remediation or discipline, short of dismissal for cause, using the Grievance Procedure set forth in Section B8 below.
Only in rare circumstances, where remediation or discipline proves insufficient or where concerns are sufficiently serious that prior remediation or discipline is not appropriate, will the College take action under its reserved powers to dismiss faculty members for cause. Dismissal standards and procedures are defined in Sections B7.D & E below.
If concerns arise about a faculty member’s performance or conduct that could subject that faculty member to remediation or discipline, the College will strive to address the concerns promptly and effectively and will take action based upon a reasonable assessment of the facts and circumstances. How the College gains information and makes this assessment depends upon the circumstances in which issues are brought to the College’s attention and the nature of the issues. If job performance issues are identified as part of an annual evaluation, renewal, or promotion process, or if they are identified as the result of student evaluations, they may in some circumstances be remediated by the College administrator(s) with responsibility over the process(es) in question (e.g., Chair, Dean, and/or Provost) during or at the conclusion of the process(es) in question, without further fact-gathering and assessment. Where further fact-gathering or assessment is needed, however, the College will use the fact-gathering and assessment process described below.
Where performance or conduct concerns arise outside an established process (such as pursuant to a complaint or expression of concern by a member of the college community or other source), the College will gather facts and assess the situation. As noted in Section B7.A above, the faculty member will be informed in writing of the concerns in a timely manner and have an opportunity to provide input and information before any remediation or disciplinary actions are undertaken. More specifically, the College will follow the steps listed below prior to undertaking remediation or imposing discipline arising outside of established review processes (and may also undertake the fact-gathering and assessment steps discussed below where more information is needed following a review process):
- The College and faculty member will first attempt an informal resolution process:
- The College will schedule a meeting involving the faculty member and one or more of the Chair, Dean, and Provost. The college administrator leading this meeting will establish to the faculty member that this meeting commences the informal resolution process.
- The faculty member may be accompanied by a faculty or staff member serving as advisor, who will not speak on behalf of or represent the faculty member in the meeting but may take notes, consult, confer, and otherwise support the faculty member in question. The college administrator may also be accompanied by a faculty or staff member serving as an advisor under the same description as that of the faculty member’s advisor.
- In many circumstances, such meetings or informal resolution processes will resolve concerns in a satisfactory manner. If so, any such resolutions will be set forth in writing and agreed to by all parties.
- The faculty member may end the informal resolution process at any time and move to B7.B2 below.
- The total time for this informal resolution process should not exceed 60 days.
- If a resolution is not reached through an informal resolution process, the College
and faculty member will engage in a fact-gathering and assessment process:
- Within 14 days of the conclusion of the informal resolution process, the College will provide the faculty member with written notice of the job performance or conduct issues that could lead to remediation or discipline;
- The College will provide the faculty member with an opportunity to respond to the issues that could lead to remediation or discipline, including the opportunity to provide written information and to suggest other individuals with whom the College might wish to confer. The administration and the faculty member will work together to determine the individuals that should be interviewed. The goal is to hear various viewpoints and be mindful of the timeline.
- The College’s Provost and relevant divisional Dean will meet with the faculty member (in a separate meeting from the informal meeting described above) to discuss these concerns. The faculty member may be accompanied by a faculty or staff member serving as advisor, who will not speak on behalf of or represent the faculty member in the meeting but may take notes, consult, confer, and otherwise support the faculty member in question.
- If the College does not need to undertake further investigation to make a reasonable assessment of the facts and circumstances, College will act in a manner consistent with the provisions of Section B7.B4 below.
- Each step within this process (B7.B2) will take time to complete. And the entire process should last no longer than 60 days.
- The College may undertake further investigation:
- Depending upon the circumstances, including legal compliance requirements, a concern or complaint that is not resolved informally under Section B7.B1 may necessitate additional fact-gathering and assessment (“further investigationâ€) beyond or in lieu of the fact-gathering and assessment process described in Section B7.B2 above. Further investigation may be undertaken at any time during the proceedings in order to assist the College in making a reasonable assessment whether allegations or concerns have been substantiated and whether remediation or discipline might be warranted.
- Such further investigation may be led by the Provost, the Provost’s designate, or an outside investigator, as circumstances may warrant and at the College’s discretion. The leader of the investigation will consult with relevant college officials.
- The faculty member will be notified in writing of the College’s decision to engage in further investigation and of the concerns or allegations being investigated; the faculty member will also be given an opportunity to respond to the concerns or allegations. The faculty member may propose further avenues of inquiry, provide and/or direct attention to documents or information pertinent to the investigation, and identify other individuals with knowledge.
- The investigator, after consultation with the faculty member, will determine the individuals that should be interviewed;. The goal is to hear various viewpoints and be mindful of timeliness. Generally, a faculty member shall identify fact witnesses and not character witnesses, unless the character of a faculty member has been placed directly and substantially into question. If any witnesses identified by the faculty member are not interviewed, the investigator will, upon the faculty member’s request, explain the rationale for any decision not to interview any such witnesses.
- Investigations under B7.B3 should if possible be completed within 60 days. The College will report to the faculty member and the Chair of the PIC every 30 days, in writing, about the progress of the investigation, even if the investigation lasts longer than 60 days. In addition, the faculty member will be expected to meet any reasonable deadlines for the submission of information, identification of witnesses, or other requests from the College to help ensure that the investigation can be completed in a reasonably prompt manner.
- As part of any such investigation, the College will provide the faculty member with the preliminary investigative findings as soon as is practicable. The faculty member will then have the opportunity to identify any factual inaccuracies or misunderstandings to the investigator and the administration. The faculty member will also have the opportunity to suggest additional witnesses. The College and the investigator will work with the faculty member to address any identified factual inaccuracies or misunderstandings as appropriate and determine whether to interview any further witnesses. The goal is to hear a variety of viewpoints, be mindful of the timeline, and consider discrepancies.
- The College will notify the faculty member in writing about the outcome of the investigation, including a substantiated response to identified factual inaccuracies, misunderstandings, and suggested additional witnesses. Such outcome may, depending upon the findings and circumstances, include the imposition of remediation or discipline as set forth in Sections B7.A & B above, commencement of dismissal proceedings as set forth in Sections B7.D & E below, closure of the matter with no action, or pursuit of other measures or steps to conclude the inquiry. Depending upon the concerns that are under investigation, the College and faculty member may also negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution at any point during the investigation process.
- The College will notify the faculty member of the outcome of any fact-gathering and
investigation and, if applicable, impose remediation or discipline:
- If, following the fact-gathering and assessment described in Section B7.B2 above, the College has the basis to make a reasonable assessment of the facts and circumstances, the College will notify the faculty member in writing about the outcome. If the College undertakes further investigation as described in Section B7.B3 above, the College will also notify the faculty member in writing about the outcome of the investigation. Such outcome may, depending upon the findings and circumstances, include the imposition of remediation or discipline as set forth in Sections B7.A & B above, commencement of dismissal proceedings as set forth in Sections B7.D & E below, closure of the matter with no action, or pursuit of other measures or steps to conclude the inquiry. Depending upon the concerns under investigation, the College and faculty member may also negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution at any point during the investigation process.
- If the faculty member has been placed on an interim suspension pending the investigation, the College will take action consistent with any relevant provisions of Section B7.C2 during and at the conclusion of the investigation, including the notification and consultation requirements applicable to interim suspension as described in Section B7.C2.
- Policy on the Integrity of the Process:
- The faculty member and all other individuals who participate in proceedings under this Section B7, including any College administrators, staff, faculty, students, and witnesses, will not be retaliated against for participating in such proceedings in good faith and will not themselves retaliate. Retaliation means taking a materially adverse action, directly or indirectly, against or in relation to another person, which is any action that might deter a reasonable person from participating in such proceedings.
- The College also prohibits any conduct that tampers with information or witnesses in connection with such proceedings or that otherwise interferes with such proceedings. Tampering with information or witnesses includes conduct that, directly or indirectly, does or attempts to (a) influence, delay, or prevent any person from participating as a witness or otherwise participating in an investigation or proceeding under B7; or (b) cause or induce any person (i) to withhold testimony or other information or (ii) to alter, destroy, or conceal any document, object, or other information in an investigation or proceeding under B7.
- The goal of this provision is to prohibit conduct by the faculty member, the administration, or others who participate in these proceedings that could undermine the integrity of the proceedings, including conduct that has the purpose or effect of harassing or intimidating those involved in the proceedings, while also not interfering with the ability of those involved to pursue or otherwise protect their legal rights or rights afforded to them under the Faculty Handbook.
- Other Policies and Processes: Concerns or allegations that raise issues under the College’s Equal Opportunity,
Harassment, and NonDiscrimination Policy will be investigated using the procedures
set forth in that policy, as amended from time to time, including timelines and procedural
protections set forth therein. Interim measures, including suspensions, and disciplinary
sanctions other than dismissal may also be imposed to facilitate or following processes
undertaken pursuant to the Non-Discrimination Policy (see section DA4) or the Grievance Policy (see B8) and will be addressed using those processes. See Section B7.C4 below.
- Publicity: Matters considered by the various committees, administrators, and Board in the course of an investigation, disciplinary proceeding, or dismissal proceeding are highly sensitive. Except for such simple announcements as may be required, covering the time of the hearing and similar matters, public statements about the case by either the faculty member or administrative officers should be avoided so far as possible, and to the greatest extent permitted by law, until the proceedings have been completed. Announcement of the final decision should include a statement of the hearing committee’s original action, if this has not previously been made known. In certain circumstances, the College and all College representatives will be precluded from publicly discussing issues because of privacy or confidentiality laws protecting student, donor, financial, medical, or other private or privileged materials; the College must be clear with the faculty member under investigation which issues must remain confidential due to such laws. Any news release made by the College to the public should be made through the office of Public Affairs and Marketing.
Faculty members may be suspended from service only in the following circumstances and subject to the following criteria and procedures:
- Temporary Suspension to Avert Immediate Harm: In extraordinary circumstances, the President or Provost may temporarily suspend
a faculty member, upon a finding by the President or Provost that immediate harm to
safety and well-being of the faculty member or others is threatened. Such a temporary
suspension may, but need not necessarily, include temporarily barring a faculty member
from use of College-owned computer and network facilities, from use of a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø
email account, and from access to campus or to selected areas of campus. If such a
barring is in place, the suspended faculty member can request that Campus Safety,
CIT, and/or HR deliver personal items no longer accessible during the suspension that
would be necessary during the suspension. The reasons for and terms of the temporary
suspension, including a brief explanation of the finding of “immediate harm,†will
be set forth in a confidential letter to the faculty member; the President or Provost
will share this letter with the PIC Chair, with the letter maintained by the PIC Chair
and administration as strictly confidential. The department chair and the dean will
be informed of the absence in order to make accommodations.
A faculty member temporarily suspended under this Section B7.C1 is entitled, upon written request, to a prompt hearing before the President or Provost within five calendar days of notification of temporary suspension. The faculty member need not initiate a grievance process in order to obtain such review and may be accompanied by a faculty or staff member serving as advisor, who will not speak on behalf of or represent the faculty member as an advisor in the hearing but may take notes, consult, confer, and otherwise support the faculty member in question. Nothing in this Section precludes the faculty member from referencing or challenging his or her temporary suspension in any later grievance or appeal process.
Within 14 calendar days after imposing a temporary suspension under this Section, the President or Provost must lift the temporary suspension order. At that time, the matter may be closed or the College may take additional actions, including but not limited to: (a) imposing remediation or discipline under Section B7.B; (b) imposing an interim suspension pending investigation under Section B7.C2; (c) implementing a mutually agreeable, negotiated written resolution; or (d) initiating dismissal proceedings under Section B7.E, with a suspension potentially imposed as well under Section B7.C2 below. A temporary suspension cannot be extended beyond the 14-day period. - Interim Suspension Pending Further Investigation or Resolution of
Dismissal Proceedings: Where a faculty member is the subject of a complaint or concerns and the College determines that further investigation is warranted, the faculty member may request, or the Provost or designate may impose, an interim suspension, wherein the faculty member will temporarily be excused from performance of faculty responsibilities, with salary and benefits to continue, pending conclusion of the investigation.
Before imposing an interim suspension, the Provost must make every reasonable effort to consult with the faculty member's chairperson, the relevant divisional dean, the chairperson of the Professional Interests Committee (PIC), the Faculty Moderator, the Chief Officer of Culture and Inclusion, and the President with regard to the propriety, length, and conditions of the suspension. If the Faculty Moderator or PIC Chair should have conflicts that preclude their involvement in the consultation process, the immediate past Faculty Moderator or PIC Chair shall instead fulfill the defined consultation role. The Provost should make all reasonable efforts to consult with these College representatives as a group but, in any event, must make every reasonable effort to consult with each such representative before making a decision to impose interim suspension. If, after this consultation process, and with support from the majority of the consultation group, the Provost reasonably believes that the safety or security of any members of the campus community, College financial information, the College computer network, or other operations is best served by placing the faculty member on suspension, the Provost will impose an interim suspension. The Provost may attach reasonable and appropriate conditions upon a faculty member on interim suspension, including, but not requiring, the barring of a faculty member on an interim basis from use of College-owned computer and network facilities, from use of a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø email account, and from access to campus or to selected areas of campus. If such a barring is in place, the suspended faculty member can request that Campus Safety, CIT, and/or HR deliver personal items no longer accessible during the suspension that would be necessary during the suspension. The terms of the suspension will be reviewed periodically by the Provost, or at the request of any of the individual faculty or administrators originally consulted about the propriety of the interim suspension, to determine whether the terms of the interim suspension remain appropriate under the evolving circumstances. At a minimum, the Provost will consult every 30 days throughout the duration of the interim suspension with the individual Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø representatives originally consulted and listed above (or their successors or designates) about the suspension to review the propriety, length, and conditions of the ongoing suspension.
If, following investigation, the College decides to initiate dismissal proceedings, the faculty member’s interim suspension may be, but need not be, continued through the final resolution of the dismissal proceedings and any appeals. Any such continuation will be on a paid basis and subject to reasonable and appropriate conditions, including limitations upon the faculty member’s ability to use College-owned computer and network facilities or a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø email account or to access the campus or selected areas of campus. A paid suspension may also be imposed at the commencement of any dismissal proceedings, following the procedures in B7.C1 even if an interim suspension had not previously been imposed.
Investigations under Section B7.B will be completed as promptly as possible in order to minimize the length of any suspension under this Section. As noted in Section B7.B3 above, the College will strive to complete investigations within 60 days and will report to a faculty member on interim suspension every 30 days, in writing, about the progress of the investigation. Depending upon the nature of the complaint or concern being addressed, such investigations may continue for more than 60 days. In this situation, the Provost, after again consulting with the individual faculty and administrators originally consulted about the suspension, may continue the suspension beyond 60 days until the investigation is completed. The Provost will notify the faculty member in writing of any continuation of suspension and the reasons for it (with the PIC Chair also being notified on a confidential basis about the continuation of the suspension and the reasons for the continuation).
All consultations under this Section between the Provost and the faculty and administrators consulted about the propriety and terms of the suspension are confidential and information about suspensions and such consultations will only be shared on a strict need-to-know basis with College personnel who need to know the information to fulfill their job responsibilities. All suspensions imposed under this Section, and all modifications to such arrangements or updates regarding the timing and termination of such suspensions, must be documented by one or more letter(s) to the faculty member. The Provost will share each such letter with the PIC Chair, with the letter considered by the PIC Chair and administration to be strictly confidential throughout any investigation and/or dismissal proceeding. - Suspension as a Sanction: The College may also impose suspension with or without pay for a stated period of
time as a final sanction following the completion of an investigation by the administration
or a designated outside investigator. A suspension imposed as a sanction short of
dismissal may be subject to reasonable and appropriate conditions such as those that
may be imposed during temporary or interim suspensions. Suspension as a sanction may
be grieved using the Grievance Procedures set forth in Section B8.
- Suspensions Imposed Under College EEO Policies: Nothing in this Section limits the College’s ability to impose interim measures, including suspensions, during investigations under the College’s Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy. However, upon conclusion of such an investigation, should the Provost decide to pursue dismissal proceedings, the standards and requirements set forth in Section B7.D & E below will apply.
Termination of a tenured appointment or of any term appointment before the conclusion of the specified term, for reasons of the faculty member’s job performance or conduct, constitutes a “dismissal for cause.†Dismissal for cause may only be effected by the College pursuant to the standards and using the procedures set forth in Section B7.E below.
A Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty member is subject to dismissal only for adequate cause. Adequate cause for dismissal will be related, directly and substantially, to the fitness of a faculty member in professional capacities as a member of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø community. Dismissal or other discipline will not be used to restrain faculty members in their exercise of academic freedom or in their rights as American residents.
The following are the grounds constituting adequate cause for dismissal at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø:
- Persistent or serious deficiencies in job performance in which remediation or progressive discipline was attempted and found to be ineffective.
- Persistent or serious conduct that falls below the expectations for Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty members, in which other means of redress were ineffective or inappropriate. This includes conduct violating College policies; violating federal, state, or local civil rights laws, including anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws; or intentionally or recklessly violating federal, state, or local health and safety requirements.
- Persistent or serious departure from the terms and conditions set forth in the faculty member’s appointment letter, or persistent or serious failure to comply with clear and reasonable supervisory directives in which other means of redress were ineffective or inappropriate.
- Persistent or serious conduct that involves behavior by a faculty member that would evoke general condemnation by the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø community as a whole in which other means of redress were ineffective or inappropriate. Such conduct threatens to undermine the College’s reputation and jeopardizes its ability to fulfill its mission, vision, and goals.
In any dismissal for cause proceeding, the burden shall be upon the College to demonstrate, during a hearing under Section B7.E below, that it is more likely than not that the faculty member has exhibited job performance or conduct issues constituting adequate cause for dismissal under one or more of the criteria set forth in this Section B7.D.
- Preliminary steps: Initiation of dismissal proceedings will be preceded by the following sequential
- Confidential discussions between the faculty member, the Provost, and the relevant divisional dean will be held, with a view toward achieving a mutually agreeable resolution. The faculty member and Provost may have legal counsel at this meeting provided that at least 72-hours notice has been provided to the other party. Legal counsel may speak on behalf of the faculty member or Provost. Alternatively, either party may be accompanied by a faculty or staff member serving as advisor, who will not speak on behalf of or represent the faculty member but may take notes, consult, confer, and otherwise provide support. This process will be concluded within a period not to exceed 14 calendar days after such confidential discussions begin unless the parties mutually agree to continue such discussions;
- If no such resolution is achieved, PIC will hold confidential, informal consultations with the Provost and the faculty member separately for a period not to exceed an additional 14 calendar days, with the goal of determining whether a mediated resolution is possible or, if not, whether initiation of dismissal proceedings is advisable. The parties may also agree to meet with the PIC in a joint discussion. The PIC may but need not make recommendations to the Provost and faculty member regarding a reasonable resolution. The PIC’s advice, if any, shall not bind the faculty member or the Provost and may not serve as evidence or be used for any purpose during a later dismissal proceeding or external proceeding;
- If no such resolution is achieved, the Provost or Provost’s delegate will, within 7 days, provide to the faculty member a written notification of intention to dismiss, together with a statement of the grounds for dismissal and a brief summary of the information supporting dismissal, framed with a reasonable degree of particularity. The letter of notification will indicate the date, not less than twenty (20) nor more than thirty (30) days away, when a hearing has been scheduled.
- Nothing in this Section B7.E1 precludes the parties from consulting counsel privately during the Preliminary Steps in a dismissal proceeding. However, except as required by law or other College policies, or as agreed among the Provost and faculty member, counsel shall not attend or directly participate in either of the Preliminary Steps described above that precede written notification of dismissal.
- The Hearing Committee: After receiving the written notification of dismissal, the faculty member will have the right to have the case considered by a hearing committee of elected faculty drawn from the Appeals and Grievance Panel (see A6.I). Panel members should review and adhere to the Conflict of Interest provisions set forth in the College’s Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment. Those who deem themselves disqualified for bias or interest (or who are deemed disqualified by a majority vote of the rest of the Appeals and Grievance Panel) will be excused from any involvement in the case. Concerns about possible bias may be raised at the request of either party or by any member of the Appeals and Grievance Panel. The chair of the Panel will then draw up a roster of nine (9) members available to serve on the committee. Each party (the faculty member and the administration) may remove from the roster a maximum of two names without stated cause; such peremptory removals must be made in writing and submitted to the chair of the Panel confidentially. From the names that remain, the chair of the Panel will appoint a hearing committee of five (5), which shall elect its own chairperson.
- The committee must include representatives from more than one academic division and,
ideally, the committee should represent a diverse population with regard to gender
and other protected categories represented on the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø campus. If the names
remaining on the roster after peremptory removals do not reflect this diversity, the
chairperson of the panel will confer with the faculty member and the administration
to determine whether an enlarged roster can be identified to enhance the diversity
and representative nature of the committee.
The committee will direct the hearing process, consistent with the provisions of this Handbook and applicable law. In consultation with both parties and in accordance with this Handbook, the committee has the discretion to determine the conduct of the hearing, the manner in which information will be gathered and received, and how the committee will deliberate and reach a decision and recommendation. Strict rules of courtroom procedure will not apply, but the committee should ensure that the parties receive parallel information, access to notice and evidence, and a full and fair opportunity to be heard. - Before the Hearing
- The committee may reschedule the hearing at the request of either party or on its own initiative, provided that both parties are offered reasonable opportunities to schedule pre-hearing meetings and hearing dates at convenient dates and times. The Hearing shall be scheduled within 30 days after the initial written notification set forth in Section B7.E1.c above, except in extraordinary circumstances and for good cause. The committee or the College President may extend timelines applicable to this process only for good cause.
- The committee will ensure that both parties have equivalent opportunity to access the information necessary to support their cases, including witnesses and documents, and equivalent opportunity to submit information and argument, suggest and call witnesses, and request documentation from the other party. The administrator and faculty member will both cooperate with the committee in making relevant information available and encouraging the participation of witnesses. With the consent of both parties, the committee may hold joint pre-hearing meetings with both parties to provide for the exchange of documents and other information, determine the issues to be covered at the hearing, decide how the witnesses will be heard, and resolve any other matters necessary to ensure that the hearing is fair, effective, and expeditious.
- The faculty member and Provost may respond to charges in writing at any time before the hearing, with copies furnished to the hearing committee and the other party.
- If the faculty member waives the right to appear at the hearing but denies the charges or asserts that the charges are not adequate cause for dismissal, the hearing committee will evaluate all the available evidence and rest its findings on that evidence.
- The Hearing
- The hearing will be closed and its proceedings will be confidential. An audio recording will be made of the proceedings, and a copy or a transcription of the recording (made by a member of the hearing committee or a professional transcriptionist) will be furnished to either party upon request.
- The faculty member and the administrator each may choose to have an advisor present, limited to a member of the faculty, staff, or administration (but not including individuals who would be or have been disqualified on the basis of conflicts as set forth in the College’s Conflict of Interest Policy; or individuals who have been or will be fulfilling other roles in the process). The advisor will not speak on behalf of or represent the faculty member in the hearing but may take notes, consult, confer, and otherwise support the faculty member in question. Both parties will have the opportunity to propose and present witnesses, to introduce documentary evidence, to question the other party and the other party’s witnesses, and to make oral and written arguments based on the evidence to the hearing committee. In the hearing of allegations of incompetent job performance, the testimony may in the committee’s discretion include that of qualified faculty members from Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø or other institutions of higher education. The committee will grant adjournments to enable either party to investigate newly discovered evidence if, in the committee’s view, the party seeking the adjournment had no previous notice of the evidence.
- The Decision and Recommendation: After completing the hearing and deliberating, the hearing committee may conclude a) that adequate cause for dismissal has not been established by the evidence in the record, b) that adequate cause for dismissal has been established but that lesser sanctions (recommended by the committee) are more appropriate than dismissal, or c) that dismissal for cause is justified. The committee must base its decision and recommendation on the evidence introduced in the hearing record. The administration must persuade the committee that it is more likely than not that the evidence presented justifies disciplinary action. The hearing committee will submit its written report and recommendation to the President, with a copy to the faculty member and to the Provost.
- Action by the President: Upon receipt and review of the recommendations of the hearing committee, the President
may respond to the hearing committee’s decision and recommendation as follows:
- If the hearing committee recommends that there is not adequate cause for disciplinary action of any sort and if the President agrees, the President will return the matter to the Provost with a written direction that the dismissal proceedings should be concluded.
- If the hearing committee recommends that disciplinary action short of dismissal is appropriate and if the President agrees, the President will impose the recommended sanctions and the case is concluded. If the President agrees with the hearing committee that disciplinary action short of dismissal is appropriate but believes that some disciplinary action other than that recommended by the committee is appropriate, the President may impose the sanction identified in the President’s written decision after providing the committee, Provost, and faculty member with an opportunity to respond as set forth in section B7.E7.d below and after considering the responses.
- If the hearing committee and the President agree that dismissal is justified and if the faculty member does not contest this decision, the dismissal is final, the faculty member will be dismissed immediately, and the case is concluded. If such a conclusion is reached, the dismissed faculty member can work with Campus Safety, CIT, and/or HR to retrieve personal items.
- If the President disagrees with the hearing committee's recommendation, either with regard to the question of dismissal or with regard to recommended sanctions short of dismissal, the President’s reasons will be stated in writing to the hearing committee, the Provost, and to the faculty member, who will have an opportunity to respond in writing before the President takes further action.
- If the hearing committee and the President agree that dismissal is justified but the faculty member contests the decision, or if the President continues to disagree with the hearing committee's recommendation after providing the committee, Provost, and faculty member an opportunity to respond to the President's reasons, the President will transmit the hearing committee's report to a committee of the Board of Trustees appointed by the Board ad hoc, together with the President’s recommendation and the record of the case compiled at the hearing committee and presidential levels of review.
- Action by the Board of Trustees: If the President refers the case to an ad hoc committee of the Board of Trustees, the committee will base its review on the documents transmitted to it. In its discretion, the Board committee may provide opportunity for further argument, written and/or oral, by the parties or by their advisors. If the decision of the hearing committee is sustained by the ad hoc committee, the recommendation will be forwarded to the full Board of Trustees for final decision. If the decision of the hearing committee is not sustained by the ad hoc committee, the case will be returned to the hearing committee with specific questions or objections. The hearing committee will then reconsider the case, taking into account the stated questions or objections and receiving new evidence if necessary. The ad hoc committee of the Board will make its final recommendation to the Board of Trustees only after study of the hearing committee's written decision and recommendations upon reconsideration. Only then will the Board make the final decision, which shall be made in writing and provided to both parties, the hearing committee, and the President.
- Disposition of records: The official record of the hearing, which is to be kept in the President’s Office
until all processes have been completed, will consist of the following:
- All written or digital materials received from the administration, the faculty member, and any other parties seen to be appropriate by the committee;
- A copy of the Hearing Committee’s log, actions, records, and recommendations;
- (if applicable) A copy of the Board of Trustees ad hoc Committee's recommendations;
- (if applicable) A log of the Board of Trustees ad hoc Committee's actions, including times of meeting, documents received, and a record of parties with whom the Committee or its members conversed;
- Any recordings made of the proceedings.
Following the completion of all processes, the records will be transferred to the Archives, where they will remain under seal indefinitely or according to any agreement made, with access limited to the President, the Provost, or their designees. The faculty member may also receive copies of all proceedings.
Staff and faculty, including administrators, who participate in good faith in the processes, actions, or committee procedures described in this Section B.7 shall be supported and indemnified as set forth in the College’s Insurance Policy.
B8: Reconsideration of Tenure and/or Promotion Decision and Grievances
A. Purpose
The Reconsideration of Tenure and/or Promotion Decision and Grievance processes have as their aims:
- To uphold principles of equity and academic freedom;
- To bring the case to reasonably prompt and final resolution;
- To achieve mutual understanding through patient consideration of facts, careful weighing of all evidence, and scrupulous attention to the rights and duties of the concerned parties;
- To promote an atmosphere of mutual confidence in the College community;
- To enable review and improvements of policies and practices.
B. Reconsideration of Tenure and/Or Promotion Decision
- Definition: Reconsideration of Tenure and/or Promotion Decision is a formal procedure which is the last administrative channel in cases of tenure and promotion. The full process consists of two stages: 1) A faculty member who has been denied tenure or promotion by the Status Committee or higher authority may request a review of the decision by the Status Committee: 2) if the faculty member is not satisfied with the outcome of the review, the faculty member may appeal the decision. A faculty member embarking on the Reconsideration of Tenure Decision procedure may either begin with the Status Committee review stage or bypass that stage and begin by requesting an appeal.
- Grounds for Status Committee Review: A request for review by the Status Committee
may be based on any one or more of the following grounds or allegations:
- Discrepancy between stated criteria, the evidence presented and the reasons given for the decision;
- Failure to follow established procedures;
- Factual inaccuracy or omission of substantive facts in non-confidential letters of review (those written by the dean, chair (if disagreement), and status committee);
- New, clarifying, or tangible evidence to refute the reasons given for denial;
- Violation of academic freedom; or
- Illegal discrimination, which must be reported to the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Coordinator through the established college process for reporting and responding to complaints of discrimination and harassment. Upon completion of discrimination and harassment process, the review by the Status Commitee may resume its work, if necessary.
- Grounds for Appeal: An appeal may be based on any one or more of the grounds or allegations
for Status Committee review, and the following:
- Improper handling of the review by the Status Committee, Dean, or Department Chair, such as the failure to follow published guidelines or procedures or the prejudicial conduct (conduct expressing bias or prejudice that conflicts with the college’s Policy on Non-Discrimination) of the review;
- Lack of adequate consideration, based on an apparent lack of reasonable congruence between the evidence and the decision.
- Process:
- Status Committee Review
- Once the faculty member has received from the Provost the Status Committee’s written reasons for denial of tenure or promotion, the faculty member is entitled to a meeting with the Provost to request elaboration on these reasons and ask questions about the procedures of the Status Committee review and formal appeal processes.
- A request for review, stating the grounds of the request, and materials to substantiate the grounds for review (with a 25 page limit), must be submitted to the Provost within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written notification of the Status Committee's recommendation; tenure candidates may be given a ten-day extension upon request.
- The Provost’s office notifies the President and the Status Committee that the request has been submitted, shares the materials provided by the candidate, and sets up a meeting of the Status Committee with the dissatisfied faculty member. This meeting and any additional meetings that may be necessary shall be governed by the following procedures. The faculty member requesting the review will be given at least seven days prior notice of the review meeting. The length of the review meeting will be established by the Provost in advance (e.g., 2 hours). The meeting will consist of a candidate’s opening statement, questions from the Status Committee, and the candidate’s closing statement. The review meeting is intended to clarify misunderstandings or identify errors. The review meeting(s) will be audio-taped and the candidate may request access to a transcript(s) of the meeting(s). The Status Committee review process does not involve any independent investigation or use of witnesses (those activities occur within an appeal). However, the Status Committee Review process must include communication between the Status Committee and the relevant divisional dean and department chair.
- The faculty member has the following rights: access to submitted dossier documents (except confidential letters); to be accompanied by a faculty colleague (a current faculty or staff member) in the initial meeting with the Provost and the review meeting (to provide support for the candidate); the right to speak, submit materials, ask relevant questions and receive answers and the right of the accompanying advocate to do so on his/her behalf, subject to the Status Committee’s responsibility to ensure that the proceedings continue in an orderly fashion.
- Within twenty (20) calendar days of the request for review, the review must be completed and written notification of the Status Committee's decision/set of recommendations will be given by the Provost to the faculty member, with copies to the President, divisional dean, and chairperson. If additional time is needed to allow both sides to deal with new considerations that arise in the course of the review, this deadline of the review’s completion may be extended so long as the total time for steps 2 through 4 is not more than fifty (50) days from initial notification, or sixty (60) days in the case of tenure candidates. The only exception to this 60 day limitation will result if a complaint of harassment or discrimination was identified as grounds for the review and has yet to reach resolution. The Equal Opportunity and Compliance Coordinator will provide updates on the process to the Provost and the candidate, and as reasonable, an estimated date of completion.
- Appeal
- Within ten (10) days of notification of the results of the review, a faculty member who chooses to appeal this decision shall file an appeal with the chairperson of the Appeals and Grievances Panel (see A6.c), stating grounds, with copies to the Provost and the President. Faculty members who bypass the Status Committee review will have thirty days from the Status Committee’s original written recommendation to file an appeal with the chairperson of the Appeals and Grievances Panel, stating grounds, with copies to the Provost and the President.
- The chairperson of the Appeals and Grievances Panel will draw up a list of panel members available to serve on an ad hoc appeal committee, excluding any who would face a conflict of interest and excluding if possible those already serving on a committee in either an appeal or grievance process. From this list the chairperson will present a roster of six possible committee members to the appellant and the Provost, offering each the opportunity to request removal of one name from the roster without stating reasons. From the remaining names on the list, the chairperson then appoints the committee of three (3), who will select their own chairperson. At least one member of the committee must be a former member of the Status Committee. There may not be more than one representative from any single academic division nor only one gender represented on the committee.
- All relevant material will be given to the named Appeal Committee, including copies of the reasons given to the faculty member for the initial negative decision, copies of all materials initially submitted to the Status Committee by the dean and chairperson, any new material presented during the review, the written notification of the outcome of the review, and the grounds for appeal with all supporting documents from the faculty member.
- For meetings of the Appeal Committee, a quorum shall consist of all members of the committee.
- The Appeal Committee will schedule a hearing with the appellant. The hearing will be conducted in accord with established principles, such as the calling of witnesses at the discretion of the Appeal Committee, with the Appeal Committee having authority to determine precise procedures, including time limits.
- Whenever the Appeal Committee deems it advisable to interview the Status Committee, the entire Status Committee shall be invited to attend. The Appeal Committee may direct questions at members of the Status Committee individually, but it must be done so in the presence of at least two other Status Committee members, including the chairperson.
- The Appeal Committee may conclude that the appeal is not sustained and no further action is required; or that the recommendation of the Status Committee should be reconsidered, because of irregularity, impropriety, or inadequate consideration. By a date no less than three weeks prior to the spring Board of Trustees meeting, the committee will report its findings and conclusions to the President, with copies to the appellant and the Provost.
- If the Appeal Committee sustains the appeal, the President may (1) ask the Status Committee to repeat the decision-making process and submit its recommendation to him/her, or (2) overrule the Status Committee (notifying the Status Committee of this action with reasons) and submit the faculty member's name to Board of Trustees for confirming action, or (3) reject the conclusions of the Appeal Committee (notifying it, with reasons).
- The President will notify the appellant and the Provost of his/her decision.
- Procedural Rules
- In both the Status Committee review and appeal stages, the faculty member shall have
these rights:
- Access to documents (except confidential letters);
To be accompanied by a faculty colleague as advocate in both review and appeal hearings; - Due process including the right to speak, submit material, ask relevant questions and receive answers; and the right of the accompanying advisor to do so on his/her behalf, subject to the respective committee’s responsibility to ensure that the proceedings continue in an orderly fashion.
- Access to documents (except confidential letters);
- The burden of proof rests with the faculty member, not with the College.
- In both the Status Committee review and appeal stages, the faculty member shall have
these rights:
- Status Committee Review
C. Grievances
Purpose: The purpose of the grievance procedures outlined below is to provide a fair and orderly system for resolution of any matter of professional concern, including but not limited to deviation from established practice and alleged violations of the faculty handbook or other applicable College policy or procedure, unless the subject matter of the grievance involves a policy, procedure, or other matter excluded from these grievance procedures, as specified below. To the extent possible, grievances should be settled through informal resolution as described below in B8.C2.c (either directly between the parties involved or via mediation), with the understanding that a formal hearing process is available to resolve grievances that cannot be resolved through informal means. These procedures shall not be used to alter or amend the provisions of the faculty handbook or other College policies or procedures or to create policy for the College or its employees. An aggrieved faculty member (“Grievantâ€) may pursue a grievance under these procedures even if the Grievant has been suspended as provided in B7.
- Definition: A written complaint against one or more other College employees by a faculty member who is employed by the College at the time the grievance is filed, even if the faculty member has been suspended on a temporary or interim basis as provided in B7, alleging any matter of professional concern, including but not limited to deviation from established practice and alleged violations of the faculty handbook or other applicable College policy or procedure that the faculty member believes has resulted in harm or adverse action to the faculty member’s employment at the College. Excluded from these grievance procedures are matters subject to the tenure and promotion appeal procedures (B8.b1), the non-reappointment procedures (B5), the Dismissal for Cause procedures (B7.d), or the College’s policies and procedures prohibiting discrimination and harassment.
- Process:
- Pre-grievance Considerations. Before initiating these grievance procedures by filing a written grievance, the aggrieved faculty member is encouraged to consider whether a resolution can be achieved through direct conversation with the potential Respondent(s) of the grievance and/or the supervisor of the potential Respondent(s). However, this may not feel appropriate to the aggrieved faculty member (e.g., because of a significantly deteriorated relationship, an actual or perceived power differential, etc.). In addition, the aggrieved faculty member may confer with the Professional Interests Committee (PIC) and/or the Faculty Moderator about the grievance procedures or about whether and how to initiate these procedures. A faculty member is not required to have a direct conversation with the potential Respondent(s) of the grievance or confer with the PIC or Faculty Moderator, and whether a faculty member has done so shall have no bearing on the consideration of a grievance under these procedures.
- Submission of Written Grievance. To initiate these grievance procedures, the aggrieved faculty member (“Grievantâ€)
must file a written grievance with the Appeals and Grievances Panel (“Panelâ€) chairperson.
A written grievance should include as much of the following information as possible:
- The College employee(s) against whom the grievance is filed (Respondent(s));
- Description or identification of the matter of professional concern that gives rise to the grievance, including but not limited to deviation from established practice and alleged violations of the faculty handbook or other applicable College policy or procedure that the faculty member believes has resulted in harm or adverse action to the faculty member’s employment at the College;
- The date(s) of the alleged events that form the basis of the grievance;
- Summary of facts relevant to the matter of professional concern that gives rise to the grievance;
- The identity of other College personnel with knowledge regarding the events that form the basis of the grievance;
- A summary of any steps taken to resolve the grievance;
- The resolution sought by the Grievant; and
- Any other relevant information or documentation that supports the grievance.
The chair of the Panel, in consultation with two other members of the Panel, will determine if the grievance contains the necessary elements. If so, the chair of the Panel will provide a copy of the grievance (with all attachments and any revisions or clarifications made at the request of the Panel) to the Respondent within 3 days of the receipt of the written grievance. If not, the chair of the Panel will return the written grievance with questions or a request for additional information or clarification. If the chair of the Panel, in consultation with the other two members of the Panel, determines that the grievance falls within one of the stated exclusions to these procedures (i.e., matters subject to the appeal procedures (B8.b1), the Non-reappointment procedures (B5), the Dismissal for Cause procedures (B7.d), or the College’s policies and procedures prohibiting discrimination and harassment), it will be returned to the Grievant with an explanation. If the chair of the Panel, in consultation with the other two members of the Panel, determines that the grievance would be more appropriately addressed by another established process at the College, the grievance will be transferred and the parties to the grievance will be informed of that action.
The Grievant or Respondent(s) may request the removal of the Panel chair or members of the Panel from consideration for participation in making the determinations referenced in the previous paragraph, according to the guidelines described in the “Removal of Committee Members†provision below (B8.c2.e).
If more than one faculty member files a grievance at approximately the same time involving the same or substantially the same subject matter, the chair of the Panel may propose to combine the grievances into a single matter to be handled by a single Mediation Committee (B8.c2.c) and a single Grievance Committee (B8.c2.d), provided that the Grievant and Respondent(s) agree.
- Mediated Resolution Process. Before pursuing a grievance hearing, as described below, the Grievant and Respondent(s)
are required to engage in a mediated resolution process overseen by a two-person Mediation
Committee. The chairperson of the Panel will form, from the Panel, a two-person Mediation
Committee within 7 calendar days of the written grievance being accepted for resolution
pursuant to these grievance procedures (or as soon thereafter as is practicable) to
attempt through informal mediation to bring about a resolution satisfactory to the
Grievant and Respondent(s). If the written grievance has been modified from what was
originally given to the Respondent(s), the Mediation Committee will provide the Respondent(s)
with an updated copy of the written grievance promptly after the Mediation Committee
is formed. The Mediation Committee will also promptly notify the Grievant and Respondent(s)
in writing that the mediated resolution process is commencing. Both the Grievant and
Respondent(s) have the right to be accompanied during the mediated resolution process
by a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø colleague as an advisor.
The Grievant and Respondent(s) may request the removal of members of the Panel from consideration for participation in the Mediation Committee, according to the guidelines described in the “Removal of Committee Members†provision below (see B8.c.2.e). At any point during the mediated resolution process, the Grievant may inform the Panel chair and Mediation Committee in writing that the grievance is being withdrawn. If a grievance is withdrawn, that ends the grievance process.
The time period established for the Mediation Committee to attempt to reach a resolution is 30 calendar days beginning from the time that the Mediation Committee notifies the Grievant and Respondent(s) in writing that the mediated resolution process is commencing. There are three possible outcomes during this timeframe:- A resolution is reached, in which case the Mediation Committee reports this outcome to the Panel chair within 10 days of reaching the resolution via a written report describing the resolution and signed by the Grievant and Respondent(s). This ends the grievance.
- The Mediation Committee, after consulting with the Grievant and Respondent(s), determines that a resolution cannot be reached, in which case the Mediation Committee informs the Panel chair and the parties to the grievance of this outcome within 3 days of reaching this decision. The Grievant may then opt to request a Grievance Committee hearing (see below).
- The 30-day deadline is reached without either of the two previous outcomes. In this
case, the options moving forward are the following:
- The Grievant may terminate the mediated resolution process and submit a written request to the Panel chair to conduct a Grievance Committee hearing. The Grievant must inform the Mediation Committee of this decision. The Mediation Committee will then inform the other party or parties to the grievance that the mediated resolution process has been terminated. Such a decision to terminate the mediation resolution process ends the mediated resolution process.
- The Grievant and Respondent(s) may mutually agree in writing to extend the time period for reaching a mediated resolution, in which case a specific deadline for completing the mediated resolution process shall be specified and agreed to in writing by the Grievant and Respondent(s). The deliberations during this extension must, by the agreed upon deadline, result either in a resolution or a determination by the Mediation Committee that a resolution cannot be reached. The procedures, timelines, and next steps described above for resolution or non-resolution within the initial 30-day window informs the next steps for the Mediation Committee, Grievant, and Respondent(s).
- Grievance Committee Hearing Process. If the grievance has not been resolved via mediation as described above, the Grievant
may submit a written request to the chair of the Panel to conduct a Grievance Committee
hearing. This request must be made within 10 calendar days after the Mediation Committee
determines a mediated resolution is not possible or after the 30-day deadline for
completing the mediated resolution process has passed and the Grievant terminates
the mediated resolution process.
The chair of the Panel will then promptly notify the chairperson of the PIC and the parties to the grievance of the request to conduct a Grievance Committee hearing (in summary form, protecting confidentiality) and select a three-person Grievance Committee. The three-person Grievance Committee is selected in the same manner as an Appeal Committee (see B8.B4.b2), excluding the members of the Mediation Committee and the chair of the Panel. The Grievant and Respondent(s) may request the removal of members of the Panel from consideration for participation in the Grievance Committee, according to the guidelines described in the “Removal of Committee Members†provision below (B8.C2.e). The Chair of the Panel will call the first working meeting of the Grievance Committee within 10 calendar days after the members of the three-person Grievance Committee have been selected. A chairperson of the Grievance Committee, endowed with the responsibility and authority to call and preside at meetings and to maintain order and fairness, will be selected by the members of the Grievance Committee at this meeting.
Once appointed, the Grievance Committee will be in full charge of the entire process and inform the Grievant and Respondent(s) that the grievance will be resolved by means of a grievance hearing. The Grievance Committee will endeavor to conclude its work within 60 calendar days of the first working meeting of the Grievance Committee. In unusual circumstances, or where a grievance is filed immediately prior to a summer or term break, the chairperson of the Grievance Committee may request that the chair of the Panel extend the timeline for completion of the Grievance Committee hearing process (see Modification of Procedures or Timelines provision below (B8.F)).
The chair of the Grievance Committee may, with the consent of the Grievant and Respondent, hold one or more informal joint pre-hearing meetings with the parties to clarify the issues; determine which if any facts can be agreed to by the parties; provide for the exchange of documentary or other information; and achieve other appropriate pre-hearing objectives to make the hearing fair, effective, and expeditious. Strict rules of courtroom procedure will not apply. Wherever possible, the Grievant and Respondent(s) are to be afforded parallel rights to attend meetings of the Grievance Committee, access information to be considered by the Grievance Committee, submit information, identify or call witnesses, make requests of the Panel or Grievance Committee, and the like.
The following procedures apply to the grievance hearing:- The Respondent(s) will have 10 calendar days after notification by the Grievance Committee that the grievance will be resolved by means of a grievance hearing to submit a written response to the chair of the Grievance Committee. The response should include all documents and information the Respondent(s) deems pertinent to the grievance and will be shared with the Grievant.
- All hearings of the Grievance Committee will be limited to the issues specified in the written grievance.
- The purpose of the Grievance Committee hearings is to permit the parties to explain their positions and answer questions. The Committee has the discretion to determine the scope and conduct of such hearings.
- Neither the Grievant nor the Respondent(s) shall engage or attempt to engage in any ex parte communications regarding the grievance or the grievance process with the Grievance Committee or any member of the Grievance Committee outside of the presence of, or without otherwise including, the other party or parties to the grievance.
- The Grievant and Respondent(s) will have an opportunity to be heard and to present their position to the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee may interview any other persons, as it may deem appropriate. Subject to the approval of the Grievance Committee, the Grievant and Respondent(s) have the right to present information, both in written form and through the use of witnesses. Both parties will cooperate with the Grievance Committee in obtaining relevant information and witnesses, balancing the desire to gather relevant information with the desire to move expeditiously through the process. Witnesses must have information directly relevant to the matters in dispute in the grievance. Generally, the Grievant and Respondent(s) may only identify fact witnesses and not character witnesses. However, where the Grievance Committee determines that the character of either party has been placed directly and substantially into question, the Grievance Committee may in its discretion consider character information deemed relevant.
- If a grievance is filed against the Status Committee, the entire Status Committee shall be invited to attend any meeting of the Grievance Committee called for the purpose of interviewing the Status Committee. Members may be questioned individually, at the discretion of the Grievance Committee, in the presence of at least two other members of the Status Committee, including the chairperson.
- For meetings of the Grievance Committee, a quorum shall consist of all members of the committee.
- To prevail on a grievance, the Grievant must demonstrate that the grounds upon which the grievance is based have been established by a preponderance of the evidence (i.e., more likely than not).
- The Grievance Committee hearings are intended to be peer-review, non-judicial proceedings. Accordingly, formal rules of evidence will not apply.
- Each party has the right to be accompanied at hearings by a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø colleague as advisor. The advisor may not actively participate in the hearings (e.g., speak on behalf of the Grievant or Respondent or question the other party or witnesses) or otherwise speak or communicate on behalf of the Grievant or Respondent(s) outside of the hearings or in connection with any other part of the grievance process.
- The hearings of the Grievance Committee and all other parts of the grievance process will be private and strict rules of confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent permitted by law. The hearings will be closed to all except the members of the Grievance Committee and those the Committee calls into the hearing. It is expected that the Grievance Committee members, as well as the parties to the grievance and their advisors, will not disclose information about the grievance – before, during, or after hearings – except on a strict need-to-know basis relevant to work functions.
- The Grievance Committee will ensure that a careful and complete audio recording of
the proceedings is provided to the chair of the Panel who will provide the recording
to the College’s Human Resources department to be stored in a manner consistent with
the Confidentiality provision below. A copy of the recording will be made available
to the parties to a grievance, upon request, at no cost.
Within 14 calendar days after completing its review of the grievance (including any hearings), the Grievance Committee shall issue a written report with a summary of the hearing, findings of fact, and a recommendation regarding the resolution of the grievance. The report shall include a rationale for the Grievance Committee’s recommendation. The report and all other documents related to the grievance shall be provided to the President with copies to the Grievant and Respondent(s). The President will accept, reject, or modify the recommendation from the Grievance Committee and notify the Grievance Committee, Grievant, and Respondent(s) of the decision and the rationale therefore in writing. If the President rejects or modifies any of the Grievance Committee's recommendations, the President will so inform the Grievance Committee, providing reasons for the decision and providing an opportunity for the Grievance Committee to respond before taking action to implement the decision.
- Removal of Committee Members. The Grievant and the Respondent(s) may seek the removal of any member of a Mediation Committee or Grievance Committee upon a showing that the member may be particularly susceptible to bias, due to familial relationship with the Grievant or Respondent or the spouse or immediate family member of the Grievance or Respondent, a particularly close personal relationship with the Grievant or Respondent or the spouse or immediate family member of the Grievance or Respondent, or prior, direct involvement in the subject matter of the grievance. However, a prior acquaintance or professional relationships with the Grievant, Respondent(s), or witnesses does not necessarily/automatically require removal. A member of the Mediation Committee or Grievance Committee member may also elect to withdraw, once notified of their call to service, if concerned that they cannot serve – or cannot be perceived to serve – as a neutral participant in the process. Any requests for removal may be made by either party and should be directed to the chairperson of the Appeals and Grievances Panel. If the request for removal by the Grievant or Respondent(s) seeks the removal of the chairperson, the remaining members of the Appeals and Grievances Panel not subject to removal will act on the request for removal and select a chairperson.
The confidentiality of all parties involved in the resolution of appeals and grievances will be protected, with the understanding that information regarding an appeal or grievance may be shared to the extent necessary to resolve an appeal or grievance or implement the outcome of an appeal or grievance and to the extent required by law.
Retaliation against any party to an appeal or grievance or any individual who otherwise participates in this grievance process is strictly prohibited. Any retaliation shall be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
The chair of the Panel, may, upon finding good cause, modify these appeal and grievance procedures or timelines in the interests of promoting full and fair resolution of a grievance. This will be done in consultation with two other members of the Panel, and with the Provost, President, or their designee — to the extent they are not a party to the appeal or grievance in question. This authority can be exercised in unusual circumstances, including but not limited to the following: (1) where new information or issues arise that might require investigation or referral of the matter by the Status Committee, ad hoc appeal committee, Grievance Committee, or other College representative, committee, or body, (2) where an appeal or grievance is filed during or shortly prior to the summer or a break between terms, necessitating extension of appropriate timelines, (3) where ambiguities arise about the meaning or application of a particular procedure to a particular case, or (4) where other unusual circumstances or developments require modification of the procedure or timelines to achieve full and fair resolution of an appeal or grievance. In the event the chair of the Panel, in consultation with two other members of the Panel, or the President, Provost, or their designee — to the extent they are not a party to the appeal or grievance in question — is called to resolve such an ambiguity by modifying procedures, the parties to the appeal or grievance; the Status Committee, ad hoc appeal committee, or Grievance Committee, as applicable; and the Provost and President, will all be notified of that modification in writing, which modification will not be construed as revising the faculty handbook or other applicable College policy or procedure.
The official record of each Appeal or Grievance Committee, which is to be kept in the President's Office until all processes have been completed, will consist of the following:
- All written or digital materials received from the administration, the faculty member, and any other parties seen to be appropriate by the committee;
- A copy of the Committee's recommendations;
- A log of the Committee's actions, including times of meeting, documents received, and a record of parties with whom the Committee or its members conversed;
- Any recordings made of the proceedings.
Following the completion of all processes, the records will be transferred to the Archives, where they will remain under seal, with access limited to the President, the Provost, or their designees. The faculty member may also receive copies of all proceedings.
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø will indemnify its employees as permitted by law and consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the College in connection with any actual or threatened civil, administrative or investigative action, suit or proceeding brought against an employee in the employee’s capacity as an employee or agent of the College. This indemnification shall extend to expenses (including attorney's fees), judgment, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by the employee in connection with such action, suit or proceeding if the employee acted within the scope of employment, in good faith, and in a manner that the employee reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the College. To the extent that an employee has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred to above, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, the employee shall be indemnified against expenses (including attorney's fees) actually and reasonably incurred by the employee in connection therewith. In respect of other cases and other proceedings subject to indemnification referred to above, indemnification shall be made by the College only as authorized in the specific case upon a determination that indemnification of the employee is proper in the circumstances because the employee met the applicable standard of conduct set forth above, as the case may be, and such determination shall be made in either of the following ways: (a) by the Board of Trustees by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of Trustees who were not parties to such action, suit or proceeding; or (2) if such a quorum is not obtainable, or, even if obtainable, if a quorum of disinterested Trustees so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion.
B9: Retirement Policy
- The College defines “normal retirement age" as sixty-five. If a faculty member elects to exercise the legal right of continuing in his or her position beyond the contractual year in which that age is reached, all rights and privileges of faculty membership continue.
- Upon retirement, tenure rights are terminated. In special cases,full-time employment
after retirement may be approved under the following conditions and procedures:
- The Provost shall recommend to the President the continued employment or re-employment of the faculty member, and present a supporting statement.
- The President shall consider the request and has final authority to approve or not approve the request.
- Employment beyond retirement on a full-time basis requires annual approval and may be for a semester or a full academic year. In this situation the retiree will not be eligible for disability or life insurance benefits. Eligibility for health and retirement benefits will be determined in accordance with the terms of the applicable plan.
- Except under emergency conditions, no retired faculty member shall hold the position of departmental chairperson.
- Part-time employment of retired faculty members is subject to the same conditions as those for adjunct faculty.
B10: Policy on Academic Freedom
Effective liberal learning is dependent upon an environment of free inquiry in which human knowledge, achievements, culture, and even aspirations can be subjected to searching scrutiny. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, on the premise that only God possesses the undivided truth and that all human apprehensions and expressions of truth are partial and relative, affirms the right, in an education that is both Christian and liberal, to criticize and construct without restraint within the canons of scholarship and of the Judeo-Christian ethic. It denies that the popularity of an idea affirms its truth and that an idea which is unpopular is for that reason suspect. It claims for its students and faculty the right to criticize, examine, hold, express, controvert, and create within that tradition of learning which is both Christian and liberal.
In general support of these beliefs Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø entitles the members of its faculty to academic freedom as defined in the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure formulated by the Association of American Colleges and the American Association of University Professors, as follows:
The teacher is entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of other academic duties; but research for pecuniary return should be based upon an understanding with the authorities of the institution.
The teacher is entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing his/her subject, but should be careful not to introduce controversial matter which has no relation to the subject.
The college teacher is a citizen, a member of a learned profession, and an officer of an educational institution. When speaking or writing as a citizen, s/he should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but his/her special position in the community imposes special obligations. As a person of learning and an educational officer, s/he should remember that the public may judge the profession and the institution by his/her utterances. Hence, s/he should at all times be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate that s/he is not an institutional spokesperson.
Since immunity from undue outside interference implies a capacity for self-regulation and self-renewal, it is important that these additional qualifications and limitations be understood and accepted:
- There should be freedom to invite to the campus representatives of points of view which are important to an informed understanding of the conflict of ideas in our own time.
- Every college has limits to its expertise and resources, and the right should be reserved to confine its attention and efforts to the issues and areas where its contribution can be the most significant.
- In the examination of a highly controversial issue or in the presenting of a highly controversial speaker, the President should have the right to determine the nature of the presentation (public lecture, debate, nonpublic classroom presentation, etc.).
- The college should not be assumed to endorse the beliefs or statements of the speakers it presents nor the private expressions of opinion of its faculty members. The college may disassociate itself from any such statements of points of view and may publicly regret and deplore such statements.
- Faculty members may not speak for the college on their own authority. Only the President or persons designated by the President may issue public statements for the institution.
- Within the context of its mission, the college should preserve neutrality, for the promotion of liberal learning and for the sake of public confidence.
- The principle of academic freedom does not justify any action threatening or causing destruction of property, injury to the personal or intellectual rights of others, including the disruption of the educational program or the free flow of traffic on the campus, or the unauthorized use of sound amplification equipment on the campus. It also does not justify plagiarism, slander, libel, or incitement to force or violence. Freedom of advocacy and action does not entail a right to violate the regulations of the college or the public laws with impunity.
- Since Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø buildings are not public buildings, the presence of outside agencies and organizations for the purpose of recruitment, espousal of a cause, or non-college purpose is at the explicit invitation of the college, its faculty, administration, or officially recognized student organization. The college does not endorse or support the positions of these guests, but should be open to any recognized agency that has received an invitation from one of the above college sources.
- Public events making use of college facilities, unless sponsored by the academic unit of the campus related to the field of knowledge of the event, must have administrative approval.
B11: Policy on Public Affairs
- All members of the College faculty are encouraged to participate in lawful political and public activity, so long as that activity takes place on their own time and at their own expense, and so long as it does not jeopardize performance of their responsibilities.
- While encouraging all such activity, the College disassociates itself from the political activity of any faculty member, supports no individual or party either with finance or influence, and maintains an official neutrality towards the political activity of any faculty member.
- It is proper and necessary that the administration of the College concern itself with public and political affairs which affect the College's economic or academic welfare. Information concerning the administration's position is available from the Office of Public Affairs and Marketing.
B12: Sabbatical Leaves
a. Purpose
The sabbatical leave program at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is designed to encourage the professional development of faculty members. This in turn will advance the educational objectives of the institution. The program provides for paid leaves as a privilege, not as a routine award for years in service. Faculty members can qualify for sabbatical leave by submitting a written proposal which demonstrates that the above stated objectives of the program can be realized. A faculty member awarded a sabbatical leave is encouraged to reside and study outside the familiar environs of Hope and Holland for the benefits that may accrue.
b. Conditions
- Tenure-track faculty members are eligible for sabbatical leave after completion of six years of full-time faculty employment at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, provided that they have been granted tenure by the time of the leave. Term (non-tenure-track) faculty are eligible for sabbatical leave after nine years of full-time (1.0 FTE) service. Tenured faculty members are eligible for further sabbatical leave after at least six additional years of full-time service to the College following a sabbatical. Term faculty are eligible for further sabbatical leave after at least nine additional years of full-time (1.0 FTE) service to the College following a sabbatical. Sabbatical leave time is not cumulative.
- Sabbatical leaves are granted either for one semester at full salary or for both semesters of an academic year at one-half salary.
- The salary during a sabbatical leave is based upon the salary that the individual
would be paid for regular academic responsibilities that year, and the grantee is
entitled to normal fringe benefits.
For a faculty member on a full year sabbatical, the College will pay the cost of medical insurance for the full year on the same basis as for faculty teaching full time. The College will continue its usual contributions to all other benefit programs on the following basis: 1) For the INVEST retirement plan, contributions will be continued at the normal percentage of actual salary paid by Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø; 2) for disability insurance and life insurance, payments will be made on the basis of the normal annual salary for 1.0 FTE appointment. If a faculty member on leave is receiving external compensation while on leave that includes contributions to these benefit programs, the College's contribution will be reduced accordingly, except that retirement benefits will not be reduced unless the aggregate contribution exceeds the amount allowable on a 1.0 FTE appointment. - Normally, a sabbatical leave is not granted for work which fulfills requirements of an advanced degree.
- The chairperson of the department of which the applicant is a member and the divisional dean are responsible for submitting an economically feasible plan for maintaining the academic efficiency of the department during the absence of the applicant. The department must make every reasonable effort to cover the sabbatical leave without requiring additional resources.
- Acceptance of a sabbatical leave carries with it an obligation on the part of the faculty member to return to Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø for not less than one year after the end of the leave. Waiver of this requirement will be considered only in special circumstances.
- Acceptance of a sabbatical leave carries with it agreement not to accept remunerative employment during the period of the leave unless specifically authorized by the College. A sabbatical leave for a full year at half salary normally carries with it the privilege of half time employment during the period of leave.
- Persons on sabbatical leave will disassociate themselves from campus responsibilities and any community responsibilities that would detract from accomplishing the objectives of the leave. They will not volunteer for nor be asked to assume departmental, board, committee, or advising and counseling responsibilities.
c. Procedures
- Requests for sabbatical leave for the Fall or Spring Semesters of the following academic year or for the entire academic year shall normally be in the Provost's office no later than the first week of October. (Spring Semester applications may be provisional with later revision.)
- Applications are submitted to the Provost through the applicant's department chairperson, who in consultation with the divisional dean adds a cover letter describing how the department's program will be maintained during the applicant's absence. The applicant shall either request the chairperson and dean to include an evaluation of the proposed activity or present other supporting evidence for its soundness and value.
- The Provost then refers the application to the Status Committee for review and recommendation.
- Upon recommendation of the Status Committee, the Provost and the President are empowered to approve applications for sabbatical leave. The applicant is informed of the action taken upon his or her request within two months of the deadline for application.
- Each application shall contain the following information:
- A statement of the purpose and detailed outline of the program to be followed;
- An itinerary and schedule of times and places where the work will be carried out, from the beginning of the leave to the end.
- A statement proposing the manner in which the results of the project can be evaluated by the Status Committee in considering the applicant's total performance at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. Sabbatical leave proposals must demonstrate the ability of the professor to accomplish a substantial scholarly or creative project and/or execute a project that will enhance the ability of the faculty member's department or program to fulfill its mission with excellence. Sabbatical leave proposals must provide clear and compelling evidence that the applicant's previous sabbatical (if any) was successful in accomplishing its proposed goals for research, creative production or service to the college/department/program.
d. Report
A written report describing outcomes and the extent to which the objectives of the proposal were met shall be submitted to the department chair, dean and provost not later than three months after termination of the leave.
Section C. Professional Obligations of Faculty
C1 General Responsibilities
A. General Philosophy of the Faculty's Professional Obligations
- The professional obligations of a department include teaching as a primary determinant and other appropriate responsibilities (such as coaching, directing, conducting, advising, recruitment, professional growth, and administration). Determination of a faculty member's individual obligations must take into account all these components. Student contact hours (SCN) and student credit hours (SCH) data are to be considered along with the other components of the faculty member's obligations.
- The Provost has the responsibility to allocate resources to departments. His/her goal will be to achieve equity in staffing relative to the obligations carried by each department. A corollary to this goal of equity will be to provide, given the fiscal constraints of the college, the best possible academic program for the students enrolled in the college.
- It is the province of the Provost to review all faculty obligations within departments and divisions in order to ensure (a) that the overall objectives of the academic program are being achieved, (b) that a reasonable student/faculty ratio is maintained, and (c) that the concept of a liberal arts institution is maintained, i.e., that balance be maintained within the curriculum.
- It is the province of the divisional dean to review all faculty responsibilities within each department and within his/her division(s) in order to ensure (a) that equity of responsibilities has been discussed and implemented within a department, (b) that student needs and interests are being met in terms of courses offered to both majors and non-majors, (c) that sufficient staff are employed for the optimum functioning of the department and/or division, and (d) that determination of staff increases or decreases be made in an intelligent and conscientious manner and in consultation with members of the department/division.
- It is the province of the department, and thus ultimately of the department chairperson,
to make assignments to its faculty, the rationale being that the department and the
chairperson of the department are in the best possible position (they are the closest
to the facts and the persons) to make these assignments. In the making of these assignments,
the following must be considered:
- Student needs and interests for the discipline must be met in a reasonable manner, i.e., courses needed either by students in other majors or by the department's own majors or by those students who have an interest in the discipline must be offered.
- Academic advising for the general student or for the major within the department must be provided.
- The professional development of the faculty within the department needs to be assured.
- The visibility and prestige of the department as represented in research, grants procured, publications, performances, exhibitions, etc. should be promoted.
- Time for community service and the advising of student groups (cf. C8.b) should be considered as obligations are distributed.
- An overarching consideration is equity among the members of the department.
B. Normal Components of a Faculty Member's Professional Obligations
- Teaching assignment:
Requisite faculty contact hours (FCN), normally 12 per semester, or student contact hours (SCN) as determined by the department and as approved by the academic dean and the Provost. Supervision of independent study and independent research students will be considered as components of the requisite faculty contact hours as will the out-of-class hours for four credit courses that only meet for three hours per week.
The strategy used in determining teaching assignments will be first, given the number of faculty available in a department, to determine what is a viable program in a department, and then to divide equitably, by departmental consensus, the responsibilities of the department. - Academic advising of up to 25 students, either majors or non-majors.
- Membership on one standing committee or board and on one ad hoc faculty or administrative committee.
- Sustained professional development as evidenced by publications, research, performances, exhibitions, etc.
- Departmental committee assignments and/or administrative duties as assigned by the department chairperson.
- Under certain conditions, a faculty member may be assigned duties in one area which exceed those listed above. When possible, s/he should be compensated by reducing his/her obligations in another area. If this is not possible, the overload should be compensated by a reduction of responsibilities in the succeeding semester or academic year. If a reduction cannot be granted, monetary compensation will be paid, subject to approval by the Dean and Provost.
C. Additional Guidelines for Assignment of Responsibilities
- Faculty involved in team-taught courses, or assisting in laboratories, will receive proportional credit for this work.
- New faculty members are normally excused from advising and from committee assignments in their first year in order to enable them to concentrate on their teaching and/or research responsibilities. If they are in their first year of college teaching, their course load may be reduced if this is feasible within the department.
- Faculty members engaged in major administrative or planning tasks may be granted a reduction in teaching responsibilities upon approval of the divisional dean and Provost.
- Department chairpersons, because of their administrative responsibilities, may have
their teaching assignments reduced according to the following schedule:
- 12+ FTE Faculty - 1/2 reduction
- 8 - 11 FTE Faculty - 1/3 reduction
- 4 - 7 FTE Faculty - 1/4 reduction
- An enrollment of eight students is the normal minimum for offering a course. Courses with enrollments of fewer than eight may be offered if, in the judgment of the department chairperson and the divisional dean, the course is essential for their students' programs.
D. Implementation of Policies Regarding the Professional Obligations of Faculty
Implementation of the above can best be achieved if the following are adhered to:
- Prior to each academic year, the department chairperson is required to summarize for the dean the proposed distribution of teaching responsibilities or the next academic year for each faculty member within his/her department. A rationale for assignments made will accompany this summary. Following registration for each semester, the chairperson will update this information for the dean.
- SCN and SCH data and any other data deemed important by the Provost and divisional deans will be reported to the divisional deans and Provost by the Registrar so that, insofar as possible, comparisons can be made across departments and divisions. It should be noted, however, that overall comparisons (college-wide) will be framed appropriately to reflect the professional obligations of individual disciplines. Comparisons will be made across departments, divisions, and college-wide only when common criteria are evident.
- Department chairpersons will be supplied data pertaining to the distribution of teaching responsibilities in their division (and, where significant, college-wide) so that questions of equity and questions of staffing priorities can be addressed on the basis of common data.
C2: Classroom Responsibilities
A. General Academic Regulations
College policy on such academic matters as the system of grading, the Pass/Fail option, incompletes and withdrawals, academic standing, changes of courses, academic appeals, and student load are found in the section of the annual College Catalog entitled "General Academic Regulations." Faculty members should acquaint themselves with these policies, be able to explain them to students, and operate within their framework.
B. Admission to Classes
Class lists are available through the faculty member's account. Class lists are updated in real time and are considered to be the list of those students officially enrolled in a course. Faculty members should inform the Registrar's Office of any discrepancies in the class lists and should require those attending the class, but not officially enrolled, to register for the class before the end of the drop/add period.
c. Grades and Grading
The College Catalog describes the system of grading used at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. Each faculty member should determine with clarity the criteria upon which the final grade for his/her courses are to be based; adopt clear, adequate and consistent methods for securing evidence of student growth and achievement; and inform students early in the semester of these criteria and methods.
To help faculty members, the Academic Affairs Board has authorized the Registrar to produce grade distribution reports upon request. These enable instructors to examine their own grading practices in comparison with the practices of their colleagues.
The letter "I" (Incomplete), according to the College Catalog, "is given only when unusual circumstances beyond the control of the student prevent giving a specific grade." Teachers must use personal judgment in interpreting such circumstances; however, such circumstances are not to include student negligence. Nor should an "I" be given for poor or inadequate performance which the student, by additional work, may raise to a passing grade.
D. Grade Reports
Faculty members report to the Registrar for each student a grade estimate at the middle of the semester and a final grade at the close of the semester. The final grade is the only one that appears on the student's permanent academic record (transcript). The midterm estimate is useful for the student and his/her advisor and also gives the instructor a good basis for conferring with his/her students, especially those who are performing poorly. Since student grades are distributed to the student and to his/her advisor, it is essential that faculty members observe the deadlines established for such grade reports.
E. Faculty Class Absences
Regular meeting of classes at the scheduled times is considered important at Hope. Because students pay for instruction, they have the right to expect that the contracted class schedule will be followed and that the faculty will be available to provide instruction. Illness, serious family emergencies, attendance at professional meetings, parental leave, military service, and service on a jury are the primary legitimate reasons for class absence by the instructor. When such occasions arise, the faculty member is responsible for informing the departmental chairperson as far in advance of the class session as possible. The faculty member and chairperson will decide upon appropriate action to be taken.
College-related travel notification must be submitted for approval prior to travel. When the cause of absence is other than illness or emergency, the faculty member must request in advance permission to be absent, which must be approved by the departmental chairperson and the divisional dean or Provost.
F. Student Class Absences
The Office of Student Development notifies a student's teachers and advisor of any illness which is expected to result in hospitalization, more than three days of missed classes, or the need to go home temporarily. The Health Center Staff does not write excuses. A professor who wants to know if a student is being seen for illness may call Health Services for verification.
When a student is absent from class over a period of time - a week or two - the teacher should make a sincere effort to contact the student and/or the student's academic advisor. If the student needs counseling or if the advisor cannot contact the student, the advisor shall report this to the Office of the Dean of Students. Such reporting is often helpful in discovering illness or personal problems for which help can be given.
The teacher is responsible for determining how and under what conditions any absence may be made up, for determining what effect of such absences on the course grade, and for informing students during the opening week of class of the absence policy for that course.
In most instances, the mode of instruction and learning at Hope includes group sessions. Here, teachers make their primary impact through lectures, the asking and answering of questions, and the discussion of ideas. Here, too, occurs the exchange of ideas among students, which also can be very illuminating. When a course is so structured that the class session is considered an integral part of the learning process, and when students contract for such a course, they miss an irreplaceable element when they miss class. Teachers, therefore, may legitimately claim that all absences have an adverse effect upon the student's expected progress in that course, unless such absence is made up to the satisfaction of the professor. Students may, however, be denied makeup privileges. If the professor does not allow the student to make up the class absence, the faculty member should discuss the negative impact of such absences with the student, so that the student may make an informed decision about elected absences.
G. Absences Related to Performance or Other College Activities
Occasionally, another College activity (e.g., a sporting event, field trip, music or theater performance or Model U.N.) conflicts with regularly scheduled classes. The College recognizes the value of such activities, but also realizes the difficulties resulting when such activities conflict with regularly scheduled classes. In an effort to reduce these difficulties, the Academic Affairs Board adopts these guidelines for students and faculty members:
- Students:
- Students involved in athletics and other organized campus programs are expected to schedule their classes not to interfere with practice sessions or meetings.
- Students with class conflicts resulting from field trips or on-campus events scheduled in other courses or from officially-sanctioned athletic events are responsible for informing their teachers of these conflicts as early as possible in the semester and for ascertaining whether these absences can be made up.
- Faculty
- If students have informed them in advance, faculty are encouraged to make an effort to accommodate students with conflicts resulting from off-campus field trips and on-campus events assigned in other courses, as well as officially-sanctioned athletic events.
- If a course requires field trips or other meetings at times different from when the class sessions are held this should be noted as part of the course listing in the Schedule of Classes.
- If there is flexibility in scheduling field trips, faculty are encouraged to consider weekends or class days when their students would accrue the fewest absences in other courses.
- Faculty members should provide alternatives for outside activities which they require but have not included in the syllabus.
- Faculty members should provide alternatives for exams scheduled outside class meeting times.
- Since tours and trips scheduled during spring break often require numbers of students to be absent from class, every effort should be made to confine officially-sponsored spring tours and field trips to the actual spring recess period. If such confinement appears to be impossible, a written request should be made to the Provost for permission to extend the time of absence from the campus. The Provost will make the determination whether groups may extend their absence either before or after Spring Break. The request must be made by the first week of the semester and prior to scheduling of event or game. No more than two days should be requested.
- For overseas travel by athletic teams and student performance groups, a separate administrative policy has been established. Copies of that policy are available from the Office of the Provost.
H. Communication Skills
All faculty members bear a share of the responsibility for bringing their students to an adequate level of skill in communication. Insistence on clarity and correctness of expression in oral and written work is one of the criteria each teacher should include for each course. As appropriate, faculty should refer to the official guide to writing adopted by the College. Writing instruction shall take place both in the General Education curriculum and in each major, per the Academic Affairs Board policy on Writing Instruction at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø.
I. Examinations
Some indication of students' progress in achieving the goals of a course should be given no later than the end of the first month. Where the chief means for sampling performance is by written or oral testing, an hour test should be given no later than the end of the fourth week.
For freshmen or beginning students, it is good to provide evaluation even earlier.
Unless some other form of assessing student progress is appropriate, all courses end with a final examination that is to be given in the two hour block provided in the examination schedule published by the Registrar's Office. In fairness to students and other faculty, all faculty members are required to hold final examinations at the scheduled time; any variation from this requirement shall be granted only in severe emergency and with the express approval of the Provost. For the same reason, the final week of regular class sessions shall be kept free of hour tests whenever possible. Ideally, such testing should be incorporated in the final exam in the scheduled examination time.
In the cases of individual students with schedule conflicts known in advance or students who have been prevented by illness or emergency from taking the examination at the scheduled time, their final examinations may be rescheduled at the faculty member's discretion.
J. Term or Research Papers
When such assignments are given, instructors should provide instruction in the process of research in their discipline and be available for conference with their students during the process of defining the topic, discovering relevant materials, arriving at sound conclusions, and organizing the results in a meaningful way. The College library staff is ready to assist teachers in some of this instruction, especially in explaining the resources of the library and methods for finding data.
In order to ensure adequate time for study for final examinations, term papers should be due, whenever possible, prior to the final week of classes. Reasonable exceptions to this policy might include a seminar in which oral presentation of the results of research constitutes the culmination of the semester's work.
K. Code for Academic Integrity
- Preamble
As it seeks to fulfill its mission, the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø community assumes that each of its members will operate with integrity and honesty, with a sense of personal responsibility, and with mutual trust and respect toward others in all facets of the life of the college. In order to apply this principle to academic life in a fair and consistent manner, the following policy has been adopted to clarify the expectations regarding conduct, and to establish a set of procedures for dealing with situations that violate these expectations. - Expectations
- Academic Integrity is based on the principles of honesty and individual responsibility
for actions. As these principles are applied to academic life at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, it
follows that a student will not:
- Give, offer, or receive aid on examination other than that specifically allowed by the professor.
- Do course work in a manner that is inconsistent with the standards of conduct set forth by the professor.
- Falsify or fabricate data. This has particular application to laboratory work and research.
- Engage in conduct that destroys another person's work or hinders another in her/his academic endeavors. This has particular application to computer files, library resources, and laboratory or studio work.
- Knowingly represent the work of others as his/her own. This includes plagiarism.
- Plagiarism is the dishonest presentation of the work of others as if it were one's
own. Writers, speakers, musicians, artists, or computer programmers – whether students
or professionals – commit plagiarism when they present, without acknowledgment, all
or part of another person's work as if it were their own. Because plagiarism violates
the expectations of trust and honesty necessary for academic work in an ethical community,
it is a serious offense. In addition, plagiarism undercuts the basic purposes of higher
education by short-circuiting the process of inquiry, reflection and communication
that leads to learning.
Plagiarism can take several forms, including but not limited to:- Using the exact words of another writer in part of a paper without both citation and quotation marks (or block indentation in the case of longer quotations).
- Cutting and pasting material from internet or other electronic resources without proper citation of sources.
- Including the paraphrased or summarized idea of another writer without acknowledging its source.
- Accepting excessive assistance from another person in writing a paper without informing readers of the nature and extent of that collaboration.
- Submitting for credit a complete paper or portion of a paper written by another person, no matter whether the paper was purchased, shared freely, stolen, found, or acquired by other means.
- Submitting music, drawings, paintings, sculptures, or photographs that copy or rely closely on the work of other artists, without explicitly citing the original source.
- Writing a computer program that is the same or closely similar to existing sources.
- Accepting credit for a project, multimedia presentation, poster, or other assignment that draws dishonestly on the work of others.
- Duplicate submission is also a violation of academic integrity, because every assignment presumes that a new inquiry and effort will produce new learning, and submitting a paper already written for another occasion subverts this learning. Submitting the same original paper for credit in more than one class in the same semester, without the expressed permission of both instructors involved, is not acceptable. Using the same paper or closely similar material from one semester to fulfill a requirement in another semester is normally not allowed without specific permission from the instructor. If students receive the same or similar assignments in a different course, they should consult with the professor about alternate assignments.
- Academic Integrity is based on the principles of honesty and individual responsibility
for actions. As these principles are applied to academic life at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, it
follows that a student will not:
- Penalties for Plagiarism
- Recognizing that students may sometimes commit plagiarism unintentionally because they do not know the conventions of quotation, citation and acknowledgment, professors may deal with cases of plagiarism in different ways.
- When in the professor's judgment the student intends to do honest work but does not yet understand the conventions of academic quotation and acknowledgment, the professor may require the student to rewrite the paper, may lower the grade on the paper, or may fail the paper.
- However, when a case of plagiarism results not from ignorance of conventions but from actions by which the writer deceives the professor about sources of words or ideas, or by which the writer tries to fulfill an assignment without doing all the necessary work, the ordinary sanction will be failure in the course.
- Cases of plagiarism that result in a failing grade for an assignment or for a course must be reported to the provost in order to prevent any individual from plagiarizing repeatedly and each time professing ignorance. (Provost's office records associated with plagiarism are destroyed when the affected student graduates.) If a student plagiarizes repeatedly, the provost may apply additional penalties, including dismissal from the college.
- Classroom Recording Policy. Students must ask for and obtain permission to record from the instructor and may not distribute such recordings. The instructor will have sole discretion to determine if recording will be allowed unless an accommodation under the American Disabilities Act has been approved by the Academic Success Center. The instructor will inform the class if recording has been permitted.
- Violations
With the aim of maintaining and promoting integrity in the community and in a spirit of helpful concern, every member of the community is encouraged to address any perceived violations of integrity directly by confronting the appropriate party. The following procedures have been defined to ensure that apparent violations are handled in a prompt and just manner.- If a faculty member observes an apparent violation of academic integrity, the faculty
member should within five class days of the observation arrange for a discussion to
take place as soon as possible. During that conversation, the faculty member will
discuss his/her suspicion with the student and inform the student of the options below,
and of the student's right to appeal any action taken by the faculty member.
- If the student has an explanation which is acceptable to the faculty member, the case may be closed with no written record or further action.
- If the matter is not resolved, the instructor may impose a sanction. The penalty imposed should reflect the seriousness of the violation. In the case of major violations, the faculty member may assign a failing grade in the event (test, paper, performance, etc.) or for the course. Sanctions for minor violations may include downgrading the work or assigning additional work to replace the work in question. The faculty member may also recommend to the Provost that additional non-grade sanctions be imposed. In the event that any sanction is imposed by the faculty member, the incident and action taken must be reported in writing to the Provost (with a copy to the student) within one week of the informal meeting.
- If a sanction has been imposed, the student has the right to file a written appeal to the Provost (with a copy to the instructor). This appeal must be filed within one week after the student receives notification of the sanction. The Provost will then review the incident, resolve it to the satisfaction of both parties, or refer it to the Student Standing and Appeals Committee (SSAC).
- If the incident is referred to the SSAC, the SSAC may act on the basis of the written record, or may invite the parties to submit additional information. If the student is found to be innocent, the faculty member will be notified and any academic sanction imposed against the student will be nullified.
- If the student is not found innocent, the Provost will decide whether to impose a non-grade sanction. The Provost will take into account the faculty's recommendations, any related record in the Provost's office, and recommendations from the SSAC or the office of the Dean for Student Development.
- If additional non-grade sanctions are imposed by the Provost, the student may appeal these sanctions to the SSAC.
- If, after meeting with the student to discuss an apparent violation, the faculty member is unsure of what action to take, she/he may refer the matter to the SSAC through the Provost even if no sanction has been imposed. The faculty member may seek advice from the Provost and SSAC at any time.
- If a faculty member observes an apparent violation of academic integrity, the faculty
member should within five class days of the observation arrange for a discussion to
take place as soon as possible. During that conversation, the faculty member will
discuss his/her suspicion with the student and inform the student of the options below,
and of the student's right to appeal any action taken by the faculty member.
- All proceedings will be conducted with strict confidentiality by all those involved in the matter. Records of alleged violations resulting in innocent findings will be promptly destroyed. In cases where guilt is established, reports from the faculty member and the SSAC will be retained by the Office of the Provost for the duration of the student's academic career at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. The record will also allow the recording of the student's defense. All related reports shall be destroyed upon graduation. The records of a student suspended or expelled for a violation will be retained for three years before being destroyed. All provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act shall apply regarding release of information from these records.
- Specific reference to these procedures shall be made in the college Catalog. These procedures shall be presented in full in the Student Handbook and the Faculty Handbook. Course syllabi should contain a reference to these procedures and detail their applications for that particular course.
- Faculty are encouraged to create environments conducive to fostering integrity by all. This means that proctoring examinations may be necessary in some instances, but it also calls for positive action on the part of the instructor to remove undue temptation.
- The Administrative Affairs Board will maintain its charged oversight of the conduct of the SSAC and will also take overall responsibility for encouraging and maintaining an atmosphere supporting academic and social integrity.
C3: Advising Responsibilities
A. Nature of Responsibilities
After the first year of teaching at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, faculty members participate in the academic advising of students.
The instructor of a First-Year Seminar (IDS 100) section serves as the academic advisor for students enrolled in his or her section, and continues to advise these students until they select a major, normally by the end of the sophomore year, and have been assigned an advisor by the major department. In addition to normal academic advising about course schedules and academic progress, the freshman advisors are responsible for helping students make adjustment to college and discover career directions.
When a student declares a major, the chairperson assigns an academic advisor from the departmental faculty. Several faculty members have special assignments as advisors to students in particular pre-professional or professional programs.
The academic advisor in all cases is responsible for helping advisees plan their course schedules and for counseling them on their progress in their course work. Advisors are expected to meet with their advisees periodically (usually after midterm grades have been reported or just before the end of the semester, at which session the next term's schedule is worked out). Academic advisors have access to an on-line file for each advisee on B-lite and may add comments to that file as desired. It should be noted that each student will have access to her or his file and those comments.
b. Change of Advisor
A student may request a change of advisor at any time in consultation with the Office of the Registrar. A faculty advisor may also initiate such a change.
c. College Resources Available to Assist Students
If advisees have major academic problems, they may be referred by the advisor to an academic administrator (Registrar, divisional dean, or Provost) for special advice. If advisors sense serious personal problems beyond their counseling competence, they are urged to acquaint the student with the special services provided by the College and to advise the student to make use of them. On occasion, they may even wish to make a direct referral to one of these services. Subject to principles of confidentiality, reports from these services are available for examination by the faculty advisor.
These special services are available: the Academic Success Center, the Boerigter Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, the Career Development Center; Campus Ministries, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and the College Health Center. A description of the nature and dimension of these services is provided in the College Catalog.
C4: Ethical Responsibilities
A. Animal Care and Use
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø policy and federal law require a review of projects for humane treatment and judicious and safe use of vertebrate animals. At Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, the review is conducted by the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Animal Care and Use Committee (HCACUC) from which principal investigators and course instructors must obtain approval before initiating any research, testing or instructional project involving the use of vertebrate animals. The U.S. Public Health Service requires verification of such approval within 60 days after submission of a grant application or proposal. HCACUC's principal areas of concern are housing and husbandry, health status of animals, veterinary medical care, measures to minimize pain or discomfort, and the adequacy of training or experience of the personnel using the animals.
HCACUC maintains an information file on anesthetic, analgesic and tranquilizer agents, laws and standards, and other aspects of the humane care and use of animals. The USPHS Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is available from HCACUC on request. Consultation or assistance on these matters is available from the chairperson of HCACUC or the Associate Provost.
B. Use of Human Subjects
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is committed to the ethical treatment of all human participants in research conducted by its faculty, staff, and students. The Human Subjects Review Board (HSRB) is responsible to review all research done under the auspices of the College and to ensure that, in each project, human participants are treated in a just and ethical manner. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø complies with the regulations of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services for the Protection of Human Research Subjects (Part 46 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended) and with the principles set forth in the Report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, entitled "Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research" (the “Belmont Report"). Copies of both documents are available on the HSRB website. The three basic principles of the Belmont Report are respect for persons (acknowledging autonomy and protecting those with diminished autonomy), beneficence (maximizing possible benefits while minimizing possible harm), and justice (sharing equitably the burdens and benefits in the population). For each research project conducted at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, the HSRB is responsible to ensure that:
- Any costs and risks to participants are so outweighed by the sum of the benefit to the participants and the importance of the knowledge to be gained as to warrant approval of the proposed project.
- The rights and welfare of all participants will be adequately protected.
- Informed consent will be obtained from all participants in accordance with HSRB guidelines.
- On-going projects will be reviewed at timely intervals, (not less than once a year).
The HSRB has jurisdiction over the collection and analysis of data from projects that
utilize human participants and are intended primarily for research purposes. Projects
done for pedagogical or administrative purposes do not require prior HSRB approval,
but they may be submitted to the HSRB at the discretion of the project director.
HSRB website
C. Research Misconduct Policy
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø expects all faculty, staff, and students to maintain the highest standards of conduct in pursuing research activities. Any form of research misconduct is contrary to the principles upon which Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø was founded and adversely affects the reputation of all individuals in the Hope community.
The purpose of this policy statement is to inform those participating in research activities of both the College's and funding (private and public) agencies' research misconduct policies, to identify general types of research misconduct, and to set in place mechanisms to deal with alleged violations of these principles. Applicable law, regulations and requirements by the research sponsor shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, current regulations appearing in the Code of Federal Regulations at 42 CFR 50.101-.105 (1989) and 45 CFR 689.1-.9 (1991), as hereafter amended in 1998, followed by a second revision in 2003. In 2005, the federal government issued a revised version of its research regulations pertaining to research misconduct, .
The Research Misconduct Policy can be found in its entirety on the Human Resources policies website.
D. Time and Effort Reporting Policy
The federal Office of Management and Budget requires Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø to document time and effort spent on externally sponsored activities. The system is an after-the-fact activity process, under which the distribution of salaries and wages by Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø will be supported by activity reports as described in the Time and Effort Reporting Policy, which can be found in its entirety on the Human Resources policies website.
E. Policy for Providing Training in Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
Faculty and staff who receive federal funding to conduct research or to supervise student researchers are responsible for ensuring all work is done in compliance with Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø’s Research Misconduct Policy and Procedures and governmental policies (see below). Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø’s policy for providing training on ethics and responsible conduct of research (RCR) can be found in its entirety on the Human Resources policies website.
In addition, the above 3 policies can also be found on the websites of the Provost’s Office, Arts & Humanities, Natural & Applied Sciences and Social Sciences divisions.
f. Invention and Patent Policy.
The goal of the inventions and patent policy is to ensure that discoveries, inventions, and other creations generated by faculty, staff, and students of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø are utilized in ways most likely to benefit the public. The College seeks to assist its faculty and other researchers in properly disclosing their scholarly work, in complying with applicable laws and formal agreements, and in gaining the protection available under United States laws governing patents. Likewise, the College seeks to ensure that commercial benefits are distributed in a fair and equitable manner that recognizes both the contributions of the inventors and the interests of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø’s Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy can be found in its entirety on the Human Resources policies website.
C5: Professional Growth
A. Rationale and Responsibility for Professional Growth
Faculty members are expected not only to promote intellectual inquiry by their students, but to illustrate it continually in their own behavior. Scholarly growth is essential for good teaching, and it is therefore a significant criterion for promotion and tenure.
Every faculty member is responsible for designing his/her own program of professional development in consultation with the departmental chairperson. The principal goals of any such program are the maintenance of vitality in teaching and the fostering of growth as a professional in his/her area(s) of scholarly interest and expertise.
B. Internal Resources Available to Faculty to Assist in Growth
To assist each faculty member in realizing these goals, the College provides various forms of assistance. Included are:
- The Initium program for new faculty, which includes an August workshop, fall and spring semester seminars, a spring retreat, and a mentoring component. Participation by all new full-time faculty is expected. Some components will be open for participation by continuing faculty;
- The sabbatical leave program (see B12);
- Funds to enable travel to professional conferences (see Db20);
- Summer development grants to assist research and other forms of faculty development (see Db21);
- President's Discretionary Fund, available year-round for special projects;
- Faculty study carrels in Van Wylen Library, assigned for a semester or summer through an application process;
- Colloquium series and short-term workshops organized within departments, divisions, or special groups such as the Senior Seminar faculty;
- Funds to enable attendance at meetings aimed at the improvement of teaching (e.g., GLCA Workshop on Course Design and Teaching)
Department chairpersons have further information on the above programs.
Several departmental and divisional offices regularly post announcements of conferences and of grant and fellowship competitions.
C. Requests for External Funding for Scholarly Work
Since the resources of the College are insufficient to support all scholarly work by Hope faculty members, individuals are encouraged actively to seek funds from outside sources, especially to sustain their scholarly work on an ongoing basis.
The Office of Sponsored Research Programs (SRO) provides assistance to faculty in locating funding sources and developing successful proposals through a variety of services provided. It is important for faculty members to contact the Director of Sponsored Research Programs as well as their Chairperson and divisional Dean to enlist their assistance in formulating grant requests.
There are college requirements related to submitting an external grant proposal such as completion of the online “Early Notification Form†informing the SRO and Chairperson of the faculty member’s intentions, paper copies of the “External Support Routing Form†seeking authorizations by designated College officials prior to submission and the “Institutional Cost Share Formâ€, if College commitments are required for the project. All information regarding the Office of Sponsored Research can be found on the SRO website. Institutional information needed in preparing external proposals and budgets such as College’s tax ID and negotiated indirect cost rate can be found on the institutional data page of the SRO website.
D. Use of Other College Resources
Research that 1) may require financial support by the College; 2) entails extensive use of equipment or facilities; or 3) requires released time from teaching assignments must be approved in writing by the Provost.
c6: Faculty Meetings
Attendance at faculty meetings is expected of all those holding faculty voting privileges. All other college teaching staff are invited to attend these meetings. (See Section A3.d-f for a full description of the faculty meeting schedule and procedures.)
C7: Formal Convocations
Each faculty member is expected to be present and to participate in the academic procession with appropriate academic garb on the occasion of formal convocations unless excused by the Provost. There are three regularly scheduled annual formal convocations in the college year: the opening convocation in late August and Baccalaureate and Commencement on a Sunday in early May. Special convocations to honor a guest or event may be scheduled by the President.
c8: Faculty Roles in the Life of the College Community
There are several ways in which faculty members are encouraged to make contributions to the life of the College on campus and off, although they are not contractually required to do so.
a. Faculty Role in Religious Life of the Campus
The religious dimension of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is described in the section of the College Catalog entitled "The Spiritual Dimension." As leaders of the College community, faculty members are urged to share in this program as participants and models, both on campus and in the community.
b. Faculty Advisors to Student Groups
When faculty members are invited to become official advisors to student groups and accept this responsibility, they serve as representatives of the faculty and administration to provide their best counsel on the nature and the quality of that group's activities. Advisors should help the group to understand the principles and regulations of the College under which the group operates and to be sensitive to the public implications of the group's activities. (Policies governing student groups are the responsibility of the Campus Life Board [see A6.b].)
As official representatives of the College, advisors must indicate to a group when it is not In compliance with the regulations of the College. Advisors should also exercise due care characteristic of a reasonable person with regard to the safety of the members of the group. They should encourage the students to provide creative leadership in planning and carrying out their purposes. When the group's activities involve a College budget item, budget submissions must carry advisor approval. When a group plans a special activity that has significant public relations implications (e.g. fund raising projects or performances for the general public), it must carry approval from the advisor and the Office of Student Development. In the case of an unresolved difference of judgment between advisor and group, the matter is to be referred to the Dean of Students or the appropriate campus board or committee.
c. Faculty Role in Public Relations
Public relations may be defined as what an institution is and does, as well as how the institution influences the public's perception of it. Faculty are representatives of the College and contribute to its public relations function in many ways. Information about the professional and public service activities of a department and its faculty is potentially excellent material for public relations. It is important, then, that faculty keep the Office of Public Affairs and Marketing informed about their academic activities, off-campus professional engagements, attendance at conferences, papers read, publications, and participation in research or consultant groups. Other contributions might include being community speakers or expert resources (listing areas of expertise with the College Speakers' Bureau), representing the Admissions Office in recruitment, or aiding the Office of Development and Alumni Engagement in its work with the many constituencies of the College. These efforts on the part of faculty, together with public coverage of student extracurricular activities, promote a balanced public image of the College.
C9: Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Open Access Policy
A. Overview
The faculty of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø affirms the core value of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø to contribute to the body of knowledge in the academic disciplines with a vision to pursue truth so as to renew the mind, enrich the disciplines, and transform the culture. Furthermore, the faculty of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø recognizes that knowledge and understanding are gifts from God and are to be shared with others. Thus the faculty is committed to the broad dissemination of its scholarly works, and as a result of this commitment the faculty of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø adopts the following policy:
Each member of the faculty of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø grants to Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø permission to make her or his scholarly work as defined below openly accessible in the College’s .
The permission granted by each member of the faculty of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is a nonexclusive, irrevocable, non-commercial, paid-up, worldwide license. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is permitted to exercise any and all rights under United States copyright law related to the scholarly work designated above provided that (a) the works are neither sold for a profit nor used for any commercial purposes and (b) the faculty member has not formally designated that a specific scholarly work is not to be so disseminated. The permission also allows Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø to authorize others to do the same.
This policy applies to all peer-reviewed, published scholarly journal articles and conference proceedings written while the author is a member of the faculty of Hope College and written after the formal adoption of this policy. Faculty members shall submit all such scholarly articles for addition to the College’s Institutional Repository. A faculty member may formally designate that a specific scholarly work is not to be disseminated by requesting a waiver. Reasons for doing so may include the existence of an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement before the existence of this policy or the reasonable potential for the author to expect to receive royalties for the work. However, faculty members may opt out of such dissemination of a scholarly work for any reason.
B. How it Works
To assist the College in cataloging and distributing the published scholarship of its faculty, each faculty member will make available an electronic copy of his or her final version of the article at no charge to the designated representative of Van Wylen Library in an appropriate format (such as PDF) specified by the library. The article will be submitted no later than the date of its publication and will be embargoed until it has appeared either in print or online at the publisher's website, whichever comes first. Van Wylen Library will make the works available to the public in an .
The library representative will automatically waive application of the policy for
a particular article upon written request by the author, explaining the need for the
waiver. The license will be waived for a given article at any time upon request of
the author stating the reason for the request after the bibliographic data for an
article has been submitted.
The Library Committee, acting under the authority of the Academic Affairs Board, will
be responsible for interpreting this policy, resolving any disputes related to its
interpretation and application, and recommending changes in the policy, if needed,
to the Academic Affairs Board. The Library Committee and Academic Affairs Board will
review the policy after three years and present a report to the faculty. The faculty
authorize the Dean of Libraries, working with the staff of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Libraries,
to develop the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Institutional Repository and to develop, initiate, and
monitor a plan for adding scholarly works of the faculty, disseminating those works
to the general public without cost, and communicating a formal acknowledgment to a
faculty member when she or he designates that Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø not disseminate a specific
scholarly work.
C. Additional Information
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø faculty members are encouraged to consider Open Access journals when deciding where to submit their scholarly work for publication. If publication of scholarly work will occur in a non-Open Access journal, faculty members are encouraged to work with the publisher to retain a limited copyright of the scholarly work. Designated members of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Libraries will work with faculty members in this regard.
While this policy only covers peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, in order to provide a complete record of the scholarly output at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, faculty are strongly encouraged to provide bibliographical data and, where possible, the full text, of any other publication (such as chapters and essays in edited volumes, reference articles, non-peer-reviewed articles, and monographs, plays and creative performance), for inclusion in the . The Repository will provide links to the final published versions of all publications whenever possible.
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Institutional Repository
Section D. College Employment Policies and Benefits
The following section includes Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø approved employment policies and Hope College provided benefits. This is a guide to such policies and employee benefits and is not to be considered a contract. Policies and benefits are amended, omitted, or added as deemed necessary to comply with federal, state, and local legislation along with what is determined to be appropriate for the operations of the Institution. Benefit Summaries and governing Plan Documents are available on the website of the Human Resources Office.
A. College Employment Policies
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is committed to the elimination of drug and/or alcohol misuse and abuse and forbids the use, possession or transfer of illegal drugs and alcohol in the workplace and in all learning environments. In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act (41 U.S.C. 701) and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (20 U.S.C. 1145g), the policy lays out appropriate standards of conduct, counseling and treatment options, and appropriate standards of discipline in the event of non-compliance. Read the full policy.
2. No Smoking Policy
The Ottawa County Smoke-Free Indoor Air Regulation became effective on January 1, 2008. This regulation requires all public and private employers to prohibit smoking in all enclosed areas and within twenty-five feet of any entrance, operable window, and ventilation system. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø became a smoke free campus on January 1, 2008.
Smoking (including e-cigarettes) will not be permitted in any campus owned or leased building; in any residence hall, apartment, or cottage; on any campus walkway or green space; or outside in college parking lots.
Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is permitted in private vehicles (including those parked in college lots) and on public right-of-ways away from building entrances. Please adhere to the twenty-five foot distance and dispose of your smoking materials appropriately before reentering the campus area.
The college is supportive of smoking cessation programs and will work with faculty and staff seeking help with their smoking habit. For more information contact the Human Resources Office.
3. Safety
One of the most important aspects of everyone's job is the practice of safety. All members of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Community are required to notify Campus Safety (ext 7770) of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or ongoing threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus. We also welcome suggestions for improving safety of the campus. These suggestions should be directed to your immediate supervisor or the Health and Fire Safety Office (ext 7999). All injuries incurred during the course of performing ones duties are to be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Office (ext 7999) or to Human Resources Office (ext 7811).
4. Harassment and Non-Discrimination
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø affirms the dignity of all persons as made in the image of God. Hope College is committed to being a welcoming, vibrant and caring academic community where academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge are strengthened by our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and grounded in the historic Christian faith, where the full humanity of all may flourish in an environment in which there is room for different perspectives that bring people together. It is the policy of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø not to discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, familial status, genetic information, height, national origin, race, religion (except in the event of a bona fide occupational qualification), sex (including gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy, sexual orientation), theological perspectives (e.g., conservative, progressive, traditional), veteran status, weight or any other legally protected attribute, status or characteristic.
Our commitment to an equitable and inclusive place of learning, living, and working together, and to prevent discrimination and harassment, is the responsibility of all members of the Hope community.
This policy covers nondiscrimination in all the College’s programs and activities, including employment, admissions, and access to educational opportunities.
Therefore, any member of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø community whose acts deny, deprive, or limit the educational or employment or residential and/or social access, benefits, and/or opportunities of any member of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø community, guest, or visitor on the basis of that person’s legally protected attribute, status or characteristic listed above is in violation of the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø policy on nondiscrimination. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø also provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities.
Details about your rights and responsibilities under this policy can be found at:
The following person has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy, including inquiries regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504, and the Title IX:
Taylor Sinclair, Senior Director of Equity & Compliance
Anderson-Werkman Center Suite 251
100 East 8th Street
Holland, MI 49423
Or for further information, you can contact the local Office of Civil Rights at:
Office for Civil Rights (Cleveland Office), US Department of Education
1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325
Cleveland, OH 44115-1812
5. Immigration Rules for Employment
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø is required to comply with rules issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in 1987. All employees are required to file an I-9 form with the Human Resources Office. Accurate documentation as noted by the Immigration and Naturalization Service must be provided. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø will assist with the procurement of an HIB visa and necessary employment documents for international faculty hired into tenure track positions. Application of documents should be coordinated with the Human Resources Office. Costs associated with the visa and family member documentation is paid for by the college. Costs to reestablish non -resident alien status is also paid for by the college. If citizenship is desired, the college will pay an amount equal to refiling for non-resident alien status. All applications should be coordinated with the Office of Human Resources.
6. Campus Technology
Certain standards of performance and conduct are expected from Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø employees when using college owned computers, telephones, and other electronic equipment. The college has no tolerance for use of college resources, including technology, for pornography and violators of this will be subject to discipline action, up to and including immediate termination.
- Personal Communication: The usage of cell phones, social media, email, and texting for personal communications should be kept to a minimum and in some circumstances, will not be allowed. Employees should engage in personal communications during approved break periods if at all possible. Excessive usage of electronic equipment will be cause for discipline.
- Network Use: Employees are encouraged to use the college network resources for college business only. In the event that network use is deemed inappropriate, employees may be subject to disciplinary action. The appropriateness of the penalty in each case shall be determined by the college. Network use by non-employees, including family members is prohibited.
- E-mail Names: While CIT strives to honor the wishes of employees in selecting email name and addresses, it is the sole discretion of CIT to determine these names and addresses.
- Additional information regarding technology usage can be found at the following link: hope.edu/offices/computing-information-technology/policies/technology-usage.html.
7. Whistleblower Policy
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø requires all employees to observe very high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. Internal controls and operating procedures are intended to detect, prevent or deter violations of law, governmental rules and regulations, and/or College policies. The College also provides various mechanisms to assist and encourage employees to come forward in good faith with reports of violations or suspected violations. Normally, these instances should be reported to an immediate supervisor. However, there may be times when it is necessary for an employee to report a violation outside of the normal chain of command. Therefore the college has adopted a Whistleblower Policy.
8. Animal/Pet Policy
In creating a healthy, safe, and respectful environment, animals/pets should not be
a part of the campus community unless part of a service animal program or identified
in the exclusions clause of the policy. Pets can pose various health and safety concerns
to the campus community including allergic reactions to animal dander, excessive noise,
animal bites, and disease transmission (i.e., fleas, ticks, parasites, viruses, bacteria,
etc.). Specific information on this policy can be found at:
9. Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)/Drone Policy
To provide a safe and productive environment for such activity, all use or control of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) taking place within or above the boundaries of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø shall fully comply with:
- Current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations;
- Any local or state laws regarding use of such devices;
- All guidelines established by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and the "Know Before You Fly" initiative.
All UAS activity must be pre-approved by Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø. The use of drones and model aircraft for hobby or recreational use on Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø property is not permitted. Drones used for official college educational and research purposes shall follow the Commercial Use application process.
For commercial use (as defined by the FAA but always inclusive of any use for compensation or in connection with a business or employment) authorization from Campus Safety shall be requested no less than 10 days prior to UAS activity via a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)/Drone Application. Applications must include:
- Name of requesting business entity;
- Name, address of operator;
- Phone number at which the operator can be reached during flight activity;
- UAS make, model and serial number;
- Date, duration, and boundaries of flight activity;
- Description of the commercial nature of the operation;
- Certificate of insurance demonstrating coverage for requested UAS activities (Additional Insured coverage may be required);
- Proof of compliance with then-current FAA regulations (copies of registration, operator certification, Certificate of Waivers, etc.);
- Any other details requested
In situations where there are extenuating circumstances that do not allow the time requirement to be met, the Director of Campus Safety or their designee can authorize the use permit. All other requirements must be followed without exception.
Use of UAS at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø athletic events and athletic events taking place on College property is restricted to pre-approved commercial use as outlined above.
- Resource: (FAA UAS regulations)
- Resource: (Academy of Model Aeronautics)
- Resource: ("Know Before You Fly" initiative)
- Resource: (Campus Map)
10. Distracted Driver Policy
In order to increase employee safety and eliminate unnecessary risks while driving, the College has enacted a Distracted Driving Policy for those driving while performing College business. Disregarding the state requirements and guidelines of this policy could jeopardize your ability to use College owned vehicles or involve disciplinary action. We are committed to avoiding the perils of distracted driving and have created the following policy which applies to any employee operating a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø vehicle or driving on college business:
As of June 30, 2023, Michigan is a “Hands Free†state regarding mobile devises. Michigan law prohibits holding or using a cellphone while driving.
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø employees may not manually dial a hand-held cell phone while operating a college vehicle while the vehicle is in motion. Additionally, for college vehicles equipped with mobile computers, employees may not make keystrokes on those computers while driving. The college encourages employees to avoid cell phone conversations while the vehicle is in motion, even if hands free, as this can distract a driver from his/her full attention to the road and the surrounding elements.
If a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø employee needs to use their hands to take/make a call or to review GPS directions, they should pull over safely to the side of the road or another safe location.
Additional information about the Michigan law, including exceptions for first responders and emergency calls, can be found on the of the Michigan State Police website.
11. Key Policy
In order to maintain the security of college buildings and the safety of students, faculty, and staff, requests for keys shall be directed to the Department of Campus Safety who will work with the Provost, Dean, Chair or department administrator. They will determine the need and justification for the request and respond accordingly. Any individual who, without authorization, reproduces keys to any college building, office, room or equipment, or who has such keys in their possession shall be subject to disciplinary action by the college.
Upon leaving the employment of the college (either voluntary or involuntary), an employee is required to turn in all keys issued to them. If the employee does not have in their possession the key(s) listed, the employee’s department may be charged a fee of $30 dollars per office key, $100 dollars per master key, and $30 dollars per lock change to help offset the cost of reissuing and rekeying college property and/or facilities. Keys are required to be turned in to the Human Resources Department or Campus Safety.
12. Policy on Outside Employment
Faculty members are considered to be on full-time service to the College. Writing, consulting, performing public service activities and work with professional associations, whether paid or unpaid, are considered to be a desirable part of the faculty member's total load if the following conditions are met:
- They contribute significantly to the professional development of the individual, to the strengthening of scholarship, to the recognition of the faculty member in his or her field, or to the reputation of the College;
- They are consonant with the faculty member's teaching or other responsibilities at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø.
Faculty members may accept outside teaching assignments during the academic year only after consultation with the chairperson and approval of the divisional dean. Approval will be given only if the assignment meets the conditions stated above (such as teaching advanced courses not offered at Hope), or fulfills the emergency needs of another institution. Commitments for any other outside employment during the academic year must be approved also by the Provost.
In all cases of outside employment requiring absence from the campus, the faculty member is responsible for seeing that the progress of his/her courses is uninterrupted and, in the case of performance or studio courses, that the lessons missed are made up.
13. Policy on Conflict of Interest
- All employees of the College should consult with their supervisors concerning any potential conflict of interest.
- All dealings with students, suppliers, contractors, employees, and job-seekers must be free from prejudice and personal considerations, and must be in the spirit of the College's goals and purposes.
- No faculty member will do business on behalf of the College with a close friend or relative unless authorized by his/her superior to do so; nor shall any faculty members authorize purchases or contracts from or with any persons or organizations with which they have any personal agreement, contract, or understanding that might tend to influence their decisions.
- No faculty member will seek or accept, directly or indirectly, any payment, loan, service, non-business travel, personal gifts, or excessive entertainment from any persons or businesses doing or seeking to do business with the College.
- When a conflict or potential conflict arises, the College reserves the right to request pertinent information from the individual or individuals involved.
- The President of the College has the authority and the responsibility to apply the foregoing policies; to determine what action should be taken to correct violations of these policies; and to initiate disciplinary action when necessary. Therefore, the President should be informed of violations, or potential violations, of this policy.
- College personnel who apply for grants from federal agencies must adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy for such research.
14. Orientation
All new employees hired into permanent positions are expected to participate in an Orientation Program. Led by Human Resources this program introduces key policies, explores the history and culture of the college, and allows you to participate in an online assessment program. You will be contacted by the Employee Development Manager as to dates and times for your Orientation. New full-time faculty members are also required to take part in the Initium program.
15. Employee Identification Card Policy
The college recognizes that an ID card provides employees and their families with many valued benefits. These benefits include: use of the Dow Physical Education Center, free general admission to college athletic events, discount fees for numerous cultural activities, use of other college facilities including parking and a discount on bookstore purchases. It has therefore become necessary to establish policies governing the issue and use of cards.
Photo ID cards are issued at no cost to all regular non-student employees who are paid through the college payroll. The Human Resources Office is responsible for authorizing the distribution and annual validation of cards. The following ID card categories and guidelines are followed:
16. Faculty/Staff Card
IDs are validated with a sticker for a twelve (12) month period for all regular employees. The card provides full benefits to the employee and his or her dependents. Dependents desiring a Dow Card need to contact the Dow Center. Single employees are given a guest privilege that allows them to attend College activities and use college facilities with a guest at no charge. New validation stickers for cards are issued each fall semester.
17. Retired Employee Card
Employees who retire from active service at the college on or after the age of 65 (or age 60 with 10 years of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø service) or through a college Early Retirement Plan are eligible to receive an honorary lifetime I.D. that will provide the same benefits described in paragraph one for regular, active employees. Spouses of deceased retirees shall become eligible for an honorary activity card providing a continuation of benefits. Should the spouse remarry, the card shall expire on the date of the remarriage.
18. Exit Interview
All employees leaving the employ of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø for any reason should schedule an exit interview with the Human Resources Office. The exit interview is normally held during the last week of employment. Insurance, retirement, and other arrangements for the final paycheck are made during this interview. All college property, including college ID, keys, and equipment must be returned by the last day of employment. If this is not possible, two options will be available. First, you may sign a consent form which allows the college to deduct the value (which shall be determined by the college) of the property from your paycheck to the extent the law allows. Or, you may sign a promissory note for this amount (or the balance of the amount which remains after your payroll deduction outlined in Option 1 has been made). The college reserves the right to take other lawful means (including filing a lawsuit) to recover the value of the property or the property itself, should neither option be taken, or should a balance remain after either option (or both) is/are taken.
If you wish to also speak privately with someone regarding your decision to leave the college please contact either the Director of Human Resources or the Employee Development Manager to schedule an appointment.
19. Breaks in Service
When an employee leaves his/her employment at the college but later is re-hired, prior years of service will be added to the employee's total years of service if the break in service is less than one (1) calendar year. Total years of service are important elements in the determination of rates for sick pay/vacation pay accumulation, service award qualification, and any other benefits with a longevity factor. Retirement program requirements for breaks in service will supersede any policy stated here.
B. College Benefits
1. General Policies
A. Eligibility
All faculty who are on regular appointment at 0.75 FTE or greater (see B2.a1) are entitled to all the benefits described in this section. Visiting faculty and faculty on term appointments in their first year are eligible for inclusion in hospitalization and health insurance, travel accident insurance, and Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance, but are excluded from the tuition waiver, INVEST retirement program, life and long-term disability insurance, unless specific provision is made in their individual contracts. Normally, full benefits are extended to visiting faculty and faculty on term appointments after the completion of one full year of service to the College.
B. Paperwork:
All necessary forms for participation in the benefits program can be obtained from the Office of Human Resources.
2. Payroll Information
A. Automatic Deposit
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø's flexible payroll system allows an employee a variety of automatic checking and savings deposit options. It is possible to have your check split between several kinds of accounts or have it all deposited into one. Direct Deposit forms can be found online at https://www.hope.edu/offices/human-resources/documents/direct_deposit2022.pdf or can be accessed online at your account.
Under Federal law, the College deducts Social Security taxes from your paycheck. This deduction is made according to the prevailing percentage rate up to a specified yearly amount as set by the Federal government. The amount is matched by College funds and deposited at regular intervals with the government.
c. Federal and State Income Taxes
Federal and State taxes are also withheld from your earnings and deposited with Federal and State governments at regular intervals. Deductions for these taxes are based on your gross salary in relationship to your marital status and the number of deductions you claim.
D. Unemployment Compensation
The College is also required to participate in the Unemployment Compensation Insurance program. This cost is entirely that of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø.
3. INVEST Retirement Program
All employees who have completed one year of service at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and who worked at least 1,000 hours during the previous benefit year and are expected by the College to do so during the existing benefit year will be eligible to participate in the retirement program. The College contributes 10.5% of salary in a 403(b) defined contribution plan (INVEST plan). The amount received at the time of retirement is based on the amount of money accumulated in the individual's account. Information regarding current investment vehicles is available in Human Resources. All employees are eligible to participate in a voluntary contribution program by setting aside tax deferred dollars. Details are available at the Human Resources website.
4. Early Retirement Plan for Tenured Faculty
a. Purpose
A tenured faculty member may wish to retire before reaching the normal retirement age of 65. In an effort to be responsive to individual aspirations and needs, as well as to the on-going academic and financial needs of the College, this Early Retirement Program for Tenured Faculty (the “Program") has been developed.
Any election by a tenured faculty member to participate in the Program is voluntary. The benefits under the Program are in addition to any other benefits available to an eligible tenured faculty member. Further, tenured faculty members who retire under the Program retain all of their college benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled.
b. Eligibility
The Program is available to tenured faculty members who have reached the age of 60 and have completed 20 years of full time service to the College. Age determination is made according to the age the tenured faculty member will be on August 1 following their official retirement date. A tenured faculty member who has attained age 60 by the August 1 date, and has served the College on a full time basis for at least 10 years, but has not completed 20 years of service, is eligible for these benefits on a pro-rata basis based upon the ratio of years of full time service to 20. A tenured faculty member who wishes to retire before reaching age 60 may negotiate an individual early retirement program with the College. The terms of any such individual early retirement program are at the sole discretion of the College.
c. Program Description
On July 15 following a tenured faculty member's early retirement pursuant to this Program, the College will pay to him or her a lump sum equal to a percentage of the retiree's last academic year's salary in accordance with the following schedule:
Age at which a Faculty Member Retires Fraction of the Academic Year Salary to be Paid Upon Early Retirement 60 60% 61 50% 62 40% 63 30% 64 20% -
If the tenured faculty member has served at least one full year since his or her last sabbatical leave, the tenured faculty member will be eligible for a one-time retirement stipend paid to their 403(b) retirement account in accordance with the following schedule:
Age at which a Faculty Member Retires Fraction of the Academic Year Salary to be Paid Upon Early Retirement 60 60% 61 50% 62 40% 63 30% 64 20% -
The stipend will be deposited on July 15 into the tenured faculty member’s 403(b) retirement account up to the maximum allowed by IRS Section 415 limits. Any amount exceeding the limit will be deposited as soon as administratively feasible in the following year in accordance with IRS Section 415 limits.
Until the tenured faculty member reaches normal retirement age, the College will provide tenured faculty members who retire pursuant to the Program with the same medical and life insurance coverage and premium cost sharing that it provides for regular tenured members of the faculty. The life insurance coverage will be based upon the tenured faculty member's salary in the last full-time year of academic service.
A tenured faculty member who elects early retirement cannot return to a full-time appointment by his or her own election.
A tenured faculty member who elects early retirement may accept an invitation by the Provost to teach a course or courses on a part-time basis. In this case, terms of employment will be governed by existing policies for adjunct faculty, except that compensation will be at 150 percent of the adjunct maximum rate/credit hour and the credit hours taught may not exceed 12 per year.
A tenured faculty member who elects early retirement is eligible for emeritus status on the same basis as a tenured faculty member who retires at normal retirement age, and for all the privileges and benefits accorded emeritus faculty members.
- In order to be vested in the benefits under the Program, the tenured faculty member must continue working until the end of the academic year during which written notification is provided as described below, unless the tenured faculty member is unable to do so due to total disability or death. In the event of total disability, the lump sum payment described in (a) above shall be paid within 2½ months of the date the tenured faculty member stopped working due to total disability. In the event of death, the lump sum payment described in (a) above, shall be paid to the deceased tenured faculty member’s beneficiaries within 2½ months of the date of the tenured faculty member’s death. For this purpose, the deceased tenured faculty member’s beneficiaries shall be established in the same manner as under the College’s life insurance plan.
D. Notification
A tenured faculty member who wishes to retire early pursuant to this Program must notify the Provost in writing of this intention no later than September 1 of the academic year at the close of which his or her early retirement is to commence. Notification is required in writing from the faculty member to the Provost Office. Upon application through the Provost Office, the faculty member releases any claims the tenured faculty member may have against the College. In no event will a tenured faculty member be required to retire earlier than 180 days after providing the notification.
e. Termination
This Program is in effect until July 31, 2025, at which time it shall terminate, unless it is renewed by the College’s Board of Trustees.
f. Exceptions
In case a tenured faculty member experiences extraordinary health problems which may require early retirement due to disability, the Provost shall be authorized to negotiate a special early retirement plan for an eligible tenured faculty member.
5. Flexible Benefit Plan (includes FSA and HSA)
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø employees are allowed to take advantage of tax exempt premiums for health insurance, vision and dental. The college automatically sets up these payments as tax exempt unless directed otherwise by the employee. The College also offers a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and a Health Spending Account (HSA) depending on which type of health insurance the employee and/or family is enrolled in. Additionally the College offers a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for child care expenses. For specific eligibility rules, list of covered expenses, and details on each program please see
6. Health and Rx Insurance
a. Active Employees Eligibility
All employees with regular assignments scheduled to work 1560+ hours per benefit year are eligible to participate in the College group health insurance plans. Selection of a plan option is made upon enrollment and changes may be made annually during the open enrollment period. Eligibility is the first day of employment.
b. Employee Contribution
Employees contribute, on a pre-tax basis, to the cost based on salary and type of coverage elected.
c. Details of Plans
Details of current plans, cost, eligibility, special enrollment options, auto exclusion provision, and other information can be found in the Employee Benefit Plan Document and Summary Plan Description as well as at https://www.hope.edu/offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/index.html.
d. Coordination of Coverage
Michigan law specifies which insurance carrier has primary responsibility for payment of claims for dependents when both members of a married couple have insurance coverage. The insured employee with the birth date earliest in the calendar year has the primary responsibility for dependents. Our plan will provide secondary coverage in those cases where another plan is primary.
e. Coverage Limits when both Spouses are Employed at the College
When both members of a married couple work at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø in positions eligible for full benefits, the College will not approve the duplicate expense of providing dependent coverage for both. Couples with no children are requested to take single coverage for each employee since the insurance rates for two single contracts are normally less expensive than for one contract as a couple. For those staff with children, it is normally most cost effective for one employee to take the full family coverage contract and the other waives coverage (since they would be covered under their spouse's contract). Coordination of married employee couple's coverage can reduce cost without any loss of medical insurance protection. Premiums will be based on the higher salary of the two spouse’s salaries.
f. Health Insurance Continuation
1. Employee Death
The family of employees who die while in active service to the College will be given the option to continue coverage by paying the premium share required of active employees. The length of coverage will be limited to one year. Dependent child coverage ends at the end of the calendar month the child turns 26 years of age or the one year provision, whichever is less. Spouse coverage will terminate upon remarriage within the first year and coverage will not apply to step-children by another marriage. The College insurance coverage will also terminate in the event that surviving family members become eligible for health insurance coverage from any other source.
2. Employee Disability
Employees who become disabled under the Long Term Disability Policy, while employed at the College will be eligible for medical insurance continuation for a period of one year by paying the premium share required of active employees. Dependent child coverage ends at the end of the calendar month the child turns 26 years of age or the one year provision, whichever is less. Other medical insurance received in connection with the disability will be considered primary for purposes of payment coordination. The College will be responsible for only those expenses normally covered by our plan and not funded by another plan.
3. Continuation of Health Insurance: Federal Rules – COBRA
All employees who lose medical insurance coverage as a result of a reduction of hours of employment or termination of employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct) are eligible for group health insurance continuation coverage at the employee's expense. In addition, spouses or dependents of employees who become ineligible for benefits (divorce, no longer dependent, etc.) may choose to participate, at their own expense, in a continuation of group health insurance coverage; according to the guidelines set by COBRA for a period of time not greater than 18 months for employee and not greater than 36 months for dependents. Full information about the details of COBRA coverage is available by contacting the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Human Resources Office.
G. Early Retiree Coverage
Should an employee retiree prior to Medicare eligible age (currently age 65), you may remain on the College Health Insurance Plan by paying 100% of the premium costs if you have met the minimum service requirement of 10 years and are at least 60 years of age. Upon becoming eligible for Medicare, you can then participate in Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø’s Retiree Health Insurance plan according to the terms described in “Retiree Coverageâ€.
H. Retiree Coverage
Faculty and staff who retire from Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø with at least ten years of continuous service at the time of their retirement are eligible to participate in one of Hope College’s Retiree Health Insurance plans. The participant will be billed monthly for their share of the premium due based on eligibility guidelines. Details on eligibility and premium sharing can be found at the following link: https://www.hope.edu/offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/index.html. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø will have the right to cancel insurance coverage if payment is more than 60 days delinquent.
i. Health Plan Revision Option
The College reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions, and coverages in the Health Insurance and Retiree Health Insurance Plan(s).
J. HIPAA Privacy Policy
The College complies with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 in the protection of an employee’s personal health information. Privacy Policy details, along with a listing of procedures to follow if you feel your rights have been violated, are available at /offices/human-resources/employee/handbooks-policies/index.html.
7. Term Life Insurance
In addition to health insurance coverage, employees receive term life insurance coverage for themselves at no charge. The life insurance is valued at one and one-half the amount of the employee's annual base wage. The employee will also have the opportunity to purchase Supplemental Life Insurance. Details on the Life Insurance Plan are available at https://www.hope.edu/offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/index.html. Should the face value of your life insurance exceed $50,000, IRS requires that the premium cost for coverage in excess of $50,000 be considered a taxable benefit. The value coverage above $50,000 will be treated as "other income" to you and listed on your year-end W-2 form.
8. Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
The College provides AD& D insurance on the lives of all benefit eligible employees at the same face value as the term life insurance. The terms and conditions of the benefit are outlined in the plan booklet.
9. Long Term Disability Insurance
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø has adopted a Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance program for all employees who meet the standard 1560 work hours test described previously. The benefits of this program provide for payments of 60% of your normal monthly earning up to a maximum of $6,000 per month. Employees will have the option to purchase an additional 10% in coverage. Plan documents are available at https://www.hope.edu/offices/human-resources/employee/benefits. During the first year of LTD, the employee will be considered on “leave status†and the employee’s department can request the position be filled by a temporary or permanent employee. During this first year, if the employee returns from LTD, every effort will be made to find the employee a position on the campus. If no position exists, the employee shall be moved to layoff status. If an employee remains on LTD their employee status will expire after one year of continuous long term disability. The employee's position assignment will be terminated at that time unless extraordinary circumstances exist. Any future Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø employment will be contingent upon available positions and qualifications. The College pays the LTD premiums and the benefits received are taxable.
10. Travel Accident Insurance
The College provides accident insurance for all faculty members while traveling on College business, or on an approved activity outside the campus limits. The coverage provides accidental death and dismemberment insurance in principal amount of $50,000. Coverage is automatic. A faculty absence form should be completed by a faculty member before departure on such College business so that there is no question about the College related nature of the travel.
11. Worker's Compensation
a. Reporting an Accident
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø carries Worker's Compensation Insurance for all College personnel. If an employee is injured while performing duties on his/her job, they must promptly report the injury prior to securing treatment (unless the injury is serious). The College uses the services of Holland MediCenter, 335 N. 120th Ave, Holland, for treatment and assessment of most workplace injuries. Severe injuries would require treatment at a Hospital Emergency Room. Injuries should be reported promptly to Director of Occupational Health and Safety. If the Director is unavailable, then the Physical Plant Operations Manager should be contacted for Physical Plant staff or Human Resources Office Assistant for other staff. Treatment at the MediCenter requires pre-authorization by one of the three staff members indicated. The MediCenter also conducts return to work evaluations for the College. Use of an employee's personal physician is allowed for continued treatment or follow-up after 10 days of filing an injury claim.
It is very important to promptly notify your supervisor, the Department of Health and Fire Safety and secure the necessary claim form from the Office Assistant in the Human Resources Office. All bills resulting from the injury must be submitted to the Human Resources Office. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø uses the services of an outside company to coordinate the claims. Payments are made directly by them to the doctor and/or the hospital involved.
The Health and Safety Department will investigate all incidents for possible health or safety hazards, make a written report and take corrective action when necessary.
b. Payment for Lost Wages
Payments for lost wages are paid from the Worker's Compensation fund and are sent directly to the employee. Earned sick pay benefits may be used to supplement Worker's Compensation Benefit payments -- not to exceed 100% of the employee's current hourly pay rate. All Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø disability benefits will be suspended while Worker's Compensation Benefits are being paid. The College will continue to make retirement contributions and pay employer life, AD&D, and LTD premiums based on what would have been the employee’s normal base wage. Any applicable contributions for benefits will be billed to the employee or collected from pay upon return-to-work. Any outside income replacement benefits received will be coordinated with Short Term Disability payments - combined total cannot exceed 100% of normal earnings. Leave accruals will not be calculated on workers compensation earnings.
12. Short Term Disability
If an employee will be absent due to a medical illness or surgery for a period greater than one week, short term disability will begin on the 8th calendar day for illness, and back to the first day missed for absences due to non-elective surgeries. Employees should contact the Benefit Manager in the Human Resources Office to apply for the disability. Full salary and benefits continue during an approved disability for a period of 26 weeks.
13. Military Leave
The rights of workers to take leaves-of-absence to serve in the military are governed by federal laws. Reservist on active duty will be eligible for College pay equal to the difference between their military salary and their current College salary.
14. Jury Duty
Employees who are called to serve on jury duty during their normal work schedule will be compensated for the difference between pay for the jury duty and their regular College pay. Normally the College will issue regular pay for the time absent and employees will be responsible for assigning payment received for jury duty to the College (via Payroll Office) as a reimbursement for time already paid. An employee is expected to report for regular College work when temporarily excused from attendance at court. The employee's supervisor must be advised of any absences due to jury duty and the employee’s timecard must accurately report the time taken for jury duty.
15. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø complies with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. This law requires employers to extend unpaid leave of up to a total of 12 weeks each 12 months to eligible employees to care for a newly born or adopted child, and/or to attend to the medical needs of an immediate family member, and/or due to an employee’s own illness. Specific details on FMLA, including eligibility, reason for leave, coordination of other leave, i.e., can be found at /offices/human-resources/resources/fmla_policy.pdf
16. Parental Leave of Absence
Sometimes, faculty members must take a leave from teaching responsibilities to provide care for their children. To address this need, Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø has established the following faculty parental leave policy. To this end, Hope not only complies with the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), but also provides additional paid parental leave to full time faculty members for the purpose of caring for their newborn or newly placed child(ren).
This policy is intended for full time (full time is defined as 0.75 FTE and above) faculty members (instructional and non-instructional).
This policy complies with or goes beyond the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993. This policy is not intended to restrict any rights or obligations provided by the FMLA. Eligible employees can . This faculty leave augments any leave provided by short-term disability that would be associated with childbirth. Moreover, this policy does not restrict a faculty member from requesting other types of leaves provided by the College.
In order to use this benefit, faculty must with as much notice as possible, at least 45 days from the anticipated beginning of the leave. This form will notify the relevant dean(s), the Provost Office, and the Human Resources Benefits Manager. Extenuating and emergency circumstances will be vetted by the relevant dean(s) and HR if the faculty member is unable to give at least 45 days notice. In order to realize the benefit, the faculty member should meet with the relevant dean(s) and department chair(s)/program director(s) to discuss a plan. The College will cover the costs of providing instruction for the courses vacated by the person on leave.
During the leave, the College will continue its contributions to the faculty member’s medical, life, and long-term disability. Faculty members who normally contribute to the cost of this coverage must continue to make these contributions during the leave. The College will make contributions to the retirement plan while the faculty member is on a paid leave per the INVEST Plan SPD. The college will not contribute to retirement plans during unpaid leaves.
Upon request (via completing the aforementioned form), Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø will grant either 1) a paid leave of four (4) weeks or 2) a one-course reduction (3 workload hours) in the calendar year following the birth of a child(ren). In the case of the new placement of a child(ren) for an adoption, Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø will grant either 1) a paid leave of six (6) weeks or 2) a one-course reduction (3 workload hours) in the academic year. Note that the course reduction or paid leave must be taken within one year after the birth or new placement of a child(ren). The paid leave cannot be combined with the course-reduction.
The paid leave or course reduction is in addition to any short term disability. In the case of adoption, the faculty must indicate the start date of the six-week paid leave using the aforementioned form. For the birth of a child, it will be assumed that the four-week paid leave begins after the short term disability ends. The faculty member should indicate if there should be a different start date using the . If the paid leave ends at a time when there is less than 15 days of the semester left (including final exam period), the leave will be extended to the end of the active semester in an effort to lessen the disruption of the instructional experience.
If both parents are Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø full-time faculty members, each parent will be eligible for either the leave or the course reduction described earlier. Parents that are both faculty should independently complete the .
This parental leave does not replace or restrict any rights of faculty, including the ability to request other leaves described in the Faculty Handbook, such as an unpaid leave of absence.
The leave (or course reduction) must be completed within one calendar year of the birth or placement (adoption) of the child(ren). Only one such leave will be granted in any twelve-month period.
The relevant dean(s) will work with the relevant chairperson(s) to find instructors to teach courses vacant by the faculty member’s leave.
The time during the parental leave of absence will count as time in service toward salary increments and sabbatical leaves. At the request of the faculty member on parental leave, the academic year in which the leave occurs may be excluded from time toward tenure consideration.
- A faculty member gives birth to a child on June 1. In accordance with federal guidelines, HR works with information from medical professionals and determines the faculty member is eligible for a six-week paid short term disability leave. This short term disability leave would start on June 1 and end July 13. The faculty member would then be eligible to a) have four additional weeks of paid leave (returning to work in mid-August) or b) teach three less workload hours (approximately one course) in the academic year.
- Two faculty members become parents due to their adoption of a child on August 18. In this particular case, each faculty member would have access to six weeks of paid leave or reducing the teaching workload by three workload hours across the academic year. For example, one parent could have a paid leave for six weeks while the other parent could have a course-reduction in the fall semester.
17. Other Leaves of Absence
A leave of absence other than a sabbatical leave may be granted for a period of up
to one year. Normally, a faculty member receives no salary during such a leave. Given
extraordinary circumstances, it may be extended for an additional semester or year.
Application may be made in writing and submitted to the Provost through the appropriate
department chairperson and divisional dean. After consultation with the dean, the
Provost will make the final decision.
The following conditions apply for leaves of absence:
- Leaves are granted for professional or personal reasons.
- Professional reasons may include the completion of an advanced degree, acceptance of an unusual research opportunity, an invitation to serve as a visiting professor/ scholar at a distinguished college or university, the acceptance of a post-doctoral service in a government agency, travel related to professional development, etc.
- Personal reasons may include family illness, exploration of an alternative career direction, etc.
- A Faculty Member is eligible to apply for a leave of absence after two years of full-time teaching at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø.
- If, under special circumstances, the faculty member is to receive any remuneration from the college, it will be determined by the provost in consultation with the faculty member prior to the granting of leave. Health Insurance may be provided by the College with the employee continuing the active employee share or greater, depending on the circumstances of the leave.
- If remuneration is approved by the college, the faculty member is obligated to return to the college for one semester of service for each semester of leave.
- Leave shall be granted upon approval of the Provost. If approved, the provost will issue a letter of authorization which must include a statement of any special conditions which are applicable.
- The departmental chairperson, divisional dean, and Provost will determine whether a temporary replacement is needed.
- If the faculty member, while on leave, decides not to return to the College, he or she must notify the Provost no later than March 1. Approval of an extension of leave beyond one year may carry with it the requirement of earlier notification of the intention not to return.
18. Employee Assistance Program
The Ulliance Life Advisor EAP provides Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø employees with an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This benefit is designed to offer CONFIDENTIAL assistance to you, your immediate family members, and significant others whose personal problems are affecting your quality of life and/or job performance. The program provides 6 visits with a counselor at no cost to the employee. Details can be found at: /offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/
19. Faculty Travel Fund
This fund, budgeted and administered through the divisional deans' offices, contributes
a major portion of the expenses involved in travel to professional meetings and conferences
that promise to further faculty growth and improve the institutional program.
Support toward the actual expense is normally provided for approved travel by faculty
who are:
- Program Participants in the meetings
- Office-holders in the association sponsoring the meetings.
- Representing the College at the request of the administration.
Limitations on transportation costs are a per-mile amount when private cars are used, or air coach fare, whichever is more economical. For faculty members attending professional meetings as observers or general participants, payment is normally limited to transportation (as above) and a per diem.
Information on the current mileage and per diem figure is available from the Business Office. When College cars are used for faculty travel, the mileage amount will be charged against the appropriate Divisional Dean's travel budget. A College credit card is provided for operational costs.
Since the Faculty Travel Fund is a budgeted item and has limits, faculty members should make application for use of these funds as far in advance as possible. Application procedures include the faculty member's submitting two forms:
The Absence Form, available in the departmental or the divisional dean's office, is the request for permission to be absent from campus and for reservation of the approximate amount of money needed to fulfill the request. When approved by the departmental chairperson and divisional dean, it authorizes attendance and reserves these funds.
The Travel Payment Request form is needed to authorize payment of funds. Preferably, this request is submitted after the travel and includes an accurate statement of expenses incurred, with attached receipts (at least hotel, airline tickets, and other major items). If it becomes necessary for a faculty member to request a cash advance for authorized travel, the advance is charged to a special account in his/her name, and the account is not cleared until an expense report is completed following the travel and the necessary refund or additional payment is made.
20. Faculty Development Grants
The College, from its current operating budget and from income from endowment funds, as well as gifts and grants designated for this purpose, annually makes grants to faculty members for summer study or research that will assist them in their development as teachers and scholars. Occasionally such grants are also available during the academic year.
A number of special endowment funds have been established toward this end. They are listed in the College Annual Report under the category of Specified Endowed Funds – The Jacob E. Nyenhuis Faculty Development Funds. A description of each fund along with the special conditions (if any) of the annual award is set forth there. In addition, grants made to the College by charitable foundations are often available to supplement these funds. Some grant monies are designated for faculty in a specific discipline (e.g., music, religion, economics), and some are available to the faculty-at-large.
A statement of the procedures to be followed in making application for a Faculty Development Grant is available on the Provost’s Office website. Applications are reviewed and awards are made by a committee composed of the faculty members of the Status Committee, divisional deans, and Provost. The Provost serves as the chairperson of the committee.
Normally persons accepting a grant agree to return to the faculty of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø for the following academic year. Faculty members who have been awarded a grant and find it necessary to change their plans substantially should obtain permission from the Provost for the change or relinquish the grant by April 15. Faculty development grants are not to be used in support of degree work which can be interpreted as a normal requirement for the teaching position which a faculty member holds.
It is expected that a faculty member receiving a summer grant will not accept summer commitments to the College which will exceed a total of eight (8) weeks not counting May Term. (Research funded through faculty development grants, teaching in the summer sessions, special administrative assignments, etc., are to be counted in the total.) Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Provost.
21. Dow Center/DeWitt Tennis Center/DeVos Fieldhouse Use
Faculty, staff and their dependent (IRS definition) family members can use the Dow Center and DeWitt Tennis Center, provided that the area desired is not scheduled with a Kinesiology class or a sport activity. DeVos Fieldhouse is for employees only and limited to the weight room. There is no charge to the employee for Dow Center or DeVos Fieldhouse usage. DeWitt Tennis Center does require some costs. Each family member must show his/her faculty/staff ID card or Dow card to gain admittance. Employees must follow the guidelines and policies of each facility. Information can be found on the Dow Center website at hope.edu/offices/dow-center. The DeWitt Tennis Center club hours and general information (including rates) can be found on their website, . Information on DeVos Fieldhouse hours can be found at hope.edu/directory/buildings/devos-fieldhouse.
22. Adoption Benefit
The benefit is available to all employees who are eligible for the College's health insurance program and who have a desire to have children through the adoption process. Information on this benefit can be found at /offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/resources/adoption-request.pdf.
23. Tuition Waiver Benefit
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø provides as a benefit to full time employees and their families a tuition waiver plan that will assist children, spouses, and employees. For full time tenured and tenure track faculty, a 100% tuition waiver is available upon hire. For term appointments, a 100% tuition waiver is available upon issuance of a second year contract. For part time faculty hired prior to 2006, a prorated tuition waiver is available based on previous credit hours taught and years of service.
Additionally full time faculty, upon eligibility for the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Tuition Waiver Plan, are also eligible for the GLCA Tuition Remission Program. For a complete summary of both plans, including eligibility requirements, information can be found at: /offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/resources/Tuition%20Waiver%20Policy.pdf
24. Travel / Corporate Credit Card Policy
A Travel Policy and Procedure for using Corporate Credit Cards have been designed to enable staff members to provide accountability of travel expenses. Guidelines are general and are not expected to cover every situation. Some College divisions/departments also have internal policies which may include per diems, travel maximums, etc. For exact information please contact your department supervisor. More general information and guidelines, can be found at hope.edu/offices/business-services/employee-resources/expense-resource-stewardship-policy.html
25. Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø "Walk to Work Program"
A stable core-city neighborhood is vital to the mission of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and to the Holland Community. The "Walk to Work Program" has been established to combat neighborhood deterioration, to improve the quality of life for members of the community, to serve as a catalyst for further efforts to improve core city neighborhoods, and to assist employees in building equity with home ownership.
The "Walk to Work Program" provides financial purchase and renovation incentives for benefit eligible Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and Creative Dining Services employees desiring to live in these targeted neighborhoods surrounding the College. Employees interested in this benefit are encouraged to visit /offices/human-resources/employee/benefits/ for specific policy details and information regarding the application and purchase process.
Appendix I. Institutional Services
1. The Library
A. Mission
The mission of the Library is to serve as a vibrant center of intellectual and cultural life at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø by assuming a significant educational role in a college community committed to excellence in learning and teaching.
b. Buildings and Collections
- Van Wylen Library: Van Wylen houses the main collection and central library services for the college. It also contains the Curriculum Materials Library, Campus Print Services and the Digital Media Lab.
- Many of the resources and services supporting the curriculum are available electronically from both on and off campus.
c. Services
Van Wylen Library offers reference, instruction, circulation of books, reserve circulation, interlibrary borrowing, and document delivery services. In addition to research assistance at Van Wylen Library’s Research Help Desk, help is available to students, faculty, and staff online and by appointment.
Van Wylen Library, in conjunction with other campus units, provides multimedia production services in the Digital Media Lab, a Hope Campus Print Services site. Services include assistance with computer software applications, audio and video editing, photocopying, scanning, poster production, and color laser printing. Van Wylen Library holds several computer labs, offers wireless internet access, and houses audio-visual playback equipment. Laptop computers are available for checkout.
Three classrooms are available to the faculty by reservation for class use. The Library Teaching Lab (LTL) can be used for library instruction and computer-related instruction in other courses. Reservations may be made with the library’s administrative assistant or through EMS (Event Management System).
The library offers several faculty study carrels each year to faculty members who use the space while on sabbatical, conducting research, writing a book or article, etc. Apply for a carrel using the library's online request form.
d. Curriculum
The library takes seriously its role as a partner in teaching students research and information literacy skills. Two courses in the curriculum are flagged as courses where students receive basic research education, First Year Seminar and Expository Writing (English 113). The librarians offer instruction for classes at all levels and in all curricular areas to help students make effective use of library resources and be prepared for graduate school or the workplace.
e. Selection of Books and Other Materials
Faculty and Librarians work collaboratively to select library materials in all formats. Faculty are encouraged to recommend materials that support their courses. If faculty would like notifications about new books published in particular areas of interest, they should contact their librarian.
f. Library Department Liaison Program
A representative from each academic department is appointed by the department to be the primary contact with the library for that department. Department representatives work closely with the librarian liaison assigned to the department to coordinate library purchases and services. The primary goals of the Library Department Liaison Program are to communicate information about library services and resources to faculty and students associated with a particular department or program; to improve student information literacy; to build and enhance library collections through acquisitions and deacquisition of print and online resources; to develop innovative projects, services and resources that contribute to student learning and support; and to communicate concerns and questions that faculty and students may have about the library.
G. Other Libraries
The Cook Library of Western Theological Seminary (WTS), adjacent to the Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø campus, is available for use by the Hope faculty. Faculty may borrow materials from the WTS Library by using their Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø ID card. Herrick District Library is also available for use, but faculty must register for a public library borrower’s card.
2. The Bookstore
The bookstore is wholly owned and operated by the college under a full-time director. Its purpose is to support the educational goals of the college by making available all books, supplies and other materials required for use in classes. In addition it strives to provide the college community with a wide selection of goods and services that enhance the educational and residential quality of the college. A portion of the store's profits are used to fund the international Geneva Scholarship Program for International Students.
- Course Materials:Textbooks and other classroom materials are ordered through the bookstore. The textbook manager informs instructors about deadlines and procedures for the ordering process.
- Copyright Clearance: Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø strictly adheres to U.S. copyright law and any course packet or reader containing copyrighted material must have written permission for its use. The bookstore offers a copyright clearance service to assist faculty in obtaining permissions.
- Custom Publishing:It is college policy to avoid the direct sale of course materials in class. Custom-published materials should be made available for sale through the bookstore. Store personnel can assist faculty in a variety of ways in the production of custom-published material and should be consulted before any such project is undertaken.
- General Reading Books: The bookstore maintains a general book section of over 3,000 titles on various subjects including current bestsellers. In addition, the staff will special order any title available in print in the U.S., as well as limited titles from England. Faculty suggestions of titles to be added are welcome.
- Other Goods and Services: In addition to books, the bookstore stocks a wide variety of merchandise including computer software, International Faculty ID Cards, office supplies, greeting cards and college imprinted items. The bookstore also sells postage stamps, cashes checks and offers a photo finishing service.
- Academic Regalia: Some official college functions require that faculty members wear academic vestments. Academic hoods, cap and gowns may be either rented or purchased through the bookstore.
- Discounts and Charge Accounts: Any faculty member with a current staff card may maintain a charge account at the bookstore subject to store policies regarding such accounts. This service is a convenience to be used only for the personal purchases of faculty members and their immediate families.
The bookstore also grants a 15% discount to faculty members on cash as well as charge sales. (Some sale and low-margin items are not discounted.) Please be ready to present your staff card to ensure getting this discount.
3. Technology Services
The following information is accurate as of the date of this publication. Contact Computing and Information Technology (CIT) for up-to-date information: x7670, cit@hope.edu, or hope.edu/cit.
The Technology Usage Policy provides additional information and guidance on resources
and their usage: /offices/computing-information-technology/policies/technology-usage.html
A variety of equipment is available to faculty for instructional support. Some equipment
is permanently installed in classrooms; some is assigned by reservation.
If a faculty member is unsure of the procedure for using requested equipment, this fact should be included with the request. CIT will make every effort to schedule staff to assist with the equipment.
A data network is provided to facilitate access to resources such as fileservers, network printing, email, course management systems, the Internet, and other online tools. Use of this network for college business is provided without charge to members of the college community. Accounts and additional information are available from CIT.
Computers for faculty offices are purchased with centralized replacement funds administered by CIT. Upgrade requests are solicited from individual faculty members by division on an annual basis. Additional computers for other purposes (research, student work, etc.) must be funded from departmental, divisional, or other funds. Regardless of the funding source, all technology purchases must be initiated through CIT.
Support is provided for computer hardware and software purchased through CIT by contacting the CIT Help Desk (x7670 or cit@hope.edu).
Each faculty member will be provided with a Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø email account. The address will be published on the college’s website and should be used for correspondence involving teaching, research, and/or professional activities. Use a separate account (through another provider) for personal communication is strongly encouraged.
The college telephone system is supported by CIT. A directory is available on the college website.
Faculty members may be assigned a unique phone number to enable the receipt of calls from on or off campus without operator intervention. Incoming calls can be screened by a departmental secretary. This service can be arranged within the faculty member's department.
Each faculty member is assigned, upon request to CIT, a unique authorization code for use in placing long distance calls for college business. Expenses incurred through the use of this code are paid from the academic department's budget. Authorization codes are personal and confidential.
Faculty with assigned duties that involve frequent or specialized need for a mobile device may be approved for an allowance to offset college use of a personal cell phone or similar equipment. Expenses are paid from the academic department's budget. More information is available by contracting CIT.
4. Campus Print and Mail Services
A. Campus Print and Mail Services
Whenever possible, faculty should utilize Campus Print and Mail Services for document printing. Materials should be submitted electronically using the online form available from the college website. Normally, a 24-hour lead time should be allowed for completion of work. Additional time may be required during certain peak periods, such as registration, the beginning of semesters, midterm or final examination periods.
b. Departmental / Building Copiers
Light duty copiers are available in departments and buildings throughout campus. These devices are more environmentally and financially expensive to operate than those at Campus Print and Mail Services and thus should only be used for low volume duplication. Use of inkjet or laser printers for creation of multiple copies is strongly discouraged.
C. Alternatives to Printing
Faculty members are strongly encouraged to consider alternatives to photocopying whenever
possible. Email attachments and posting to the College’s course management system
are among the options.
(Please be aware of Hope’s copyright regulations.)
5. Internal Information Services
a. inHope
The Office of Public Affairs and Marketing maintains a campus intranet website known as , accessible by all students, faculty and staff using their email login and password.
This website contains information intended to keep the campus community informed. inHope announcements may be submitted at .
As needed, inHope is also used to post urgent messages such as warnings of severe weather and alerts in accordance with the federal Clery Act.
b. Hope Daily
Messages of an official nature from the College, departments, or individual faculty and staff members may be distributed to all faculty/staff via email via .
c. Campus Master Calendar
A complete is posted on the college's website, and maintained by Public Affairs and Marketing. Additionally, the campus calendar of events is available on inHope. Information about submitting events to the calendar is available at or by contacting calendar@hope.edu.
6. Calendars
a. Academic (College) Calendar
The Academic (College) Calendar is prepared by the Office of Academic Records/Registrar and approved by the Administrative Affairs Board. Ordinarily, this process is completed two spring semesters in advance, so that the calendar may be distributed to students, faculty, and staff and posted on well in advance. This calendar provides the official list of the dates for vacations, registration, orientation, examination periods, and similar events.
b. Campus Master Calendar
A complete calendar of events is posted on the college's website. Several departments have responsibility for keeping it up-to-date. Calendar items may also be submitted for posting by sending an email to calendar@hope.edu.
7. Mail Services
Mail service for all academic and administrative departments is provided in campus print and mail services located on the main level of the DeWitt Center. The Campus Print and Mail services website is located at http://www.hope.edu/offices/print-mail/ and contains detailed information on the following services:
- U.S. MAIL SERVICE: incoming and outgoing mail services
- INTRACAMPUS MAIL: individual interoffice correspondence; mass mailings to all employees; mail to students living on campus
- SHIPPING/RECEIVING: The mailroom is a United Parcel Service (UPS) and FedEx service center.
- EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE: UPS, FEDEX, Express Mail ( U.S. Postal Service)
- DEPARTMENTAL POSTAGE CHARGES: All of the above mail services may be charged to an academic or administrative department having a valid account number. A valid account number must be clearly visible on the outside of the envelope or package.
- PERSONAL POSTAGE CHARGES: UPS and USPS packages may be sent out through mail services on a cash basis, or charged to your college account. Additionally, postage stamps are available for purchase in mail services.
*Hours of operation are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. Mail processing ends daily at 4:00pm.
8. Instructional Materials and Student Help
Faculty members who desire instructional materials, supplies or equipment must request
them through the departmental chairperson, since these items fall within the departmental
budget. The departmental chairpersons will requisition the needed items through Business
Services, with the exception of capital equipment items, which are requisitioned through
the Provost's Office. The chairperson is responsible for keeping such expenditures
within the approved departmental budget.
The departmental budget also covers expenditures for student help. All requests for
Student Employment budgets should be coordinated through the Human Resources Office.
Requests for student help are done via hope.edu/handshake, and must be approved by the Human Resources Office.
9. College Vehicles
A number of college-owned vehicles are available for use by faculty members while on college business. Mileage is charged at the current college rate to the departmental budget of the faculty member using the vehicle.
A faculty member may apply for use of a college vehicle and obtain regulations governing such use from the Transportation Office.
College vehicles may be operated only by Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø Faculty and staff members and others approved by the college's insurance carrier. A list of approved drivers is kept in the Transportation Office. Students may be placed on the approved list by passing an examination which can arranged through the Transportation Office.
10. Parking and Traffic Control
The Department of Campus Safety is responsible for the enforcement of the college's motor vehicle regulations as they apply to faculty, staff and students, and for the use of parking areas on campus.
Students, faculty, and staff of the college must register their motor vehicles (including motorcycles and mopeds) with the Department of Campus Safety to obtain a proper parking permit. The Department of Campus Safety annually publishes regulations governing on-campus parking and operation of motor vehicles and provides special parking permits for short-term visitors.
11. Maintenance and Repairs
Requests for repairs, small remodels, delivery and set-up assistance and any maintenance issues are made by submitting a service request to the Physical Plant through the department website. Some service requests may be referred to the Capital Request Process.
Requests for building remodel, large equipment purchases and other capital expenditures should be submitted through the Capital Request Process and follow the College’s procurement policy.
12. Reservation of Campus Facilities
These procedures should be followed when reserving campus facilities:
- All meeting rooms and facilities are reserved through the Events and Conferences Office via the online registration system (EMS) at
- The Registrar's Office schedules all classroom space for classes only.
- Approved student groups can reserve space. If a student is not associated with a student group, they must have the approval of Student Development before space can be reserved, even if they are working with a faculty member.
If your event requires catering, it may be added to a reservation up to 48 hours in
advance through EMS, or by calling the Catering Department directly.
13. Payment Requests
Requests for the payment of expenses incurred by faculty members for official College business must be submitted to and approved by the budget manager or immediate supervisor. The approver will forward the request to Business Services for payment. Requests must be submitted with valid receipts for all expenditures before payment will be authorized. Per IRS guidelines, the business purpose of the expenditure must be documented. Also, if the reimbursement is for food, hospitality, or entertainment, the number of individuals in attendance must also be documented. Payments are issued once a week, usually on Friday. Requests must be received by Business Services by noon on Tuesday in order for payment to be received on Friday of that week. Forms are available online on in.hope.edu under Resources, Services, Business Office forms.
Hope Credit Cards
Full time faculty members may be issued a College credit card with the approval of their supervisor. Faculty members agree to assume all risk associated with the credit card. A receipt should accompany each transaction made using the College-issued credit card whenever possible. Credit card expenses will be reconciled using the online software. For complete information on allowable expenses, please review the Expense and Resource Stewardship Policy.
14. Key Policy
In order to maintain the security of College-owned buildings and equipment and the safety of personal possessions in College-owned buildings, requests for keys, either original or reproduced, shall be directed to the supervisor of Campus Safety, who shall determine the need and justification for the request and respond accordingly. If the request warrants additional approvals, the Director of Campus Safety will contact the Provost, the Dean of Students, or other administrators for final decision and authorization.
Any individual who, without authorization, reproduces keys to any College building, office, room or equipment, or who has such keys in their possession shall be subject to disciplinary action by the College.
Upon leaving the employment of the College (either voluntary or involuntary), employees
are required to turn in all keys issued to them. If the employee signing for does
not have in their possession the key(s) listed, the employee's department may be charged
a fee of $10 dollars per office key and $100 dollars per master key to help offset
the cost of reissuing and rekeying college property and/or facilities. Keys are required
to be turned in to the Human Resources Department during the exit interview
Key Request Website
15. Student Records
The Registrar's Office stores and maintains files containing academic records and application and advising materials of students and alumni. The information in these files is available to faculty members when needed in the discharge of their responsibilities. With the exception of public or directory information, this information is released to others only with the authorization of the student.
Medical and psychological records are confidential and are not available to faculty members.
The Career Services Office maintains student portfolios containing letters of recommendation from faculty. Students may or may not waive their right of access to these letters. Faculty members who write such letters should be aware of the student's decision.
A detailed "Statement of Policy re Student Records" is published by and available from the Registrar's Office and is available on inHope under the Registrar’s Home Page.
16. Health Services
The purpose of Health Services is to assist students in attaining positive wellness behaviors and to provide health assessments, diagnosis, and treatment of acute medical problems. Services are available Monday through Friday. After-hours and weekend emergencies are handled through calling a local "Physicians' Exchange." Medical doctors, physician assistants, and registered nurses staff the health center.
Faculty members may not use the services of the health clinic.
17. Counseling and Psychological Services
The Counseling Center's primary task is to support the mission of the College through the following strategies:
- Developing a student's ability succeed in college while coping with a mental illness; achieve academic and personal goals; develop interpersonal skills; and resolve conflicts, losses, traumas, and other concerns that interfere with academic and personal performance and understanding.
- Developing and supporting student community life through providing in-service education and consultative relationships to residential life staff.
- Working closely with faculty and staff to provide intervention and support for any student at risk.
- Promoting healthy behavioral choices and relationships, as well as fostering responsible involvement in student community life through peer education and counseling activities.
- Providing crisis intervention and debriefing services on campus, individual and group counseling, and outside referral.
- Coordinating preventive health and educational efforts with other departments, faculty, and staff.
18. Boerigter Center for Calling and Career
While the principle focus of the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career staff and operations is to serve students and alumni, Boerigter Center staff are available to meet with faculty members to discuss résumé/vita revision and development, interview preparation and practice and career change issues.
The following resources may also by used by faculty: personality and career interest assessment (Strong-Interest Inventory, Strength Finder, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), books, directories / files on hundreds of various occupational areas, Peterson's Guide to Graduate Study, résumé preparation, interview preparation and practice, and using the LinkedIn and networking in the job search process.
19. Academic Success Center
- The Academic Success Center (ASC) exists to provide all Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø students access to a variety of academic
skill-development opportunities to assist them in their pursuit of academic excellence.
ASC services are free of charge and accommodate various learning preferences and schedules.
Services include:
- Individual and Small Group Tutoring
- Group Help Sessions
- Mathematics Lab
- Peer Partnership Learning (e.g. Supplemental Instruction)
- Study Strategies Assistance
- Academic Coaching
- Workshops/Presentations
- Academic Advising
- The ASC is also home to Disability Services. The Disability Services (DS) staff facilitates equal access to programs and opportunities
both inside and outside the classroom. DS staff members work closely in consultation
with faculty and staff to ensure that reasonable accommodations are provided for students
with documented learning, physical and psychological disabilities, both temporary
and permanent. The staff supports students in developing self-advocacy skills and
in promoting awareness on campus. Services include:
- Consultation/collaboration with faculty
- Identification and referral to campus and community disability resources
- Evaluation and approval of academic accommodations
- Review and approval of disability related housing requests
- Test proctoring services
- Note taking services
- Academic coaching
- Academic Advising
The ASC works closely with the faculty and staff to support all students. While students use the ASC voluntarily, some students may be referred.
20. Community Outreach
Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø sponsors, maintains and staffs a number of educational programs for children of the community. These constitute a significant service to the Holland community and serve to enhance the College’s reputation in the community, as well as the community’s acceptance of and support for the College. The following are the most significant of these programs and also those of longest standing:
CASA, founded in 1987, serves at-risk children who are struggling in school. Through collaboration with the College, local schools, community members and organizations, disadvantaged at-risk children (grades 2 – 5) are provided the tools they need to become successful students and leaders. CASA offers one-on-one tutoring during the academic year and individualized academic instruction and cultural enrichment in small classroom settings during the summer.
PATH, the Program for Academically Talented at Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø, began in 1986 as a cooperative project of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and the Ottawa Area Intermediate School District. Today it serves over 150 academically talented seventh, eighth and ninth grade students from Ottawa, Kent, Muskegon and Van Buren counties. PATH offers fast-paced accelerated instruction in language arts, mathematics and sciences and is funded through tuition provided by local districts and/or participating students, with Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø providing in-kind support.
Upward Bound is a pre-college program designed to help low-income and first generation students develop the motivation and skills needed to successfully graduate from high school and enter a postsecondary institution. Seventy-five students in grades 9-12 from three area target schools receive academic and college readiness assistance, personal and academic advising, and participate in career exploration and cultural activities throughout the academic year and a six- week summer residential component.
ExploreHope is an academic outreach program for K-12 students and families that hosts summer science and engineering camps, Saturday outreach days and teacher training programs. Programs, many of which are sponsored in partnership with Hope departments and student organizations, help expose younger students to the college setting and career possibilities. ExploreHope programs employ Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø science, engineering and education students as staff to provide them engaging and enriching pre-professional learning opportunities.
21. The Frost Research Center
Frost Center for Data and Research supports Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and community partners through a variety of research activities, including management and reporting of institutional data, support for Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø projects, and the assessment of student learning. Frost Center provides methodological and technical support to a wide constituency of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and community partners, and actively involves student researchers.
Frost Center for Data and Research considers data an important institutional asset of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø that should be used to support informed conversations and decisions among staff, faculty, administrators, students, and the Board of Trustees.
Frost Center also focuses on community-based partnerships with non-profit, for-profit, and governmental organizations to conduct research and evaluation projects with mutual benefit to Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and the community partner.
The Frost Center for Data and Research is named after Dr. Carl Frost, a pioneer in the theory and practice of participatory management. A Professor Emeritus at Michigan State University, Dr. Frost is recognized for his expertise in the field of organizational development. For more information about Frost Center, please visit the website or contact Frost Center staff.
22. The Archives and Special Collections
A. Mission and Services
The Archives and Special Collections maintains the archival collections of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and Western Theological Seminary. Its purpose is to collect, care for, promote, and make available the unique historical resources in its care and to serve as a history research center for students, faculty, and the general public.
the Archives offers a variety of services:
- Curriculum support. the Archives develops structured research experiences for students, support for instruction, and specific class sessions on topics that relate to archival resources.
- Reference Services. the Archives provides reference services to faculty, students, and visiting scholars, assisting them in locating historical materials and working with primary sources.
- Copy of Record. the Archives serves as the official repository of all Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø "copies of record." This includes the minutes of all campus boards and committees, the minutes of the Board of Trustees, departmental records and all campus publications.
- Departmental Records. the Archives works with departments and administrative offices to help them preserve historically significant materials.
- Papers of Retired Faculty. the Archives collects the professional papers of Hope faculty. Such papers help explain how particular disciplines were taught in the past, illustrate the activities of Hope and its faculty in years past, and provide a corporate memory for the college.
- Papers of Alumni. the Archives collects papers of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø alumni which will enhance its collections.
- Public Outreach. Because a significant number of patrons are from the Holland area, the Archives serves as a significant link between Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and the local community. In addition, the Archives publishes a quarterly newsletter and other occasional publications.
- Educational Programming. the Archives sponsors lectures, workshops, and other events to build awareness of local/regional history, Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø history, Dutch immigration, and archival issues. The Archives maintains relationships with local historical organizations and sponsors occasional programs on topics related to college and local history.
- Photographic Services. the Archives can help illustrate publications, course materials, etc. by drawing on both the 150,000 images and the other printed materials in its collection.
b. Policy for Submission of Minutes to the Archives
the Archives is charged with collecting materials which document the history of Hope College. The deliberations and actions of campus boards and committees are an important part of that history. The Minutes & Agendas site () is where the official "copy of record" of all proceedings of college boards, committees and organizations are housed for both current and future reference.
It is important that the Archives receives the final and most accurate copy of those minutes so that it can maintain them as a true historical record of boards and committee actions and make them available now and in the future. With this in mind the Administrative Affairs Board has adopted the following policy for submission of minutes to the Archives.
Boards and Standing Committees:
Secretaries of Boards and Committee should prepare draft minutes immediately after
a meeting and circulate these minutes to all Board/Committee members together with
a request that additions, corrections, etc. be returned within a week.
In light of what is reported to them, secretaries should revise the draft minutes,
and then present the corrected minutes to all Board/Committee members for final approval
by vote as a regular part of their meeting agendas. Final minutes must then be submitted
via the online submission form (https://in.hope.edu/minutes/submit/).
All fields must be completed accurately and submissions will be regarded as the final
approved copy. the Archives will post these minutes to inHope and the Minutes & Agendas
blog, as well as print a copy for the board or committee file.
Adopted by Administrative Affairs Board, 04/14/1998; latest revision 08/25/2014.
23. Dow Center
The Dow Center is open to faculty and their dependents. The faculty identification card gives faculty access and additional key fobs for dependents can be obtained at the Dow office. Children over the age of 12 are eligible for their own key fob, while younger children must be accompanied with the parent faculty member or spouse and will be admitted upon swiping the parent’s Hope ID card or key fob. Key fobs or faculty identification cards must be shown at the door to gain admittance. A variety of activities are available including weight lifting, swimming and diving, running, basketball, cardio equipment, volleyball, walleyball, racquetball, etc.
Dewitt Tennis Center
All faculty and their dependents have an automatic membership in the DeWitt Tennis Center. The center features six indoor tennis courts in a beautiful and functional building which was completed in 1994. A brochure outlining the open hours of the facility may be obtained at the tennis center. Court costs are also outlined in the brochure; however, court fees for all faculty and dependents are 1/2 price. Permanent court times are available, as are walk-in or random times.
24. Walk to Work Program
A stable core-city neighborhood is vital to the mission of Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and to the Holland Community. The "Walk to Work Program" has been established to combat neighborhood deterioration, to improve the quality of life for members of the community, to serve as a catalyst for further efforts to improve core city neighborhoods, and to assist employees in building equity with home ownership.
The "Walk to Work Program" provides financial purchase and renovation incentives for
benefit eligible Â鶹´«Ã½¹ÙÍø and Creative Dining Services employees desiring to live
in these targeted neighborhoods surrounding the College.
Walk to Work program website
workP. 616.395.7811